President Trump sees his decertification of the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran as part of a broad increase in US hostility toward the country. The decertification obliges Congress to vote on the deal, however, and that might have a silver lining.

That’s the hope of Total S.A. CEO Patrick Pouyanne. His company is trying to make a $5 billion deal to improve South Pars gas field with Iran, and he believes it is both likely that the Senate will vote to save the deal, and that the vote would provide clarification on America’s participation.
That’s been a problem for Total and other European companies trying to make deals in Iran, as the US has repeatedly pressured European banks to block the trade deals, even though they are legal under the nuclear deal.
Under the terms of the deal, the US is obliged to let such deals happen, and both Iran and EU officials have suggested this amounts to the US “violating” the terms of the deal. If Congress upholds the pact, it may be difficult for the Treasury Department to justify continuing this policy. Even if they do, it may convince European banks that the administration’s threats don’t represent US policy.
OMG….. Has it really cum to this…. The foreign interests vs the OTHER foreign interests….???? Is this whatz running OUR State Department.?? Or is Total an American corporation..?????
Let’s vigorously cross examine the official narative on Iran… Our gubber mint says they are supporters of terrorism. Did Iranian pilots fly the planes into WTC No.1 & No.2, ,plus the Pentagon…????? Uh….. NO…!!!! It was the Saudis !!!! Also, if you follow this venue of news, you will find that the Saudis are spending millions to lobby congress to cadtrate the law they enacted allowing nine eleven victims and their families to sue the Saudis who. Financily Supported the pilots and their co-conspirators..
Why are we helping the nine eleven responsible SAUDIS kill those from Yemen who havn’t done us harm… Why are we attacking the enemies of those who killed 3000 of us, and helping them kill.YEMEMIS…????? We should be sanctioning the Saudis, not the Persians.. Since when has the enemy of my enemy becum my friend. It’s crazy.and begs to get stabbed in the back….. again, & again & again!
“the US has repeatedly pressured European banks to block the trade deals, even though they are legal under the nuclear deal.”
This is what infuriates me-the USA using its economic muscle (ie printing more US$) to act illegally and stop commerce and trade by nations acting correctly.