While President Trump’s reaction to “hiccups” in diplomacy ahead of the North Korea summit is to threaten Kim, South Korean officials say they see the real problem as John Bolton. MP Chung Dong-young referred to Bolton as one of “several land mines” that are in the way of the summit.

South Korea’s current pro-diplomacy government has a lot of familiar faces to their last such government, which was in power when Bolton was a hawkish ambassador. South Korean analysts saw Bolton’s hawkish stance on North Korea before as a problem, and say he hasn’t changed.
When Bolton’s talk of the “Libya model” in North Korea immediately provoked fury from the North Korean government, US officials didn’t seem to understand why. South Korean officials say the “Libya model” was an obvious red light to North Korea.
Indeed, it’s a blunder to the point where officials suggest that Bolton is deliberately interfering in the peace process, and trying to botch it in doing so. The North Korean government has also been deeply critical of Bolton, which appears to be a topic of agreement between them.
Bolton is a war-mongering hack who wants nothing more than to get a lot of people killed. I would gladly send him to North Korea for a few years of re-education in one of their lovely camps.
So would I, John, Bonkers Bolton’s nothing more than a warmongering chicken-hawk who wants nothing more than to get lots of people killed. I, too, would gladly send him to N. Korea for a few years of re-education in one of their fantastic camps. If he were released when the re-education was completed, Bonkers Bolton would never be the same again, he’d be terrified of his own shadow.
Outside of a couple of Middle Eastern countries, the entire world sees John Bolton as “an obstacle” .
Obstacle, *sshole, tomato, tomato….
As I understand it, Sheldon Adelson, Larry Ellision, Paul Singer, and the Ziofacist kingmakers that put Mango Mussolini into office insisted upon Bolton being a part of the “administration”. Israel has fully penetrated the White House. Netanyahu knows more about what’s going on in Washington than Trump does.
“Mango Mussolini” That was funny. And true.
My cat knows more about what’s going on in Washington than Trump does. That’s probably what Bibi was looking for.
Bolton is kinda very lucky he’s living in the age when sensational murder attempts used to be still fashionable. He would have been one of the most obvious targets. Our bad luck, of course, but I suppose we should be happy we’re living in more law-abiding times when it comes to public order at home.
Jeez, law-abiding times??? Not sure where you are getting your news but I would say it is severely filtered.
Take a look at: clinton kill lists, seth rich, michael hastings, several hits related to corruption investigations inDC
Look at the context: more law–abiding times with regard to murder attempts on powerful criminal politicians. And in general public order domestically speaking: not a lot of popular protest these days. Any dissenter is punished under Obamatrump as if heshe were a Palestinian in Zioland. That is a real difference, friends.
It is a deep mystery, to me; what about and for what Trump and Kim Jong-un will meet talk.
But, nevertheless the depth of mystery and mis-story, i still have some questions about what at least Kim wants.
Promises? Yes!! Signatures? Yes, of course! And if not, why not? But how about US lifting the sanctions on NK? Will Kim be scared to ask Trump to do that?
And only thereafter, delve deeper into that a very deep mystery? But Trump loves mis-stories and mysteries; so, we expect he’d do a lot of them when he sees Kim.
But what happens if Kim speaks better or a lot better political English than Trump? Trump will then talk from a pre-prepared script or even from the Bible?
They are wrong. Whereas Bolton is a problem, the major problem is Trump who has the power to reign in John-Blabbermouth but does not use his power.
This is drifting into the direction of a major f-up. By the time when Bolton was appointed there should have been a complete understanding of what to say and what not to say publicly about the US-NK summit and everyone of the national security team should have signed off on that understanding.
This is not even amateur diplomacy. It is moron-diplomacy.
Everyone sees Bonkers Bolton as an obstacle and he represents the exact opposite of “peace” candidate Donald Trump.
True, Schmizer, Bonkers Bolton’s an obstacle, and he represents the exact opposite of “peace” candidate Donald Trump. Songbird McCain was never stupid enough to hire Bolton, fortunately, Mad Dog never had the chance, but Moron Trump did hire the lunatic.
Bonkers would have fit in a McCainiac Administration.
One article about Pompeo and Iran and one about Bonkers and Korea. Sound picks by the Donald. Still waiting for the drainage to start or are these more of those picks that are just trying to please Trump’s critics and he’s on the verge of surrounding himself with anti-war types? MAGA
It’s more like MIGA, Make Israel Greater Again.
Remember, Bolton was a signatory to the PNAC document: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” That statement predicted 9/11. It’s more than apt now in Korea.
If exceptional America keeps up the bully tactics there won’t be any
Cheeto Mugabe-Kim summit
Anyone with even a tiny brainstem could see Bolton is more than a problem. Trump, like Obama, has made a lot of poor choices in advisors, but he really had to dig hard to find anyone as bad as Bolton.