On Friday evening, President Trump announced that he has ordered the US military to attack Syria’s government. Defense Secretary James Mattis reported Friday night that the US attack on Syria was “a one-time shot,” at least for now, and that as of 10:10 EST, the US attacks were over. He did, however, not rule out additional US attacks, saying it was “up to Mr. Assad.”

British Prime Minister Theresa May offered a similar statement shortly thereafter, saying the attacks would continue to degrade Syria. French President Emmanuel Macron promised to consult parliament, though apparently not until after he attack.
Trump indicated the attacks primarily against Syria, and Mattis insisted the strikes exclusively targeted Syria’s government, not either Iran or Russia. During the Pentagon briefing, it was revealed that three facilities had been targeted, all related to Syrian chemical storing, and scientific research facilities. The attacks were around Homs, and Damascus.
Mattis said roughly “double” the number of strikes were carried out compared to the 2017 US attack on Syria. Dunford said that the strikes had destroyed “important infrastructure” as well as “years of research” on chemistry.
Though naval involvement isn’t entirely clear at this point, the US has sent its biggest naval armada to the area since the Iraq invasion. British and French warships were also deployed recently.
The statement comes two days after President Trump, mocking Russia for saying they would intercept US missiles attacking Syria, told them to “get ready.” Trump’s Friday comments suggested this may be a sustained attack, saying America’s “righteous power” would establish a deterrent to chemical attacks, despite Mattis saying it was a one-time thing.
Mattis had been hesitant on the attack up until tonight, and was pressed by reporters on his questions. Mattis claimed he was fully convinced since “yesterday,” and that the US had enough intelligence to justify an attack. He did, however, admit that while the US is confident on chlorine gas being involved, he wasn’t clear what gas was released.
With respect to retaliation, Gen. Dunford said he was unaware of any US troop losses, and could neither confirm or deny Syrian reports of missiles being shot down. He did, however, say Syrian surface-to-air missiles were deployed against the attack, and did not believe Russia responded at all.
Russia was not given advanced notice of the US attack, either. Gen. Dunford said the US used deconfliction lines to tell Russia that they were using the airspace involved in the attack, but gave them no indication what was being hit.
Mattis also said it was impossible any chemicals could be released by US attacks on putative chemical storage sites, sharply insisting “of course not.”
Dam it. Trump caved in again.
should be used to it by now…
He did not cave. This is what he’s always believed in.
He didn’t cave. He’s a mercurial narcissist who acts impulsively and rashly. You were around when he started staffing the Executive branch with neo-cons and career militarists, right?
Wag the Dog by Trump big time. He has to wipe the bad news about him off the headlines.
Trump bombs the Syrian government, it is an act of war but he thinks he is King.
Pat, they got him by his short hairs. There is little he can do.
And so begins the madness…
One time, until the next time…
I think Mattis said they had no plans to bomb Syria yesterday. Good old Pentagon modeling virtuous behavior to the plebes.
“Of course not” chemicals couldn’t be released by blowing up their storage sites, because there are not really any chemicals stored there.
They had to hit something, no?
How do you know there’s no chemicals there because you read it on some site on the internet? You damn sure ain’t nowhere near Syria? Save it everything everyone including you have said on this site has been wrong. We’re not in nuclear war, we haven’t been attacked by Russia and the Chinese ships aren’t coming to rescue Assad. You antiwar Zombie traitors are just a bunch of weak,pathetic, scared of there own shadows,brainwashed morons that are never right and don’t know shiii.
Could you please explain then what possible threat Syria represents to the US of A?
We didn’t interfere with the civil war and gave Assad and Russia multiple chances to stop using chemicals on its people. Assad knows America and it’s allies could end his existence right out but, that’s not the objective. We just don’t and will NEVER allow chemical weapons to be used in the theatre of war.
We didn’t interfere with a civil war? Are you f**king joking? Man, you are an idiot.
