Citing the need for revenge after eight hostages were found executed by ISIS north of Baghdad, Iraqi PM Hayder Abadi called for the immediate execution of all convicted terrorists in Iraqi custody. This is believed to be 212 detainees.

While Abadi initially said this was important to avenge the eight hostages, he also presented it as “fair punishment” for the detainees, and would be a further completion of the “purge” against ISIS-linked forces in Iraq.
212 to be executed assumes only those already sentenced to death will be killed. According to Human Rights Watch, those sentenced to death include people accused of cooking for ISIS forces, and those who worked in hospitals in ISIS-run territory.
Iraq has hung at least 250 detainees since 2014, and has been fast-tracking them in recent months. Iraq has been under growing criticism for its court system’s handling of “terror” suspects, with rights groups saying they fail at even the most basic due process.
Hey, if you can’t get to those who are doing really bad things, just hang those who made them dinner. If we call those who kill people indiscriminately terrorists, I guess that means terrorists run the Iraqi govt we helped put in place.
These supporting roles are crucial to the overall success of organization.
Its like saying that a tank mechanic only fixes the tank, should not be placed in the same category as the guy who fires the gun.
These guys bought the ticket and now they are taking the ride.
Follow that reasoning to its logical conclusion and there are no civilians. It means I have committed war crimes by paying taxes to the US government. It means 9/11 was not an atrocity, everyone who died was a legitimate target. But none of those things are true; There is a discernible and important difference between tolerating a tiny bit of complicity in the violent crimes of the state, and being the guy who fires the gun.
You are indeed complicit. It’s your tax dollars that pays for the actions commuted by the government you elected.
How many times has a population suffered because they did not choose “regime change?”
Iraq? Libya? Syria?
What makes you special to consider your hands clean?
Why do you hold yourself to a different standard to the people who have suffered for your governments interests?
According to the unwritten law, doctors are obligated to treat even the teorrists.
Some of the Daesh’s cooks may have just wanted to live or keep the kin and the kith alive; so, they stayed put.
But, Abadi knows each one of the prisoners to be executed; so, defer to him.
Indeed. Hippocratic Oath.
The execution of such a doctor is murder.
The death penalty is always wrong.
Time to rid the world of ISIS.
No kidding!
USA = Israel = ISIS = EU
Putin = Netanyahu = Trump = Merkel
Putin is a jewboy and Trump is their toy:
And YOU? You are as fake as the money in your pocket.
You ARE the problem. You don’t have a problem. Proof? You keep voting for the same governments even though you know they are evil = YOU are evil.