Saudi Arabia has announced that they intend to ease the blockade against northern Yemen’s Hodeidah Port on Thursday, potentially allowing humanitarian aid into the region for the first time in weeks. They also suggested Sanaa Airport would be allowed to reopen, though since they bombed the airport recently, it’s not clear it’s capable of reopening.

The move comes amid mounting calls from international aid groups, warning that mass starvation and lack of medication is going to soon be killing thousands of civilians daily in Yemen. This was hardly a revelation, however, and the Saudis hadn’t acted particularly concerned.
New reports out of the State Department, however, indicated that the US has been pushing the Saudis on the matter in recent days, and while they couldn’t say for sure their request was the reason for the sudden change of heart, it seems a more likely explanation than the Saudis suddenly being concerned about civilian deaths.
The US interest is unlikely to be particularly humanitarian either, of course. Rather, the State Department is likely concerned that US forces have participated in enforcing that blockade, and the US is potential liable for the war crimes that entails. Keeping the blockade from turning into full-on genocide is
The Saudi regime is really dull on foreign policy.
They buy their support and it looks like this blockade was going to be really expensive.
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This is an American war through Saudi “coalition” proxies. Saudi Arabia could care less who rules in Sana’a, or if South secedes. In fact, that would suit them better. With the chsnge at helm, KSA is seeking way to end the conflict, but it can do it only if US owns the process of rnding the war. Even though Houthis are very distant branch of Shia religion, not linked to Iran, in US, it is always same — any Shia means Iran, and cinsequently the dreaded Hezbollah. Israel sees Hezbollah under every bed — and the lobyying here has been nicely covered up by UAE proxies, or standard bearers of such policues as Rubin. Face saving for everyone — Saidis want out, US is magnanimously urging them to drop blicade of Hodeidah and Sana’a airport. Saudi Arabia actually tightened the screews in blocade just to affect this result — say when, Uncle Sam. We will soon see gradual unwinding, and political settkement. Two factors are helping: Saudis are no linger funding their own creation, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS proxies locally. It has stopped Hadi from leaving Saudi Arabia to Aden — a mive that would help in delegitimizing the oresumed cause — returning Hadi to power. What remains to be seen who will emerge as sponsor of potentially two countries coming out if it — South Yenen and Aden in ine side and North Yemen and Sana’a kn the other. Likely, UAE and Oman for the first, Egypt for the second. Egypt is turning into regional piwer broker, ever since Qatar fiasco, saving face of Saudi arrogance. And people wonder why change of leadership in Riyadh.
We’re just a little slow on our reaction to the starvation of thousands upon thousands of children. Trump was too busy trying to get the ungrateful father of a shoplifting basketball player in China to get on his hand and knees and thank him. Priorities.