According to Israeli NGO Peace Now, the Israeli Civil Administration is planning to announce some 2,600 new settlement housing units across the occupied West Bank. This includes 2,500 in existing settlements, and 102 units in the new Amichai settlement.
In addition to the controversial new settlement, some 1,000 of the settlement units are said to be slated for isolated settlements outside of the major blocs, and other areas deep within the West Bank, moves likely to significantly undermine any chances for peace talks.
And as is so often the case the settlers, who are constantly being pandered to, are responding angrily to the plan, saying that the 2,600 settlement units are “too little,” with one of the settler leaders calling the new construction “tantamount to a quiet construction freeze.”
That leader, Yossi Dagan, insisted that the end of Obama’s presidency in the US should’ve meant massive settlement expansions, by which he means more than the massive construction already announced in the few months since Trump took office. He also issued a warning to Trump, saying he “risks his downfall” if he keeps trying for a peace deal.
“…[Dagan] saying he “risks his downfall” if he keeps trying for a peace deal.”
Now, to my ears, that sounds like a threat. I wonder if the thin-skinned Orange One is OK with that?
This ‘settlement’ action will never make it on prime time US media. Palestinians who fight back are labeled ‘terrorist’s’. Off fkin ZOG, aka, ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!! Cheers!
I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning!!
And a short memo the US government; the American people have gotten sick and tired of US aid, both financial and military, “never being enough” for this wretchedly apartheid, self-declared theocracy with nuclear weapons which is what Israel has become in the 21st century.
As you are aware (or should be aware) all aid to Israel is completely illegal under the Symington Amendment, which prohibits any aid from going to a
nuclear armed country which refuses to become signatory to the NNPT, and
refuses to have its nuclear facilities inspected.
Israel comes in at a big fat zero-compliance on both issues, so what is the deal here, please?!?
The victim card has been played once too often by an Israeli government
which spits in the face of US officials, and tells them it’s raining.
And did I mention serial genocide against the Palestinians, coupled with brisk annexations of property in the West Bank and East Jerusalem? The Israeli government will not listen to anything approaching a two state solution; it wants territory, and to get rid of as many Palestinians as it thinks it can, and by any means necessary.
It is high time for all US aid, both military and financial, to stop now, because this is the only language the Israeli government understands.
No more wars for the crap hole state of Israel. And, that is PRECISELY what
this greasy neocon obsession to drag the US military into Syria is all about.
No more wars FOR ISRAEL. Instead, Let’s wage war ON ISRAEL and wipe these evil snakes off the face of the planet.
Ethnic cleansing.
I’m sure the US can find 2,600 homeless families who would be willing to move to Israel and take one of those new houses and all the benefits that come with the package. I wonder if Bibi -since he’s such a good buddy- will take our homeless folks for us?