While the investigation into the killing of 21-year-old Palestinian nurse Razan Najjar by Israeli troops last week continues, the military has already offered a brief preliminary statement Tuesday, saying that no shots were “deliberately or directly aimed towards her.”

Yet the 21-year-old volunteer medic was shot in the back while trying to reach wounded protesters. Her death fueled a lot of anger, and Israel’s suggestion it was unintentional rings hollow, since Israeli snipers have got no less than 29 medics during the protests.
The Israeli investigation is expected to continue for quite some time, and officials say only a “small number of bullets” were fired at the time Najjar was killed. Israel has shot literally several thousand Palestinian protesters over the past couple of months, so shooting unarmed protesters is not an unusual thing for them.
Shooting medics is a bit more embarrassing, particularly a photogenic medic like Najjar who was in a lot of media coverage of paramedics risking their lives to treat wounded protesters. It’s absolutely vital for Israel to say the killing was unintentional, but convincing anyone of that is going to be tricky.
How can you tell if a Zionist is lying to you? It’s very easy: his lips are moving.
Not only did the sniper shot to kill; he was aiming at the Aesculapius sign inscribed in a circle in the back of Razan’s white uniform. Zionist sharpshooters enjoy this kind of sick games, like putting a rubber-coated bullet in the eye of a Palestinian child.
This is modus operandi for the so called “IDF”.
It was not intentional…. Does that mean Israeli soldiers do not even aim before shooting?
What, to win they were aiming at a child in her arms and missed?
So help me out here: What again is the difference is between anti-Nazism and anti-Semitism?
If “anti-Nazism” means being anti-German, you would have a point. Do you hate all Germans?
What fraction of all Germans supported Nazism? vs What fraction of all Jews support Zionism?
This is likely a tough one for you Thomas, since the answer I’ve given unavoidably follows from the question.
It’s not a tough one at all.
If your question or your answer had violated the site’s guidelines, I would have hit the delete button (or, for other specific circumstances, the ban button).
Since they didn’t violate the guidelines, I didn’t hit the delete (or ban) button.
It’s not every often that there’s a tough judgment call to make, and this isn’t one of those times. Frankly, the work as such is fairly easy. The effort factor is mostly the time that has to be spent visiting the site multiple times daily and reading every comment. But I have to do that whether there end up being any comments to delete, users to ban, etc. or not.
Which is why I comment so much myself personally — I’m here anyway, and I’m reading anyway, might as well participate.
Nazism is held to be evil because it was characterized by acts of evil. Thus anti-Nazism is justified as opposition to evil, and those Germans who were members of the Nazi party and those Germans who supported the Nazi effort are rightly to be held responsible for the evil which defines Nazism. Only Germans of that time of course.
What fraction of the Germans of that time were supporters of Nazism?
Today, in the present time, the evil of Zionism is on display. What fraction of the world Jewish community supports Zionism? How large does that fraction have to be before culpability for that evil — and the sweeping condemnation that compels — must fall on the heads of the tribe as a whole?
Here’s the logic: The overwhelming majority of Jews support Israel. Israel is the embodiment of Zionism, therefore the vast majority of Jews knowingly support Zionism. By the evidence of your own eyes, Zionism perpetrates ongoing serial acts of evil, It follows therefore that the vast majority of Jews knowingly support ongoing serial acts of evil. Brazenly and without restraint, knowingly support ongoing serial acts of evil. If just behavior requires that one be anti-evil, is it not then just behavior to be anti-S******?
Sorry, Thomas. They asked. This was the least offensive, yet still truthful answer I could give.
Moderate away. I won’t even cross post for back-up to my blog: whimsical dog (no caps).
The “vast majority”of Jews do not support Israel. It’s about 60-40 and dropping. And those who oppose, like Jewish Voice for Peace, are fighting hard for Palestine. The rich and powerful ones do support Israel, though, and they claim to speak for all Jews. Why it’s important to you to lump all Jews into a group is a mystery, though. How does it help the cause of Palestinians or of peace?.
Nothing would please me more than to find out that your 60-40 is accurate. But I don’t believe it is so.
You write “Why it’s important to you to lump all Jews into a group is a mystery, though. ”
If your 60-40 were true — if your 60-40 ***is*** true — then I am wrong to do so. Then I would gladly separate them into the Jews who are criminally complicit by supporting criminal Zionism, and those who have returned to the traditional Jewish value of support for justice, and are trying to correct “the Zionist problem”. But what I see is a sort of “good cop bad cop” behavior. A weak and ineffective lamenting by those “liberal” Jews who “regret” that the Palestinians can’t accept their fate — that the Palestinians won’t go quietly.
What is the difference between a question intended to educate, and one intended to enflame and obfuscate?
A question can educate, and from the truth revealed, unavoidably enflame.
I am trying to expose a truth — the truth of broad tribal complicity — that you and others have been helping to keep concealed. So who is trying to “obfuscate” here?
render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
synonyms: obscure, confuse, make unclear, blur, muddle, complicate, overcomplicate, muddy, cloud, befog
“mere rationalizations to obfuscate rather than clarify the real issue”
bewilder (someone).
“it is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them”
synonyms: bewilder, mystify, puzzle, perplex, confuse, baffle, confound, bemuse, befuddle, nonplus; informal flummox
And of course, I’m an American and a member of the tribe.
Anti-Semitism means hatred of Jews.
Anti-Nazism means hatred of people who hate Jews.
Make that coffee strong this morning, cause it’s gonna be a busy day of moderation for you today, Thomas.
I was waiting for them to say Hamas has shot her in the back while she was facing the border fence. Perhaps that’s what their investigation will find.
It’s the boy who cried wolf.
Palestinians have used medical personnel & ambulances for terrorism. As a result, Israel would be putting itself in danger if it assumed that a Palestinian dressed as a medic really is a medic.
A 21 year old Palestinian woman medic on the other side of the “border” fence with her back to the IDF has to die because Palestinians have used medical personnel and ambulances for terrorism in the past. In other words, damn near anybody is fair game for the IDF to use lethal force.
General Charlie Manson is working for IDF .
They didn’t deliberately shoot the medic, but they did deliberately shoot a Palestinian.
That’s like saying I shot the Sheriff but I didn’t shoot the Deputy.