Says the antiwar Zombie responding to my comments…Hahaha….Awww somebody’s mad what happened? ?? Big ole Evil America bombed Syria and no nuclear war it’s gonna be o.k buddy maybe tomorrow America will implode, yes 2marro ….Hahaha
I never said we’d have a nuclear war if we bombed Syria. Your problem is you answer everything with the same bulls**t response. And yet again you didn’t address what I said. Idiot.
Go ahead and vent I know you’re mad and the antiwar Zombies predicting the end of the world and Chinese ships coming to the rescue fantasies are so upset…You’re hero Putin didn’t stop the NATO alliance from striking Syria and it hurts so much. ..Awww it’s o.k. just pretend it never happened and start some new conspiracies no worries….In the meantime America will be preparing to remove Assad next time he pulls that shiii…
Every time you respond to this sockpuppet, he wins.
I can’t help myself. It’s like riding by a car accident, you don’t want to look but for some reason you do.
DRUNK UNCLE….Hague,prison or hung
antiwar??? Peace???
Justice…prison, or hung
Go and do it
At least not since Saddam used them on Iran or his own people, the Kurds. But Saddam was our bud back then so never mind.
And was removed by Americadon’t leave that part out, the truth shall set you free.
Right. We removed Saddam 20 years later. So don’t use chemicals or we’re coming after you…eventually.
Given the choice of spooks or subversives I think I would choose the spooks
i sympathize with the spooks
war rus, don’t waste space on this fool
“We just don’t and will NEVER allow chemical weapons to be used in the theatre of war.”
Actually, we were standing by to use them ourselves in 1991. And domestically, we use them on “our own people” all the time. Or haven’t you ever heard of CS?
Really I must’ve missed the babies and there families foaming at the mouth,suffocating in the streets. O, you mean the tear gas the police use to keep law and order during riots? That’s a big difference but, hey I understand Dear Leader gotta say something to save face for the cult. I understand and yes Mr.Knapp technically although it’s a completely different scenario you’re right. Do you feel better now? ?? What happened to the other article on thissite that everyone was commenting on about the Syrian Crisis? It seems to have disappeared. You know the embarrassing article that everyone was commenting on about the end of the world and Chinese ships coming to the rescue fantasies. I’m sure you didn’t have anything to do with it not being on the site even though everyone on this forum was commenting on it just yesterday before the strikes.Wink,wink. ..I don’t blame you if I where you I’d bury that embarrassing display of antiwar Zombie nonsense myself.
Every news article on the site is available in reverse order of publication (newest first) at news.antiwar.com. Nothing is removed, and nothing is hidden.
When did we start enforcing this rule . After Iraq was invaded we did find a storage building full of Sarin gas . The containers still had their bill of ladens on them . The USA purchased the stuff from France who had purchased it from Spain that made the stuff . So in my opinion all these western countries were guilty .of dealing in Sarin gas . I don’t know why they say no WMD were ever found in Iraq , Maybe the gas was to old to be effective . Or maybe Sarin gas is not classified as WMD .
“We’re not in nuclear war, we haven’t been attacked by Russia and the Chinese ships aren’t coming to rescue Assad.”
Were Assad and his forces ever in danger? Rebels are out of Douma and Syrian civil war has been won by Assad and Russia.
Tell that to all the antiwar Zombies predicting the end of the world on this forum yesterday on this propaganda platform just yesterday if you can find the embarrassing article that’s been either removed or buried in the archives for reasons unknown .Wink,wink. .
“if you can find the embarrassing article that’s been either removed or buried in the archives for reasons unknown”
alex this uncle sam is not worth giving time to.
Yes give it to Bianca because she’s always right…Hahaha
UN OPCW arrived same day as the strikes. We’ll soon know for certain.
Syria declared total victory over Douma today as the last DAESH were bussed off. So, the Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons will have full and hopefully safe access to the alleged war crime scene.
I don’t understand why it took OPCW so long for them to get there . It is so late the bombed area could be cleaned up or salted with poison . Don’t they travel by planes or did they come by boat . There are so many strange things going on I hardly believe anybody .
