US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has vowed to “unquestionably veto” a UN draft resolution calling for an international mission to protect Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. There is speculation the resolution, sponsored by Kuwait, could be up for vote Friday.

In the past two months, Israel has violently cracked down on public protests by Palestinians along the Gaza border, killing at least 122 and wounding over 13,000 others. The US already blocked an initial effort calling for a UN force in Gaza.
This watered-down version calls on UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres to consider possible measures to guarantee the safety and protection of Palestinian civilians. Haley says the resolution is a threat to the peace process.
Haley further said the resolution was “morally bankrupt” and “grossly one-sided” in only criticizing the Israelis for killing so many protesters and not condemning the “provocative” protests themselves.
The US had already offered a competing resolution insisting all the people Israel killed were the fault of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. This resolution was blocked by Kuwait, and is unlikely to ever get enough support to come to a vote.
Don’t we always veto anything criticizing Israel.
No sometime bibi does it himself. His pet poodle Nikki sometimes is out and he wants it vetoed immediately. It is a huge mistake to be looked like you are owned by the nation you try to complain needs to be protected. The world can see and they can see no other nation shots people across their borders and kill people doing nothing that endangers the person with the long range rifles.
Kuwait-proposed-solution, according to Haley, a threat to war [peace?????] and continued genocide by Israel [and also approved by a lot of Christians, US….] of the descendants of the ancient Canaanites [i suggest, as i cannot prove it] that may have settled Canaan as long as 15k-100k years ago.
Even Saudi present royals prefer the US/Israeli ‘solution’. But, how about their abject subjects??
When Haley said it was “grossly one-sided” she must have been talking about casualties from both sides. Haley shouldn’t be considering running for president of the US, she should consider running for PM of Israel when Bibi is put behind bars since she seems to put their interests above ours. Samantha Bee should have dropped the “C” word on her instead of the princess.
Nikki is done in any office. She proved unable to even look professional. How can the USA be so stupid as to have people walk out as the only action they approve. UN might as well just close down. It is totally useles.
Who does Haley represent? The US or Israel? She’s all over the place lately with pictures of her standing in front of only the Israeli flag.
There needs to be a conflict of interest mechanism and framework within the UNSC. The obvious COI’s should exclude the U.S. from any votes concerning Israel or Palestine.
I’ll say this, Haley does NOT represent the US, she represents Zionist Israel; since she represents the Zionist Entity and not the US, revoke her US citizenship and immediately send her over to Israel; then replace her with an America 1st individual who’ll truly represent the US at the UN Security Council. I, and lots of citizens like me, despise this banshee, and want her not just out of the UNSC, but out of the US altogether; the sooner, the better.
Nikki is clearly Israel puppet. She yelled a short time ago what kind of people use gas and now she yells Israel has a right to defend themselves when they gas palestinians. One has to understand Gaza has been attacked and abused by Israel since 1957. I am sure if massive natural gas fields did not exist off shore they would not care one bit about Gaza. If Israel wants Gaza why have they not made the people of Gaza citizens of Israel. Leave or make them citizens.
I understand that Haley has irrefutable proof that Iran was responsible for sinking the Titanic.