Update: Saudi Arabia now says they will give Qatar 48 hours to decide, ending Tuesday night
Saudi Arabia has announced that the 10-day deadline for Qatar to give in to a long list of demands will expire Monday, and Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir today reiterated that the demands are “non-negotiable.”

Al-Jubeir went on to accuse Qatar of “funding terrorism and interfering in other countries’ affairs.” He did not elaborate on this with any specific evidence, but much of the claim of interference centers of Qatari news channel al-Jazeera giving air time to opposition figures from across the region, a policy unheard of elsewhere in the Middle East.
The demands center on Qatar shutting down all media outlets, closing all diplomatic offices in Iran, expel Turkey from a Qatari military base, and agree to pay an undisclosed amount of money in “reparations,” along with many other points.
Qatar’s Foreign Minister insisted that his country will formally deliver their response to Kuwait’s Emir on Monday. The Kuwaiti government has been trying to mediate the dispute, and retains close contact with both sides.
It’s generally accepted that the response to the demands will be “no,” and it is unclear what the Saudis will do afterwards. The United Arab Emirates have suggested that there will be immediate moves to permanently isolate the Qataris.
Now, wouldn’t it be really interesting – and devilishly exciting, IMO – if the Qataris released (thru al-Jazeera perhaps) transcripts of a high-level gathering of ME dictators where the Saudis brag about their “ownership” of the US Congress/President and how they put one over on the American people when they arranged for the 9/11 attacks.
This all seems a bit overblown to be just about al-Jazeera coverage of Saudi internal affairs. So, what’s really going on?
The Saudis don’t own Congress. Israel does. And the Saudis cannot purchase weapons from USA without the approval of the Zionist lobby.
What’s really going on is Israel has made a behind the scenes deal with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt to prepare for a regime changing war with Iran on the US dime and to demonize, isolate and destroy the Palestinian resistance.
Maybe al-Jazeera won’t be shut down. But their coverage may change in a few months.
Is this why Trump needs to talk privately with Putin at G20…To arrange the terms of the deal with Russia to withold any support that Russia might provide to Iran when the Neocon Cabal goes in for the kill???
What Russia would really like is to see Saudi oil infrastructure destroyed, not Iran’s…. & Riad a smoldering ruins…
If Qatar is the ‘terrorist’ state the Gulf bunch says, then how come out of the 19 9/11 hijackers, 15 were Saudi and 2 were UAE. None were from Qatar, nor from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen.
I believe they are very afraid of Al-Jazeera investigating and telling the truth about the Saudi bunch and their murderous forays into Yemen. But of course, economics enters the equation as well.
There were no “9/11 hijackers”. The only reason why virtually all were Saudi is because the Saudis could be trusted to play along and not rock the boat.
Even so, it’s the official story. If we want people to believe it we should play it to its fullest. Telling the public the Saudi’s did it and then backing them against another country that wasn’t responsible, according to the official story, makes us look hypocritical.
The deadline has been extended 48 hours until the FM’s of the Gang of Four (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt) meet on Wednesday to decide the next steps.
The key player in the Qatar blockade is Israel which has cultivated close ties with Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman and UAE crown prince Mohammad bin Zayed bin Al-Nahyan. Netanyahu reportedly had several secret meetings with bin Salman and is seeking detente with Saudi Arabia and the GCC. The Gang of Four demands against Qatar reflect the top Zionist foreign policy objectives of isolating Iran and demonizing, isolating and destroying Hamas and Hezbollah. The Israelis also support the demand by the Arab oligarchs to shut down al-Jazeera.
Ever since the Camp David accords in the 1970’s Egypt has been a behind the scenes satellite of Israel. Next to Israel Egypt is the largest recipient of American military aid.But that position is only guaranteed as long as Egypt submits to Israel’s directives in Gaza and Sinai.