They can’t just dump OPCW VIPs into the middle of a war zone, either. Douma was only just secured Saturday when the team arrived, and there’s security precautions to take.
Who and what to believe can be a tough call. It looks like Washingtons Blog has teamed up with longtime ME journalist Robert Fisk to make one of the first Western reports on the ground in Douma.
“First Western Journalist In Syrian Hospital Which Treated “Chemical Weapons” Victims Explains What REALLY Happened” April 16, 2018, WashingtonsBlog. com
By their account, its was all a misunderstanding and while the victims were real, they were choking on dust and hypoxia kicked up by a dust storm during an air strike and not really in critical danger. The White Helmets jumped to the conclusion of chemical attack and everyone panicked.
Seems like a nice face-saving compromise between the U.S. absolute that a chemical attack did happen and the Russian absolute it was all staged.
I think China already has troops fighting with the Russians for helping Assad . There already are Chinese ships in Syrian waters . .I don’t know this as fact . I just suspect this .China and Russia will stick together .
If people only knew how useless gas is in the first place. There is a reason it wasn’t used by any of the combatants in WWII. It had mostly shock value in WWI, but it doesn’t spread well and kills few – while artillery is FAR more efficient.
The only gas that could actually cause real damage is modern, developed by the U.S. and probably Russia, fired with missiles at high altitudes. Not chlorine gas supposedly dropped by Syria, which makes improvised barrel bombs to drop from helicopters, or use old planes. Russia has all the serious firepower.
The “Islamic Army” in East Ghouta did, however, use gas against Kurds last year, at least according to the Kurds. Now they and the al-Qaeda members dressed up as “White Helmets” in some pictures while posing in uniform with guns and ISIS flags in other pictures claim there was gas against the last part of East Ghouta, which they held, right before it was liberated? Laughable.
But Trump has to please the neocons, and in particular Adelson and Netanyahu whose campaign he funded. That is the last support he can rely on while he is attacked by all the media and the GOP gets nervous.
Save it antiwar enemy sympathizing Zombie that’s commenting on an enemy sympathizer propaganda platform nothing you’ve said so far has been proven true,and nothing you ever say is going to ever does. America and it’s allies just bombed Syria we’re not at nuclear war with Russia, we haven’t been attacked by Russia, the Chinese ships aren’t coming so please save it. Everyone saw in real time what just happened and none of it was anything you”Claimed ” would. Go on and continue to peddle your conspiracy theories and predictions that never come true in the meantime the rest of the world including Assad will be living in reality that Syria just got bombed and they’res nothing he can do about it.
All things will come to the patient one.
Is that what you’re telling yourself now? More like “You reap what you sow” thanks Russia for Trump we couldn’t have done it without you.
We would have done the same with Hillary, idiot. Only sooner.
Yes the ole Democrats are worse then Republicans arguement. That holds so much water….Hahaha
There both the same, idiot. Plus the fact the wench was calling for a no fly zone and had an orgasm when we did our strike last year.
DRUNK UNCLE. ….prison, hung
very peaceful
Do the crime, do the time
We all can see your idea of free speech. Anyway
You do the time. Why don’t you take your shot. Go try and overthrow the US government.
Sorry you don’t run things and you never will.
Wasn’t aware missiles into cities are protected speech…Hague, prison or hung.
you first.
First, you, wiki “rule of law”, then, wiki “shared power” then, “war”. Best I can do, no one can make you understand it, have to do it all by yourself.
you want to execute people who don’t agree with you and you post on an “anti war” site
I see the problem, you are unable to follow a basic train of thought, are unaware of illegal war, that The Hague is the site for prosecuting perpetrators of war crimes, such as initiating illegal war. Penalty is prison, and some jurisdictions, hanging. They don’t concern themselves with Internet trolls. Try the wikis I recommended, and see if you can follow…Hague, prison or hung. Here’s a clue, it’s about the illegal attack on Syria.
You were talking about what you wanted to do to a poster.
