Secretary of State Rex Tillerson issued a statement Friday warning countries across the region against using Lebanon as a venue for regional proxy fighting, saying the US strongly backs Lebanese independence.

Saudi Arabia has been threatening Lebanon this week, accusing them of having “declared war.” Lebanon has demanded that the Saudis return Prime Minister Saad Hariri, whose status is increasingly uncertain.
The Saudis see Lebanon as part of an Iran-led Shi’ite band of territory from the Mediterranean to Afghanistan’s border, and while still trying to back rebels in Syria, they seem more eager to focus on Lebanon now.
Tillerson insists there is “no role” in Lebanon for any foreign force, though in practice there really aren’t any at the moment, beyond a very small UN Observer Force keeping an eye on the Israeli border. Israel invades southern Lebanon every now and then, but there haven’t been indications that such an incursion is imminent, let alone that Tillerson would have a problem with it, as the US tends to endorse whatever attacks Israel carries out.
So, when the Saudis were allied with the Turks, Qatar, US CIA, and US military, they still got beaten in Syria. Now, they won’t be allied with the Turks, Qatar, and at least the public face of the US State Dept, but they want to try this again in Lebanon. Unless their goal is just destruction and chaos in Lebanon, this isn’t likely to go well for the Sauds. Admittedly, the US at times seems to have chaos and destruction as a goal, but its hard to see how the Sauds would benefit from that, while it is easier to see how Iran would benefit.
In other words, typical MBS playbook so far.
Saudis are working with Israel in this latest propaganda stunt. Israel has forces in KSA to act as body guards and protect the leadership while they consolidate power and in return KSA makes these outrageous statements. Revelations such as the Yemen missile fired at Riyadh last week being from Iran shows CIA involvement and the visit from Kushner indicates Trump is well aware of the conspiracy.
I believe Trump feels having KSA make these statements against Iran is better than Israel in the western media.
it all as to do with a promise the Obama admin. made to KSA. Not surprisingly Barry couldn’t kept his promise.
I’m warning you using Lebanon as Proxy for Mideast Conflict will not be tolerated, that’s our job.
Sigh. Trump is NOT Hitler. Otherwise you’d not feel so free to protest with such peurile idiocy.
This DS meme really cheapens the memory of what Hitler did; perhaps desensitization is an anticipated side benefit for future benefit. That it ultimately stems from Soros’ organizations is particularly sad.
The American Deep State has taken on Nazi-like characteristics so its easy to see why the image comes so natural; its projection.
peurile idiocy, lol, you’re funny.
“The American Deep State has taken on Nazi-like characteristics”
The plutocratic order has always been akin to Nazi Governance, they supported the Nazi state and still preach the Babylonian state to this day.
I really don’t care about the Avignon papacy; that was over 600 years ago.
Closer to here and now it should be well understood that the early American progressive movement served as Nazi inspiration and after WWII some German Nazis were inducted into the American Deep State. Since that time the American DS Nazified, best described as trading brains for appearances.
Trump appears to oppose the neo-progressives and is not one of them.
Avignon papacy? Babylon not Avignon.
American progressive movement served as Nazi inspiration? Try carried on the work that had now become regarded as amoral. The eugenics agenda for example.
Trump appears to oppose the neo-progressives? Lol, Enjoy your fantasy world, and do say hello to the Easter bunny and Elvis for me.
Tillerson forgot to single out Iran in his blanket warning. Not sure if this adds or subtracts from its forcefulness.