For decades, reports on a new Korean War that estimated less than a million killed in the exchange have been seen as relatively optimistic. The development of nuclear weapons by North Korea could make things far, far worse.

Tensions between the US and North Korea threaten to lead to a full-scale war at any time, and South Korea’s war-preppers are seeing a surge in interest, as South Koreans try to figure out how they’d survive such a conflict.
This has led to a lot more interest in stockpiling supplies, and getting underground shelters just in case. Woo Seung-yep, one of the most outspoken about preparing for such a disaster, sees North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as less of a concern than President Trump.
Woo says he doesn’t believe that Korea would itself erupt into any sort of conflict any time soon, and he believes the US is “laying the ground to justify an attack.” With South Korea’s government has been very clear about opposing such an attack, they would likely still bear the brunt of the retaliatory strikes.
SKOR has to get serious about its concerns, and start by calling out the US war-fever and kick US soldiers out of the country— then open peace talks with NKOR and China/ Russia.
It is obvious to realistic humans that the constant threats from the USA, the “exercises” with S. Korea and Japan, simulating attacks on N Korea, the refusal to support S Korean governments which want closer relations with the North (and insisting on THAAD and other systems NOT wanted by the South Korean people) make the danger much greater. Refusal to have any negotiations is typically American, yet the blame is thrown to DPRK, still waiting after 64 years for a peace treaty from the last “Korean War”.
Who cares about a hundred thousand dead Koreans? If Il Trumpi and the wealthy Plutocrats want war we shall have it.
You forget one huge consequence of wanting war with the DPRK (along with China and Russia) is the end of life on Earth from a nuclear 3rd World War. Is that what you want? A lifeless world? Such a world will also include Trump and the wealthy Plutocrats as well, but their deaths will be in prolonged agony with all their provisions gone, including fresh air.
Now that Trump’s NSS is a rebuild of the Bush doctrine, it’s easy to see that the neocons are running the show again. And we know the neocons just love starting wars with false flag events.