I was not in favor of the attack on Syria because I thought it would be a waste of money nevertheless Assad is a war criminal who deserves to get bombed
Plus he supported the iraqi insurgency against the US. So he is scum for that as well.
There is a constitutional process for the US to prosecute war. If you refuse to follow the thread of comments, and believe I threatened a poster, you should report me to the moderator, it’s not allowed here.
I think you called for something being done to a poster
Very peaceful
Yes, it’s evident you think that. Ok then, I’ll get back to you on that, gotta go lube my nose hair trimmer.
have a good time fixing your
lawn mower.
We did overthrow the U.S government by electing Trump
Only sooner, with less forethought on containing escalation and worse bon mots than Trump.
We came, we saw, – Aughh! How dare they shoot back!
He’s not being attacked over yesterdays missile attack. A script reader on CBS news asked if one strike would be enough?????? Where are the dissenters in the media or among our elected government sheeple over this? Where’s the proof? Are they all so brainwashed as to actually believe we are entitled to shoot missiles at another country without real proof?
From the pics I saw it looks like nobody or anything was there. No bombed out cars. No casualties. No one was in the buildings evidently otherwise they’d be dead and pics of their bodies posted all over the internet and msm. No chemical containers lying around. Where’s the beef? It’s BS people. Wake up.
Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor called it “cosmetic” strike. And that’s exactly what this was. In fact it’s kind of embarrassing for Uncle Warbucks because they keep pounding sand and expect a different outcome.
I read another article, exactly referring to the ” destruction of all the CW sites in Syria”, which we know were destroyed in 2013. Those with CW are the USA, UK, Israel, and we noticed in the last month the constant referring to Russia and CWs, in England. Now there is no mention of the USA-aided groups in Syria who could have such weapons provided.
BRAVO Free World BRAVO….
Happy Friday the 13th Assad courtesy of America….and our European Nuclear Powers…
This looks really bad at first. But then I realized a deal was struck with the Ru.ss for this “one time” strike. Uncle Warbucks and EwwU twins needed to save face.
Yes a deal was struck and you know this how? O…You mean you really don’t know it you’re just spewing out conspiracy theories to save face for all the other predictions you were flat out wrong on all week…Hahaha
What planet are you on? None of the replies to comments you’ve made in here seem to make any sense.
And if you’re not going to make any sense, can you please at least take a deep breath and save us from the run-on sentences and lack of punctuation?
You noticed too? He has the same standard response to all comments and usually doesn’t directly address any of them. He’s an idiot.
Awww …. trollsRus found a friend isn’t it nice to have someone that believes the shiii you predict that never comes true.
I didn’t predict anything idiot. Your same response to every post is making you look like, you guessed it, An IDIOT.
stop wasting time on this fool It encourages him
Awww since every assessment you and your antiwar Zombies predicted on this platform never came true now you’re turning to criticizing my grammar it’s pathetic and predictable. It’s o.k. gullible one, I’m sure China’s on its way to rescue Assad….Hahaha…The people dumb enough to type that and the people dumb enough to believe it are the real idiots, so save it.
Yeah, that’s my take. Same thing they did last April.
No, this looks really bad. How would the US react if someone fired a salvo of cruise missiles into Washington DC? Actually, look what happened when some Saudis flew planes into a couple buildings in NYC and a military structure outside DC 17 years ago.
This act only makes us look bad because the strikes were cosmetic and ineffective. If the Ru.ss decides to give away the S-300, future strikes will be even more ineffective.
..how diabolical as they simmered their tone about attacking; the press report Trump is second guessing, the out right absurdity of Assad doing it; I thought cooler heads and sanity was restored. NOPE. MURDER MOST FOWL.
Not sure if that was amazing satire or just spellcheck gone wrong… it’s actually “murder most FOUL,” unless you’re killing a poultry farmer.