Now the Zionist lobby has OK’d Trump’s massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia in return for Saudi acquiescence to the Zionist campaigns against Iran and the Palestinian resistance. It is important to remember that no Saudi arms aid can get through the US Congress or the White House without approval of the Israel army which has blocked sales of the most advanced US weapons systems to Saudi Arabia in the past. Israel wants Saudi Arabia well armed for the anticipated war with Iran.
The most important diplomacy between Israel and the Arab states and between the oligarchies of the Arab world happens behind closed doors. Whatever is said publicly
The moves against Qatari independence are aimed at consolidating Saudi control over the GCC with Israel pulling the strings in the background to start a regime changing war with Iran.
Qatar is a strange society. It is an absolute monarchy with 2.2 million citizens of whom only 260,000 (12%) are citizens. 88% of the population are ex-patriate workers, mostly indentured workers laboring under terrible conditions with virtually no legal rights. Almost all the expatriates are men and Qatar and the UAE each have populations that are almost 75% male. The 12% of the Qataris who are citizens are the richest population in the world and do very little work. In fact 70% of the Qatari army personnel are foreigners and most air force planes are piloted by British pilots.
As to what comes next, itis important to remember that the most important diplomacy between the Arab oligarchies and behind the Arab regimes and the Zionists will occur behind the scenes. No matter what they say publicly, I ill be surprised if Qatar stands up to the Gang of Four. Even if Qatar assets its independence publicly it will be several months before we will see if there are changes in al-Jazeera’s editorial policies or if Hamas, Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood members are quietly asked to leave the country.
If Qatar remains genuinely defiant, Saudi Arabia and Egypt could set up a naval blockade. Their combined navies have a force of four destroyers and 12 frigates and could not be matched by any other power except the United States. The Qatari and Iranian navies are primarily organized for shore patrols and could not run a blockade. Turkey’s navy is located in the Medeterrainian and the Black Sea. They don’t have destroyers or bases that could bring their frigates to the Red Sea.
I would like to see Qatar forge an alliance with Iran, Turkey, Russia, Hezbollah and Hamas. But despite being less backward than Saudi Arabia or the UAE, Qatar is a totalitarian monarchy which has backed the overthrow of Assad and funded the jihadist rebels in Syria and Libya.
Goddamn dude. That should have been an article on this site. Respect.
No, too much information, too much logic, not enough fantastic conclusions for this site.
It’s not the first time that a responder on antiwar has far outshone the article he was replying to, and it won’t be the last.
There are too many very fishy issues in this unfolding of modern version of 1001 nights. First, why do we see now in our imperial media all kinds of stories about Saudi Kingdom and its dark side? All about the lack of democracy (shocker), and Wahhabism, Yemen war and depleted coffers, restless young population, etc. Why now? Why are not Kuwait and Oman part of the King’s monster slaying mission to destroy Qatar? Why is UAE such a loud proponent of the mission, when it has a roaring trade with Iran, and has undermined the Kingdom in Yemen? The fake Yemen Government with fake Army cannot hold any ground without Saudi forces. But UAE decided to use its Army much more productively. It is supporting Southerners to seceede and return to status quo ante — before Bill Clinton imperial act of forcing the union of two incompatible states. But UAE with Oman as silent partner is controling most of former South Yemen, and is actually clashing with “Yemen” forces in Aden. So while KSA was pushing pointlessly towards Sana’a controlled Mocha, UAE advanced on the big prize — Aden.
