Since Friday, Israeli attacks along the Gaza border have killed at least five Palestinians and wounded scores of others. The slain included two teenagers, one a 12-year-old and the other a 17-year-old, who were shot at Friday’s protests near the border.

Friday has been seeing protests weekly at the border for months, with Israeli forces having killed 155 protesters since the end of March, when the demonstrations began. The Israeli military claimed their troops came under attack this week before firing on the protesters, though they added there were no Israeli casualties.
In addition to the two teenagers, a 42-year-old protester was also killed Friday. On Sunday, Israel carried out an airstrike in northern Gaza, killing two more Palestinians. Israel claimed the two were terrorists who were trying to either launch a missile into Israel, or had planned to fly a flaming kite.
Violent Israeli crackdowns on Friday protests lead to heavily attended funerals and growing resentment. This in turn fuels Israeli military suspicion that the Gazans will attack them, which leads to more Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Anger grows particularly when the slain at the Friday protests include obvious civilians. The shooting of a 12-year-old boy in the head by an Israeli sniper was a particularly egregious case, with UN officials saying the killing was “shocking.” Israel said the 12-year-old refugee had been approaching the fence. Those protesters near the fence tend to be targeted with live rounds by Israeli snipers, even children.
As Israel kills Palestinians, the growing anger eventually fuels attacks into southern Israel. In recent months, this has tended to be flaming kites and balloons, which have set fires and done some minimal property damage. This fuels more Israeli attacks to “stop the kites.”
This cycle tends to continue until Egypt or some other nation is able to negotiate a ceasefire. In recent weeks, these ceasefires tend to only go so far as the following Friday, when Israeli snipers are again at the ready to shoot protesters and start the process all over again.
One has to wonder, as these Palestinian protestors pose no threat, are these sacrificial slayings ?
Unarmed people can kill. Children can kill.
Kerala man beaten to death by lynch mob |
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Mentally unstable man beaten to death in Thane – YouTube
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Tribal man beaten to death for allegedly stealing food, people click … – Man Beaten to Death by Mob for Raping a 7 Year Old
Guttenberg Man Beaten To Death By Mob Of Teens | 1010 WINS
So they are a threat, but they’re also human sacrifice.
“Using child soldiers is illegal under international law, and human rights groups have condemned Hamas for its widespread use of child recruits. Young participants ranged in age from 15-20 years old, according to reports, but some appeared younger still.”
Don’t you hasbara get any new material to post? You’ve done this one to death. Any links showing armed, armored soldiers getting killed by unarmed 12 year old children on the other side of a “border” fence?
Johnson is on a mission. Or maybe he’s just spastic.
Actually, Johnson’s delusional, as are all hasbara trolls.
Any Israeli soldier who lets his position get overrun would be court-martialed and shot immediately – if the enemy mob didn’t kill him first.
Right, and that 12 year old kid was just about to lead a mob of other 12 year olds through the “border” fence to overrun the IDF. And it’s good to know that Israel treats their murderous thug IDF goons the same way they treat the “cockroaches”.
Exactly. The Israeli soldiers all know that if their position gets overrun, they will be all killed by a mob who may be fighting with their bare hands and teeth, and perhaps knives. The Palestinian “protestors” may not be carrying weapons, but they do outnumber the Israelis greatly – probably by more than 100:1 on the front lines. A rifle does you no good against an angry mob, unless you use it at range.
Imagine yourself a guard in an Israeli position with at most a dozen fellow troops. You are guarding that border spot against an angry mob of perhaps 50,000 people on the other of a flimsy chain link fence backed up with some concertina wire. I know if I were there, my trigger finger would be awfully itchy.
I just looked up self defense in Webster’s dictionary and sure enough it said: “A heavily armed and heavily armored IDF sniper shooting an unarmed 12 year old child in the head for approaching ‘border’ fence.” Who knew?
I do believe that’s from Orwell’s dictionary 🙂
Anyone approaching the fence is shot. Surely the Palestinians know that by now. They have plenty of children, and don’t mind using them as cannon fodder for nice propaganda to be posted by sympathizers on friendly Western blogs like this one.
I know, how foolish of the Palestinians for obliging the murderous thug jail keepers.
Why do the Islamic terrorists put 12 year olds in their front lines .?
Why do sick f**kers put bullets in their heads?
Probably for the same reason that the Israelis didn’t evacuate non-combatant women children from frontier kibbutzes during wars — so the male kibbutzim would fight harder.
War is a coldly rational business.
The death of children makes for nice propaganda to enrage Western sympathizers who might actually send them cash for their “struggle”. They have plenty of children (excess even), and don’t mind sacrificing a few here and there for the cause.
That’s a great Bibi question.
F*** you !!!
Because they are Islamic Terrorists. Their overpopulated squalid territory is filled with people who have one purpose in life – cannon fodder.
Why did the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto keep dying…?????
Fuck Israel and our Zionist president.
Why doesn’t Israel use lasers to stop those damm kites and balloons? Such light objects should be easy for high powered lasers to shoot down.