I really think this is a face saving device for Trump who put his foot in his big,stupid,mouth.This I’m sure was worked out in advance and choreographed by all the parties involved. If there really is a next time I’m sure the Russians will not be so complacent. The Russians will never permit a Western presence so close to its its Southern border, when NATO is advancing to its western border.Let’s hope Trump shuts his mouth after this attack. If not, get ready for things to get worse.
“that the US had enough intelligence to justify an attack.”
Yah, Mad Dog, like we learned from the Iraq War that intelligence is not evidence!!!
Rather that the U.S. had enough *excuse* to *perpetrate* an attack. The MSM fulfilled it’s role as the propaganda arm of the deep state.
Frankly, those that rule the Western countries no longer care about public opinion anymore. The neutered public has no power to control them. The elections are a sham with the best liars most likely to attain powerful positions.
BREAKING: SYRIANGIRL Explains Who Is Behind The Latest “Chemical Attack” In Douma, Syria
What to believe the Russians that arecalling for a United Nations Security Council meeting over the Syria bombing or Syrian girls talking points??? Hahaha
HaHaHa!!! Believe both, if you can handle it!!!
SyrianGirl debates FSA on Australian show ‘Insight’
Saturday morning baseless speculation…
Suppose this rather limp “attack” is because certain large and profitable defence contractors are worried that their manufacturer’s claims are over-stated. What would happen if the SS-300, SS-400 and Pansir are actually as good as the Russians claim? What if the F-35 can be tracked and targeted by Russian radar? Only about half of the cruise missiles in the last attack seem to have reached their target. Where did the other ones go?
Apart from global annihilation, there are stock prices and stock options to consider. Where will the donor money come from to keep the politicians in the luxury they have become accustomed to? Generals will have to live on their pensions instead of lucrative executive made up jobs at the contractors. This could be serious…..
The Scientific Research and learning Center in Syria was bombed. This is a university. Here are pictures of it from @partisangirl. Note the girls don’t have to wear veils or alien burkas like in Islamist “rebel” areas supported by Washington:
Hmm… I’m curious about what the US response would be to a nation that just launched 76 missiles at MIT?
Awww since Russia didn’t even fire one shot to defend its ally Assad and China never came to the rescue now the antiwar Zombies on this enemy sympathizer propaganda platform are pushing the latest conspiracy theory it’s so comical. Look Zombie nation it’s simple no one not even Russia wants nuclear war with 3 nuclear nations over a dictator that’s gassing his people. Russia can’t afford to lose Syria the only place it’s got an imprint in the middle East. If Russia would’ve attacked any of the nations that carried out the attacks it would’ve been driven with overwhelming capabilities out of Syria and suffered massive casualties and expensive losses in the form of its military hardware . America and it’s allies would’ve suffered losses aswell but,with all the assets it has in place around Syria would’ve been able to continue attacking from a multitude of different platforms. Like I said before America knows what it’s up against and so do they.
Everyone in the chain of command concerning this attack, are traitors to the Constitution, and, war criminals.
Yes but you read the lamestream MEDIA and believe what they Spoonfeed you with chemical attacks thats the most easiest way of SPOOFING a false flag attack with Russia being much closer to Syrian and able to move troops and equipm’t more easily than America with a long supply chain so if it’s a pitched battle we’re talkng about IT S Russia that comes out on top
Yes sure everyone listen to Mork because, he’s been right on absolutely nothing. …Hahaha. …Now go back to yelling at your shirtless picture of Putin “Why Putin Why?!!!!”Hahaha
I think it is more and more evident that there has been a military coup in the US – self-induced by the President and his “advisors.” Kelly admitted a while back that the reason he’s still there shadowing Trump is because “someone has to protect the country.”
No coup. Trump, like Lindsay Graham and McCain and the other chickenhawks, is easily goaded into war as a way of proving their manhood. Trump also appointed three careerist generals in his Cabinet and staff, not the move of a man who ever was going the anti-war route.
The point was to demonstrate that “the West” & Israel may fire at will and Russia cannot respond, except with words.
Yeah, and the Russian ambassador to the UN is getting beaten up at the UN as I write. That waffle waitress really packs a punch.