Another fishy issue — Al -Jazeera. Ever since in 2014 Saudi Arabia with its American backers forced Emir of Qatar to abdicate and appoint his son — US had solved the issue of Al-Jazeera. Or thought it was solved. A new management was appointed, and American neoconservative watchdoog put in place. Al-Jazeera had been transformed into a vehicle for poking at the various issues in the Middle East, chiefly to keep them all on their toes, and to disseminate neocon world view through global Al-Jazeera. Many bureaus rebelled. Example, the entire Beirut bureau, starting with bureau chief resigned over being forced to lie in reporting on Syria. Another fake, Al-Qaradawi, was given plenty of air time to supposedly represent Moslem Brotherhood, but aas nothing else then a tool to poke at Egypt anytime it strayed to far towards Moscow or Beijing. In this vein, all Arab leaders were targeted, but miraculously, always when they did something “bad” and neocons were displeased. It is no shocker that UN is defending Al-Jazeera — if in fact it was merely a tool of a black sherp in the Gulf, it would have been ripped to pieces as “nationalistic” and undemocratic tool of an autocratic regime. So — the current Al-Jazeera is a thorn in the side in the region — but an attractive means of imposing neocon views, criticizing governments and advancing “opposition” in the region, infused with local flavors and dripping with Islamism. It practically glorified “rebels” in Syria, and deluded masses of followers of Al-Qaradawi to believe in the narrative. Change in the control of the management may be a compromise — but the problem is deeper. No matter what is done, somebody will complain of the editorial policy. Egypt barely a avoided a civil war between nationalistic minded MB and Saudi supported Salafis that spread across countryside. Egypt wants no part of Qaradawi’s globalist approach to Moslem Brotherhood. Neocons do not care if MB globalism, or Wahhabi based globalism wins. For as long as it is GOBALIST and not nationalist. And this is a dig at Egypt. If Evypt is so ideological it would not be delivering fuel to Hamas to run their power plants –as Israel has reduced fuel supply to allow only three hours of electricity a day in Gaza. Since they have a common land border — Israel cannot prevent it. But it could always count on Saudi friends to bring some ISIS menace into Egypt’s Sinai.
Which brings me back to the Kingdom. The idea that the young Minister of Defence was shaping Saudi policies all these decades is ridiculous. The elite shaping Saudi policies since Bush the elder, and then throughout Clinton era, followed by another Bush, and then eight years of de facto Clinton Obsma administration — belonged to the “Bandar Bush” and “Nayaf Clinton” cliques. Nayaf, the ousted crown prince had a great deal of control over internal affairs, was a “graduate” of FBI courses, and overall American favorite in the “war on terrorism”. He started and controlled war in Yemen, as American neocon establishment was dead set on preventing the country to break up — and Shia north to be independent again. But it did not go well, as KSA army is mostly mercenary, and many of them chose to get out of their contracts at the first opportunity. It is Nayaf who now for more then two decades worked with our contacts to spread Wahhabism and armed militancy among Sunnis throught Middle East – under whatever name. ISIS is the second such broad branding of Sunni militancy, combined with the cult obedience and distorted religious principles. First was Al-Qaeda. With the Kingdom financially in dire straits — domestic demands increasing, large young population, and the changing geopolitics — Saudi leadership needed a correction of course. But after a clear cut Trump anti-Iran push ghat so pleased neocons of both parties — the wiggle room evaporated. Geopolitics changed massively. With Iran, Russia and Qatar traiding oil and gas with China in yuans — the real threat to US rulling neocons is the loss of dollar hegemony in energy trade. Russia’s entry into Syria is more then the war for Syria’s survival. Intelligence information exchange between Russia and most countries in the region has been established. Turkey has joined forces with Iran and Russia in Syria. Egypt has good relationship with Russia, Iran and China. In Levant only US controlled Jordan remains.
In Lebanon, Western darling, Hariri, is outflanked by the parliamentary support for Hezbollah and Christian president, former general Ayoun is firmly behind Assad. Egypt supports Astana peace proces, which is same as supporting Assad, Russia, Iran and Turkey. And with US gearing up to challenge Iran — Saudi Arabia must have taken the stock in its role in the Midfle East, its benefits and loses, as well as projected future benefits and losses. With China being the silent partner in the regional efforts to stabilize the region, and US being in the business of destabilizing — KSA is not the beneficiary of long term destabilization. So far, consequences have been costly.
