Speaking Thursday at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Russia is entirely to blame for ongoing tensions with the US, saying violence within Ukraine was the biggest obstacle to any normalization of US-Russia relations.

Tillerson said the US continues to blame Russia entirely for the conflict within Ukraine, even accusing Russian troops of attacking OSCE monitors, something that previously had never been alleged before.
Tillerson also insisted the US would “never” accept Crimea as part of the Russian Federation, and that it remains Ukrainian, saying US sanctions against Russia would remain in place until Ukraine gets Crimea back.
This effectively means that US sanctions against Russia are permanent, with Russia obviously having no intention of forcing Crimea out of its federation and back into Ukraine, given it hosts both a major Russian naval base and a large number of ethnic Russians, neither of which they’re likely to accept being forced into Ukraine given the countries’ current acrimony.
“… countless current acrimony “? Is that it? We indeed are the United States of Amnesia. Things that did not happen yesterday, at at most last week simply do not count. Thus we endlessly and obsessively analyze— with zero capacity to synthesize. How about at least a sentence on historically Russian Crimea, that an Ukrainian Soviet leader “administratively” transfered to another administrative territory if Ukraine? But, it looks like we live in “let the sleeping dods lie” for the sake of the narrative established by the neicon thought police.
Way back just before the American Civil War there was another War it was called the Crimean war, it was Russian Territory then just as it afterwards and as it was through WWII, when because of Administrative ease it was given to Ukraine let us be blunt, The Russians never thought the USSR would disintegrate. Of course then there was that little faux pas after the US funded Coup by the Neo Nazi coup leaders the statement that they were GOING TO GET RID OF THOSE SUB HUMAN RUSSIAN SPEAKERS FROM EASTERN UKRAINE, three Oblasts immediately seceded you know that thing Texas Governors threaten to do on a regular basis. America through Victoria Nuland funded the Coup and to be blunt it really does not matter if they accept it or not. although the US has a real problem it just accepted Israel annexing land that most definitely does not belong to them. Even though there is a UN security council resolution that says they should be giving it back!
Boy, can we pick them or not? Ukraine, a worn out 1940s style Rust Belt; Israel, a fascist, racist kleptocracy; Burma, an emerging nation newly discovering genocide. All three may be trash but they are our best of buddies. Why do we bother having a Secretary of State? Just let our Government be run by some idiots in a cheap beer bar – hang Old Glory up there by the Hamm’s Beer sign, and play the Marine Corps Hymn on the jukebox and let the jerks decide our fate.
U.S. to Russia, ‘you are entirely to blame for being an unruly. You were supposed to accept your position as a colony after 1990’
This T Rex is the diplomat we are all supposed to be so sad to see gone from the Trump “administration” ??? How dare a foreigner pretend he knows who owns Crimea? Ukraine overthrew its elected leader in 2014 (after Russia had worked with the pro-Western government for four years-check it out) before the election. The US helped the overthrow (f… the EU Nuland) then pretends the joining of Crimea to Ukraine by Kruschev, the “evil communist monster”, was correct but the return of Crimea to Russia by a bloodless referendum was a crime!!
Remember Kosovo, the Serbian province given “independence” which the USA and some puppets accepted? Now it is a huge US base for drug-, gun-, people- and organ trafficking. That was legal you, say, but voluntary return of Crimea to Russia, voted by a large majority of inhabitants, is not???
Scary thought that the rumored replacement for Tillerson, Pompeo, would be worse. The previous rumor had Haley which is even more scary.
Russia is not going to toss Crimea back to the Ukraine, and if the Neocons and Tillerson and Trump don’t like that it’s too bad. Putin is smart enough to know that the U.S. is not worth having as an ally or a friend. He couldn’t care less what Tillerson or Putin think.
It’s not the US’s business to accept or not accept whether Crimea is part of Russia. It’s an issue between Russia and Ukraine. The US should stop meddling.