“the West” hasn’t responded when Russia and Turkey hit rebels and Kurds respectively. Let’s call it even.
No reports yet about whether Russia or Russia and Syria tried to destroy incoming missiles or that russia bluffed.
There are reports that Syria shot down a number of Tomahawks. Just because Pentagon and/or Faux haven’t admitted it yet, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Russian government never promised to intercept incoming missiles. Russian Ambassador in Lebanon did. He is a Trump-like blowhard.
Oh my god!!! I had a feeling this was going to happen. One thing you learn quickly about US reporting is that if it keeps on saying something is not going to happen, it will…
However, what is all this nonsense here about Trump caving to the neocons. This man is a complete imbecile. There is no “caving” top be had here as he is too stupid for that. “Caving” infers some level of decision making capabilities and this man has absolutely none…
It’s like an evil Greek tragedy. All the players know their script and take their places. At the end of the performance, they come down and murders the audience.
Never mind that it’s a war crime by both international law and US law to attack a sovereign state because you feel like it.
Bing bing bing, we have a winnah!
It’s always nice to wake up in the morning and learn that WWIII has not yet started, and we all probably won’t be dead in a matter of days or months. That really helps me plan my day.
So if we destroyed all Assad’s capabilities to use chemical weapons we’re going to have a hard time coming up with another false flag attack when things go his way again. Maybe we can do the babies in the incubators again or roll out the old anthrax scare like we did in Iraq.
Trump is caving in to the neocons, caving in to Adelson in Las Vegas who owns the Jerusalem Post and is Netanyahu’s biggest backer. Taking in Bolton – who has been financed by Adelson and is very close to him. Netanyahu will then give the signal to AIPAC and the rest of the Israeli lobby to tell their bought congressmen to back Trump a while longer, not turn on him together with all the liberal Zionist kin in the media.
He is not a traitor, but he is caving in. He meant all he said in the campaign, those who claim otherwise are morons – he was facing MASSIVE attacks from media and the GOP every single day, and lost probably a billion dollars in deals. And was socially ostracized in New York, both he and his children. But he did it anyway. He could have changed his mind any day of the campaign to please them, but he kept talking about ending mass immigration and foreign wars.
But now, in power, he is attacked and opposed by everyone. The GOP, full of RINOs like McCain, couldn’t even get a slimmed-down recall of Obamacare. All laid on Trump’s feet. So now he is searching for any support that he can get. And the only source is the Zionist one, provided they get what they want, attacks on the few remaining Middle Eastern governments that have given support to the Palestinians.
Zionists/neocons/deep state are the ones that trapped Trump again and again. His only chance was a political first strike against them right after he was elected. He should have made fired those in office as soon as he was elected. Now he is only a puppet. Their success will only wet their appetite.
Remember the article “Trump backing away from Syrian strike” from yesterday? ?? I wonder what happened to it…Wink,wink. .
Mattis apparently deals with contradiction … ‘well’.
Atrocity propaganda pretexts … seem no longer to be about being persuasive in the present. It’s supposed to stick over the years as people ask ‘now why would we have done that?’ And plenty might conclude ‘because it was true.’
Mattis says one time shot. You hope. Russia said there would be consequences to any missiles shot into Syria. Wait and see. Now the ball is in Russia’s court and now they will have to save face over what they said. See how this works? Meanwhile the largest armada of US Navy ships mobilized since the Iraq war is positioning itself in the Mediterranean Sea. One time shot huh?
That is precisely what worries me about all this… best-dv
Destroy years of chemical research-how kind and helpful to a nation with practically nothing left after 7 years.
The whole plot of the three “democratic bastions of freedom” has absolutely no justification in any way. How can this possibly help anyone? The Russians were helping the final evacuation of those people still held in Douma, the OPCW team was on its way, but no possible allowance could be made to stop the already-decided invasion by three “nations” who have no right at all to be playing the role of “angels” or “White Helmets” by adding to the chaos and mocking Russia, the only nation legally invited to help defend the elected President and what remains of his country.