Wahhabism going international ever since Afghanistan, through Balkans and now lashing out at Europeans through mass migrations from areas devastated by wars and AIMF policies in Africa.
Since Al-Nayaf has been relieved of ALL of his functions — it is clear that his decaded of being the closest US ally are coming to an end. This would be a mere speculation had it not been for few other facts. First, the king’s son has been the go between in Saudi Russian deal on energy price stabilization — and countering the oil futures market speculation. He visited Moscow four times, and met Putin more then once. He signed a deal on buying Russian tanks, and recently at SPIEF forum in St.Petersburg KSA and Russia jointly established an energy development fund. As a head Aramco, Mihammed bin Salman was in charge if the deal. MbS, being King’s son, and running Aramco, as well as Ministry of defence — had power. But not enough to object to Nayaf’s policies, in keeping with the obedience to crown prince –especially one being for decades clise to US, MbS has also come out publicly in favor of Silk Road, and signed a deal with China on opening a Chinese factory to produce drones in KSA. We do not know how the Nayaf era culminated in Qatar crisis. Clearly, US wanted to smack down Qatar — as in 2014. Because trading in yuans is a major sin. Helping Turkey to fund pro-Turkish “rebels” slong Turkish border was to secure Iraq-Syria-Turkey connectivity in case of Assad fall, and as a hedge against Kurds expanding territory — and threatening the connectivity. Qatar snd Irsn have a large gas field — and need a route to mive it to Europe. But it was desirable to smack down Qatar using Gulf nations — on the principle with us, or against us. But this is a bridge too far. Each participant has an ulterior motive — Egypt, Al-Qaradawi, UAE, wants South Yemen, Bahrain wants Saudi tanks keeping Shia down. Kuwait has over 40% Shia population — and wants no part of anti-Qatar action. Oman has good relations with Iran, and the sultanate is a home of a less known Islamic sect, and wants no religion-based conflicts.
This brings it back to MbS. The only prince never to attend Western university, and is thus neither coopted nor blackmailed. He is planning changes in the Kingdom to give more voice to younger grneragion. But what else will happen, delends on many factors. One, US does not like to be in the middle of two important allies. MbS may like to continue the conflict ad infinitem causing damage to US relations rither in KSA or Qatar. Cannot please them both. Chinese interest alone will prevent Saudi Arabia go into hot war in Qatar. Is there a chance of a court coup in Riyadh? Not likely — unless young prince makes mistakes internally, such as trying to quick to modernize and touch too many Wahhabi interests. For a kingdom that must sell 10% of its key money maker — Aramco, it is only a matter of time before various project funds in support of global Wahhabi jihadists — dries up.
UAE is split down the middle. Dubai is pro Iran, Abu Dhabi is pro Saudi Barbaria, and in any case UAE is just another monarchical society built on oil and slavery.
Here is what I think should be done with Saudi Arabia…we deliver that $120 billion in weapons they are buying to them via B52, Cruise missiles, or any other means can directly target all the little princes and all the BS kings and the phony cousins and nephews…not the citizens just trying to get by…and whatever is left of can go directly to Israel for the same reasons…they are the enemy, not Russia or China but those Mother F&^%$s in the Mideast…you have a tooth ache, you pull the tooth…problem solved…
“Interfering in other countries affairs’. It’s some kind of JOKE… The Saudi’s demands are all JUST. THAT!!!! Every” DEMAND the SAUDIS make interferes with Qatari affairs…. If not more than just their affairs…
Here we have our friendsv(NOT) the Saudis…. Who financed nine eliven and provided the pilots who flew the bombs into the towers lecturing QATAR about interfering… Only these rich psychopaths that OWN our congress could have the temerity to lecture Qatar… after the starring role they played in the biggest ever terrorist event in American History…. Another VIVID illustration of Bizzaro World Events post 9 eliven JR has so aptly fingered…
Sounds like Oxi Day, 1940 all over again…google it.