Senate officials are hoping to get to a final vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a military spending bill in excess of $700 billion. Getting to that vote, however, means dealing with all the military and war-related amendments in the bill.

Senate leaders appear to have decided that the easiest way to get around this is to severely curtail debate on certain particularly controversial issues, with an 89-3 vote today agreeing to limit procedural debates on the matter.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is trying to manage the debate, which is to say, dramatically curtail the debate. There are still major issues to be settled, however, with Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) both pushing major debates, on war authorization and transgender soldiers, respectively.
Sen. Paul intends to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). The amendment is seen as politically awkward for some hawks, who argue that they want to create a new AUMF that explicitly covers current wars, but who are reluctant to see any limitations placed on the way America’s wars are waged.
That’s the 2001 AUMF problem all over. Though on paper it was intended to only cover 9/11 and the Afghan War, the authorization has been used by all presidents since as carte blanche to wage any war, anywhere on earth, in which the term terrorism can remotely be applied.
The fact that the existing AUMF clearly does not authorize many of America’s current wars has meant that in practice, presidents have totally eroded what limited war-making power Congress still claimed for itself. This has led to years of talk about an AUMF being drafted specifically for the ISIS war.
For the ultra-hawkish Senators, and none so much as Sen. McCain, a new AUMF necessarily means defining the current wars, which means limiting the ways they can be unilaterally escalated. At the same time, many of those hawks have publicly advocated a new AUMF, which means it would be difficult to justify repealing the old, obsolete one.
Sen. Paul is angry about the vote limiting the debate on his amendment, saying he intends to hold up the whole bill with his protest to try to convince them to reverse course and allow such considerations.
Paul noted in a new op-ed that the old AUMF is being used inappropriately to justify US wars in seven different countries, and that sun-setting it would allow for actual debate on which wars to continue and which to end.
This means a new AUMF would, for all intents and purposes, be a debate of all of America’s current wars, at least if the 2001 version was repealed. That would include not just the ISIS war, likely to be the focus of the new AUMF, but also older conflicts like the 16-year-old Afghan occupation, which President Trump recently laid out an open-ended escalation for.
In the end, Sen. Paul can’t hold up the whole NDAA forever over his AUMF amendment. It marks the latest in a long line of efforts by the Senate leadership to hold back an AUMF debate, something that’s been happening since 2013. encourages readers to contact their senators regarding this important issue. Contact information for your senators can be found here.
McCain must be fulfilling his bucket list.
John McCain hates the US Constitution and hates democracy in general. Everywhere he goes, he firmly opposes the notion that the people should have a say in their government. And the Constitution says that we shouldn’t be fighting any of these many and endless wars without a declaration of war. And yet McCain, the Senator from Brain Damage hates even the notion of having a small debate.
We need to elect some new Senators who actually support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Seems like there’s usually at least one candidate on the ballot who’s worth a try to see if they really will or if they are just lying. But in general, if you vote for most Republicans or pretty much any Democrat these days, you are voting against the Constitution.
IIRC, the AUMF specifically refers to fighting Al-Qaida.
The Hillary/Kerry/Obama crew essentially had the US allied with Al-Qaida. The US has been fighting on the same side as Al-Qaida in at least three ‘wars’ — Hillary’s Libya War, Yemen and Syria. Now that the Deep State has neutered Trump and the will of the American people in the last election, that policy appears to be continuing. Certainly the USA doesn’t seem to be strongly attacking Al-Qaida anywhere these days.
Al-Qaida was always a Sunni Saudi operation, and these days the US is firmly allied with the Saudis, and by inference Al-Qaida, and seems to want to get right into the middle of a Sunni-Shiite religious war.
Donald Trump didn’t mention the words “Al-Qaida” in his 9-11 speech. Not one single mention of who actually attacked us on that day.
Not only get right in the middle of it but assist in creating it
Trump is now acting the part of a NWO president . NWO order presidents don’t say Islamic terrorists They want us to believe Islam has nothing to do with terrorism . Or that Islam is one of the worlds great religions That has been hijacked by a very small number of terrorists . You are probably guilty of a hate crime if you believe anything else .
Trump not only had to defeat all the NWO republicans to get the nomination , He had to defeat the NWO democrats too .. Just to show you how powerful the New World government is . Congress just voted 430 to five to take Trump’s power away . So Trump is acting the part of a NWO president and the United Nations is backing Trump up . None the less little North Korea is not backing down . The whole world knows this NWO plan will not work against Russia and China without a fight . The American people do not want this fight , They better let their congressmen know that we maybe need to collude a little with Russia and China .
I don’t know why the Upper and Lower Nuthouses go through all this noise and drama. Everyone knows that the result will always be a doubling of war and a doubling of debt. Just do it.
McCain blew up an aircraft carrier killing 150 American soldiers and costing millions to repair the damage.
make McCain pay the debt
You pay for it
The United States Constitution declares, in Article I, Section 10,
“No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in
Payment of Debts”.
This means that no State can make something besides
gold or silver a “tender in payment” (which means they cannot “make
something else an offer as payment”) for any debts, which would include
debts owed by and to the State. However, EVERY State in the United
States of America HAS made some other “Thing” an offer as payment – they
have by law declared that they will accept, and pay out, Federal
Reserve Notes for any debts owed by or to them. Therefore, every State
is in violation of Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution. Thus
the need for the “Constitutional Tender Act” — a bill template that can
be introduced in every State legislature in the nation, returning each
of them to adherence to the United States Constitution’s actual legal
tender provisions..
give me control of printing a nations currency & i care not who make the laws
I can make ten times more money in one day of war
than I can in a whole year of peace.
the Rothschilds,
Making Money from War–
The World’s Banker, 1849-1999
By Niall Ferguson
US Published National Debt…$19,846,205,419,111
The Truth….$101,800,291,866,096
Your Share of odious debt : $313,000
Cite your info
The Pentagon govt employee labor unions budget is around $700 billion..
The Pentagon’s
own auditors found they cannot account for 25 percent of their daily
expenditures.That means Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the
Pentagon loses around $86 million tax dollars an hour. The Pentagon
loses more of your tax dollar money before lunch each day than
Americans will see in their entire life times ,
Obama’s pentagon misplaced $6 trillion tax dollars. and it cannot be located
That was gw bush
instead of caring for dying disabled veterans
VA spent nearly $40 million dollars of taxpayer money
on artwork & sculptures to decorate VA lobbies
Think of the jobs created
ghost employee
Obama Sent $300 Million taxpayer dollars to Afghan Soldiers Who Do NOT Exist! .,
Cite source
Taxpayers Now Face Postal Union’s $100 Billion in Unfunded Liabilities.
The postal labor union insists that nothing is wrong —
nothing a taxpayer funded postage $tamp fee increase bailout wouldn’t solve
Cite your source
taxpayer funded Government employee pentagon war focused labor unions
spend over $65 million taxpayer dollars on lobbyists..annually
What is your source
the best time to make money
is when the blood of the taxpayer is running in the streets
Congress created a monster which has swallowed Congress whole hog.
“At the same time, many of those hawks have publicly advocated a new AUMF, which means it would be difficult to justify repealing the old, obsolete one.”
Do you mean “difficult to justify NOT repealing…”?