Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has had a troubled year at the State Department, his attempts to improve the department met with scorn from other top officials, and his talk of diplomacy undercut, often very publicly, by the president.

The latest reports indicate his long-anticipated departure from State could be coming in the next few weeks, under a new plan pushed by Gen. John Kelly, which would see Tillerson ousted, and replaced by current CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
The story originated in the New York Times, and officials are saying that it actually got there directly from the White House, as a way of White House officials “sending a message” to Tillerson. The message, needless to say, is not a friendly one, though officials also say a final decision to oust him hasn’t been made yet. Ironically, Gen. Kelly, whose scheme this was in the first place, is said to have called the State Department initially trying to downplay the report.
Though Tillerson has publicly denied being unhappy or seeking to resign, it’s been repeatedly reported by top officials, including Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), that Trump has been damaging Tillerson’s efforts and undercutting him at seemingly every opportunity. Other officials say the Trump-Tillerson relationship has been souring for some time, despite Tillerson’s denials. Tillerson has been overtly refusing to take Trump’s hostile line on North Korea.
The nature of the reported change also suggests a change in the administration’s focus, with Tillerson having, for instance, ruled out imposing regime change in North Korea, while Pompeo, said to be a Trump favorite recently, has openly advocated it.
After meetings, officials say Pompeo and Trump stay behind to talk, and he seems to have the president’s ear. That’s disturbing, however, since Pompeo has largely been critical of diplomatic efforts throughout his career in politics, preferring to advocate bellicosity. Trump has never been one to favor diplomacy either, despite his talk of making deals, and while it makes some sense that he would want a top diplomat who is similarly averse to talking, it’s also clearly risky.
Tillerson, after all, despite being so often undercut, has been fairly popular abroad for his efforts to try to dial back talk of war. Though the administration may not always appreciate it, Tillerson has been doing a lot of damage control for them.
Indications are that Pompeo’s departure from the CIA would be followed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a pro-torture pick that’s also likely to attract a lot of scrutiny. Cotton is also an outspoken advocate of the drone assassination program.
I am not sure I believe this story. I prefer to wait and see what happens.
Gawd… I hope you are right, that it might not be correct.
Donald Trump would be making a huge mistake if he replaces Rex Tillerson with Mike Pompeo. Why? Pompeo’s an outright warmonger, and we definitely don’t need/want a warmonger as Secretary of State.
The US is among the most hated nation worldwide, right behind Israel and N. Korea, as it is; so, why would Trump make it THE most hated? Has he gone nuts, as many people believe? I wasn’t impressed with Tillerson (I wanted Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in that post), but at least he wasn’t an outright warmonger, as is Pompeo .. and Pompeo’s a far better choice than would be the screaming banshee, Nikki Haley.
Speaking of Haley, she hasn’t changed any. Why Trump picked her for US Ambassador to the UN’s beyond stupid. She’s not only alienated the delegations of other nations; she’s alienated her own delegation. Trump should’ve fired her from her post and replaced her with either Rohrabacher or a seasoned diplomat; but diplomacy’s not his strong point.
Trump lets his Generals run the show as long as they let him keep his twitter account.
“Cotton is also an outspoken advocate of the drone assassination program.”
And all around great guy … unless your Iranian, in that case he wants to kill you.
Cotton would be the least qualified CIA director ever, having no experience whatsoever except cashing AIPAC checks. Of course, Pompeo had no experience either, and he’s being promoted to State. Inexperience and corruption are the hallmarks of all Trump’s agency appointments. It’s obvious who is running the show, their U.S. Embassy is moving to Jerusalem.
Actually, Cotton is a perfect fit with the current CIA and fits the mold of Allen Dulles. I recommend the book, “The Brothers” by Stephen Kinzer to learn about the CIA and Allen Dulles.
Tillerson was bad. But these guys are so much worse.