Here, here.
Well said Rosemerry. Yet try and tell that to most Americans and they look at you like you have three heads. “Truth is the first casualty of war.” best-dv
Locked and Loaded…
DRUNK UNCLE….prison or hung
Mattis is probably referring to how dueling pistols could only fire one shot at a time between reloads.
Well, no civilians killed in this extralegal Coalition strike/air duel, fortunately.
The U.S. turned Syria into a missile test range. This particular duel introduced the U.S. Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM, JASSM-ER) and Euro SCALP/Storm Shadow variants. The Tomahawks were probably just for spam, but a few may have had anti-AD upgrades.
The Russians held back on the S-400 again, and, the U.S. didn’t challenge the S-400s or the two Russian bases S-400s protect anyway. The Syrians prioritized defense of air bases over abandoned civilian research facilities.
The Syrian air defenses upgraded by Russia are likely partially manned by Russian advisors using older Soviet S-75, S-125 and S-200, newer Soviet BUK m2E and Pantasir S (SA-22).
Officially, the Western Coalition launched 105 missiles:
66 Tomahawk from US Navy ships (Probably for spam)
19 JASSM-ER from US Air Force B-1 bombers
9 SCALP/Storm Shadow from French Air Force Rafale fighters
8 SCALP/Storm Shadow from Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 fighters
3 MdCN from French Navy ships
“2018 bombing of Damascus and Homs” – Wiki
Thats 39 ‘new’ cruise missiles, including the JASSM only just approved for combat use in February augmenting 66 sea-launched Tomahawks.
The US target list included:
– 4 missiles targeting the area of the Damascus International Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
– 12 missiles targeting the Al-Dumayr Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
– 18 missiles targeting the Bley Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
– 12 missiles targeting the Shayarat Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
– 9 missiles targeting the Mezzeh Military Airport. Five of them were intercepted.
– 16 missiles targeting the Homs Military Airport. 13 of them were intercepted.
– 30 missiles targeting targets in the areas of Barzah and Jaramani. Seven missiles were intercepted.
“Syria Claims It Intercepted 71 Out Of 103 Cruise Missiles; Pentagon Denies” – Tyler Durden, Apr.14 2018, ZeroHedge. com
Seems that the Russians missed a couple in their count; either those missiles successfully evaded detection, were duds that failed to early to be detected, or there was a Russian/Syrian miscount.
The Russians and Syrians have no choce but to sit there and be test dummies because shooting back at launch sources turns extralegal kinetic harassment into formal war. Since few if any Syrian civilians or military personnel were killed, shooting down Coalition warplanes and sinking ships is disproportionate. Sort of.
There is no public data yet as to whether the French or British cruise missiles were effective. Given that at least 32 hit, and Tomahawks aren’t known to be effective against Russian AD, its possible the new cruise missiles didn’t fare too badly despite extensive pre-warning of Russia.
Therefore, Trump’s mission was a success. Also an antiwar disaster, but the stock market is a more effective check on Trump warmaking. Its no accident the Damascus-Homs strike occurred quickly on Friday, giving an entire weekend for any stock market negativity to cool by Monday.
The U.S. would also be in a hurry to get off a strike before the UN Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inspectors confirm no chemical attack occurred at Douma. (Douma is also where today the Syrian Arab Army declared complete victory over Eash Ghouta as the last DAESH were bussed out of town.)
The Russians and Syrians were sent scurrying for days ahead of the duel/test launches, delaying the pace of Syrian reconquista and adding cost and uncertainty to their campaign.
It very much appears the newer and smarter cruise missiles got through upgraded Soviet-era Syrian defenses and the Russians are considering upgrading Syria to the S-300 standard, which means more costly hardware and training expenses.
Still, it looks like WWIV will have to wait until Raytheon finishes laughing all the way to the bank and the MIC returns with missiles that can all hit stuff reliably.
Very informative.
AP Headline of the day (not a joke):
“France urges Russia to join peace push after Syria strike”