Citing mounting tensions with the Palestinians, the Israeli military has confirmed to media outlets that they are in the process of considering a plan to seize Palestinian neighborhoods that are technically in Jerusalem, but which lie outside of the barrier of separation.

The Palestinian areas targeted include Kafr Aqab, and the Shuafat refugee camp. Exactly what changes this would make for the inhabitants of those neighborhoods is unclear, including if it would change their civil status.
The neighborhoods are in a rather unique situation as it stands, physically cut off from Jerusalem by the barrier wall, but technically part of it, meaning those living there have residency status, and the Israeli police are already operating therein.
Though the military is being extremely vague about what all of this means, that they’re couching it as a reaction to the Jerusalem protests likely means it will boil down to something of a crackdown against the Palestinians.
Ethnic cleansing is only ok if you’re a (((chosen one)))
Little Gaza.
I bet you’re a proud graduate of their nursery schools.
The Palestinian men should resign themselves to uproot their families and leave Palestine to settle in another land. They won’t organize, they won’t plan, they won’t acquire weapons and train to fight the Israeli army. They lament about their children rotting in Israeli prisons but won’t fight to free them.
These people are poltroons and act stupid when they allow the Zionists to rule every aspect of their lives, their frail economy, their culture and strip them of their dignity. Hamas are fanatics who shoot crude rockets into Israeli suburbs and what do the rest of Gazan citizens get for it? They get the blade of murder when the IDF “mows the grass” and kills hundreds of Palestinian sheep. These are not Arabs to be respected; they have no courage and will willingly submit to another 70 years of Zionist occupation.
Look at the Hoothis of Yemen. Those are brave, Arab men who fight the Saudi Arabian bully with fierce tenacity and raw fortitude. Thousands die but they are resolute to defend their land. There’s the Taliban of Afghanistan who have defeated every invader including the powerful U.S. military with less than 100,000 in strength. Men wearing turbans on their heads and flip flops on their feet endure year after year and never quit against an invader. They are to be admired despite their perverse, medieval interpretation of Islam.
Hezbollah of Lebanon led by Hassan Nasrallah have stood up to the Zionists and are feared by the Israeli army for their military prowess. We must not forget the Persians of Iran who build up their military and remember the atrocity of war their people have suffered and Israel’s constant subterfuge to undermine their Shia leadership.
Finally we come back to the Palestinians. They offer nothing but tears from their faces, pull their hair and wring their hands. No country will stand up to help them, the United Nations pays them lip service, their leadership is in the back pocket of the Israelis and the men themselves are weak and afraid to lift one finger as a people in opposition. Why do they continue to delude themselves with false hope for peace in their own land or a two State political solution? They have no position of strength to bargain with because they are essentially a captured people. The Zionists want all the land, every square meter and have no interest in treating the Palestinians with anything but contempt and mockery.
Either the Palestinians commit to fight to the death or they should emigrate elsewhere. But to remain and see themselves and their children’s lives being drained of the blood of life every day is a disgrace and not worthy of the world’s pity and compassion.
Do not talk nonsense. Israel and its accomplices (the entire West) have invented a system of systrmic genocide that consists of occupation, complete control of any imports, even aid, unless shipped through Israel. Check the list of prohibited items to import to Gaza. No vessels if any kind can enter Gaza, snd Jerusalem and West Bank are land locked. Then they are humiliated in thousands upon thousands wats, while awaiting for “international community” to do something’. And fhey do what they can — look at the family if the girl that got srrested for slapping a soldier. For years, her family and others from her place protest the Israeli theft of their water. Israel just fenced off the water source to divert it to the new settlement. Many in that village have been killed for protesting, many homes bulldozered, many jailed. Anybody in the WONDERFULL, VALLUE OVERFLOWING, PERFUMED PRINCES SND PRINCESSES OF THE WEST STOOD UP TO THUS INHUMANITY? Any politician lost their job for bieingvto Zionism? Do we even protect our iwn interest, our daily bread, as it is offered on the altar of our Middle East policy? Any of American Christisns stanfing up today — as Jerusalem Palestinians were and still are majority Christian. In fact, our hate for Assad and his “brutal” regime comes from Israel’s deep hate of Christians. Assad gets his support from Christians, from wealthy, educated and progressive urban Sunni, from the greatly expanded middle class Sunnis and Shia populations. Israel and all helpers — knowing or unknowing dupes, have decimated Christians accross the Middle East and beyond. By deluberately strenghtening extreme Islamic cults, by making people in the Moslem world believe that Christians are evil, and those Christians among them — became targets, WITHOUT ONE WORD OF DISAPPROVAL ciming from Christian countries, or orominent individuals. Is this just a case of political correctness, or making us all accomplices of murder. Si Israel can first get rid if Christians furst, at the hands of Moslems, and we, the idiots, will stay there forever, guarding against any reincarnation of secular states such as Syria.
Our own military us there to insure that Israel cannot be harmed, and that there is no escape from the concentration camp designed for Palestinians. It has been surrounded by peace plans, two state solutions, Palestinian “authority” with no authority, and other noise created for the purpose of maintaining the ckncentration camp. Many oeople have left. But if a Palestinian gets a scholarship to study abroad, he would not be allowed. Anybody EVER protested at AIPAC? Even though lives are not at stake? We are cheated AGAIN and AGAIN when it comes to our strong desire to end stupid wars and occupations — as our elected representatives either cannot or will not LISTEN. Even though we are — unlike Palestinians — free, we are unable to change anything.
Then why should the Palestinians remain in Zionist Hell?
Its their homeland and always has been.
Ethnic cleansing. Israel can’t understand why all its abuse has not driven away the Palestinians. So they keep upping the abuse. Eventually, they expect it will work as it already should have, and drive them off.
I’m shocked – shocked to find Zionists stealing land from Palestinians.