A 21-year-old Palestinian woman, Razan al-Najjar, was shot and killed by Israeli snipers Friday during weekly protests at the Gaza border. Najjar is a paramedic who was treating wounded protesters at the time the snipers shot her.

Najjar was the lone death reported on Friday, with in excess of 100 protesters wounded. At least 40 of those protesters were wounded by live fire from Israeli troops. While protest crackdowns are usually heavily covered in the Israeli press, today’s incident was only sparsely covered.
This is likely because while Israeli media generally focuses on lionizing the killings as part of a fight against “terror,” the death of a paramedic shot by snipers is particularly embarrassing. So far, the Israeli government hasn’t offered any statement on the killing, but the army said they were “looking into” that matter.
Najjar had been a volunteer paramedic for some time, and there were a number of photographs of her treating wounded Gazans circulating around. This makes her a much higher profile victim of Israeli violence than most, and will likely add to regional anger about Israel’s actions in Gaza.
This could be a “game changer” that sane people have been hoping for. IDF mad power trip must end.
The game changed may be for the worse, as the Israelis excuse even this, and rally behind murder of Palestinians. It is coming. It is really ugly, and getting worse.
1260 dead and 13,000 wounded is enough to be shocked about. But what really worries me is the responses. The US has shown complete callousness. The MSM has completely exposed itself as complicit in the horror. Europe gave its’ usual tepid response. Egypt opened the border for a few days. Israel shows no remorse or sympathy whatsoever. Even the Arab-brothers failed to show much support for Gaza.
They shoot care givers because they are hard to replace, it is not some sort of mistake on the part of the snipers who murder civilians every day.
The head of the idf is on record that they knew the details of every last bullet. It is clear what they are doing. What I do not understand is why they are doing it. Otherwise smart people have suddenly decided they do not care. Israel has a huge black eye over the blockade and the murders of so many. I am not sure what they hope to achieve but they have destroyed Nikki Haley. She has pandered so much as to look like a total clown at the UN. Lets hope we can eliminate the massive support from our elected officials and stop sending the massive amount of money. It is clear Israel does not need our money. They have too big of a military and they clearly can go on their own path leaving our kids out of it.
I wish Iran or Turkey or both would bomb israel into dust. And I hate feeling that way. But they make me.
Guns and knives in the streets as millions invade, it will be a true barbaric slaughterhouse of the kind not seen in many centuries.
“Nothing to see here, just move on” is the sickening response of haley and the msm.
Snipers are always a nice touch when doing “crowd control.” (sarc)
IDF continues to “enjoy” complete immunity-agree with other comments, it is getting worse.
Nauseating just does not quite get it when discussing these sick psychopaths in the us and israel responsible for this mass murder.
This premeditated murder along with all Palestinian deaths are a right of passage for the cowardly and morally dead IDF. One cannot but hope that these utter fiends get a blowback that damages them permanently . Go BDS!
Risking her life to save others. She is a hero. Period. I guess Israel needs to kill off people like her because she represents good and not the evil Palestinian narrative it likes to push.
At this rate that they are going, what is stopping them from turning on the ovens and the gas showers?
The Zionists in occupied Palestine need to face the same fate as their spiritual forefathers, the Nazis at Nuremberg, give the land back to it’s original Palestinian owners, and let the area revert to pre-1948 state – minus the Zionist cancer.
One must hope that the IDF get a beatdown so severe that maybe they will think about what repercussions mean as a word. Israel has been since 1947 a nation built around arrogance, and thinking it has unlimited power to do anything it wants. Those days are coming to an end, and hopefully soon. Go BDS!!!!