South Korean President Moon Jae-in has expressed serious disappointment in President Trump’s decision to cancel the June 12 summit with North Korea. South Korea went to considerable lengths to facilitate the summit, and was surprised by the cancellation.

Moon says he believes the current level of US-North Korea dialogue is insufficient to accomplish anything. He said that Trump and Kim absolutely must meet in direct communications to make any new progress.
Analysts see the matter as more serious for US-South Korea relations, viewing Trump’s abrupt cancellation as a sign of “diplomatic disrespect” toward Moon, who had been repeatedly consulted about the talks.
North Korea responded to Trump’s cancellation with similar disappointment, but said they’d give the US time to change their mind. That may be happening, as just one day after the cancellation, Trump is already saying it’s possible the talks could still take place.
Translation: Moon called Tr.ump and said WTF!?
I am disappointed also. And not because Moon, Trump, and Kim are saddened, shocked, or surprised but because i think when i think about Trump in terms of maybe, maybe nots; possible possibilities; many coulds, shoulds, and the like.
To be short, with this type of thinking, i can never be in the wrong no matter when the talks begin between US and N.Korea and when and how they end.
Is this also how Trump, Bolton, Mattis, and Pompeo think?
Nope, they are not just disappointed. They have come to the realization that Trump and his Neocon (Zionist) handlers have no interest whatsoever in peace. There will be hugs and kisses between Moon and Kim. They will work out a deal because neither of them wants “fire and fury” to descend on them.