The US can back groups around the Middle East to physically defeat ISIS in individual cities, and given enough time might even militarily expel ISIS from all significant territory they hold. A new report from the US Institute of Peace, however, is warning that’s not going to defeat ISIS.
The report cites a panel of experts who are saying largely what locals in Iraq and Syria have been warning about throughout the ISIS war, that the group’s territory gains weren’t just happenstance, and that sectarian tension and economic woes that played a big part in setting the stage for ISIS’ rapid rise remain not just unsolved, but largely unchanged.
Predictably, since the Institute of Peace is a US government think-tank, their proposal is that the US government do more intervening in non-military ways, i.e. nation-building, with an eye toward a lasting defeat, which they concede will take many years at any rate.
It is still noteworthy that the think-tank’s report doesn’t envision victory in any meaningful time-frame. The report also noted that President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign proposal to “bomb the shit out of” ISIS was not only unlikely to help, but was likely to make things worse, cautioning that the larger the military intervention, the bigger the jihadist reaction would be.
“…the Institute of Peace is a US government think-tank…”
A secure and generous paycheck for doing nothing useful, but always diligent in providing DC ruling class propaganda to spec. Nuff said
Think tanks are getting boneheaded just as thrir ideological sponsors. ISIS — and all other Salafi cults must be defeated in krder for the attacked nation-state recover. Unfortunately US and its allies have been nurtuting them for years with a view to use them as their ground forces. And thus — arm them, feed them and pump up with religious fantasies, and insure that the nation states under attack would do anything, sign anything for US and the divine West to lrotect them. It worked like a charm in Libya, only there a leader was not to be allowed to live. The same “rebels” in Libya turned out what we all know they were, a collection of religious cults and garden variety criminals. Now after years of human suffering and thousands draw ed in Mediterranean
We are still pursuing managing of the territory via a collection of governments and militias. We even brought ISIS to do a necessary dirty work and weaken the parliament in Tripoli, just to then pompously “fight” them to insure foothold for presumably our general Heftar — and spread his wings outside of Tobruk. Same process in Iraq in order to bring to heel the government that ased US to leave without signing up SOFA. Think tanks conveniently forgot massive bombings of Baghdad in which thousands died — and typically for think tanks failed ever to name these forces with such massive bombing capability. Iraq signed on the dotted line, prime minister forced out, and US now with limited forces back in saddle. In Syria, same strategy. Declare leader evil, people brutalized and unleash an army of cults and criminals — majority brought in from Iraq, Libya, Europe, Central Asia. Many from our still unfinished business in Bosnia and Kosovo — today awash with Salafi cults, paid for by our Gulf friends. But picking on Syria was a hight of arrogance. Assad, a London educated dentist and his wife — a Harvard educated investment banker are the most unlikely picture of dictators, and very secular Syria with a diverse religious population that lived in peace –the least likely breeding ground for Saudi inspired religious cults. But there were over one ion of poor Iraqi refugees where the poverty and anger was a fertile soil for preachers that handed out food. And later guns. The common thread these think tanks do not see is the common interest between US on one hand, and Saudi Arabia and Israel on the other. US for the well oiled neocon machine in both parties backed by financial elite and military contractors. Saudi Arabia and Gulf monarchies for oposing secular sunni states in every shape or form. Saudi Salafis brought Morsi down in Egypt once Saudi Arabia riled millions of poor Salsfis against elected Morsi. It is not Brotherhood that bothers them — it is Brotherhood’s philosophy of elected government. The monarchies see that as greatest threat of all. Syria was a challenge because of its modernity in cities, westernization, full participation of women in society — a bad example for a kingdom
where women cannot go anywhere . Israel wants US to remain in the region forever, region without a strong secular states, and in turmoil with devastated economy; a region where its new leader, Saudi Arabia — hates Iran on religious basis. And whose sect, Wahhabism, alone in Sunni world — treats Shia moslems as non-believers.
What is wrong with the picture think tanks see? They assume all sides of equasion will stay the same. That US will continue using Islamic cults as convenient ground forces.
That US will continue telling nation states what to do and how to run their economy and political life. Elimination of all ISIS and other cult groups is a necessity — to create a safe environment for states to reestablish state institutions, law enforcement, judiciary, and other key fuctions. Dies anyone think that these groups live and fight without real governments helping them? Fantasy. All US has to do is make it clear to monarchies that supporting any islamic cult is an act of war. Any cult anywhere around the globe. That their charities outside their countries must go through charitable institutions of that country. And if that country tolerates Salafi cults — all aid needs go be cut off. ALL Salafi cults must be eliminated not just ISIS. The “good” rebels in Syria are just as brutal to civilians as ISIS. Or “rebels” anywhere in the world. Trump’s foreign policy is based on respect for sovereign states as basic units of international relations. And this is the key. After militarily defeating ISIS and other cults — no more feeding them. States need to get strong — no democracy tests here — in order yo secure peacefull environment and restore economy. Any help is then welcome for as long as it does not undermine the authority of states. The idea proposed by this theory of endless ISIS is that the cause is poverty. Apsolutely not true. People everywhere prefer peace even if poor. The trouble starts when poor young people are offered the life of paid mercenary in the name of true religion. Once this employment opportunity is gone, what will be left over is extremism in some quarters — a condition that can be eliminated by strong states, education and employment. A state that does not have yo spend fortune on endless warfare will have plenty of money for domestic spending and economic growth. Plenty. Anti terrorism must become trully a fight against all forms of armed causes — religious or others — not using terrorism to topple governments. US has become a victim if its own smuggnes in attempt to control others via internal dissent. Now we are stuck in this mud — and still waist deep into mud, we refese other countries to come close to “our” domain of fighting international terrorism. And each time one more state is weakened — terrorists of all stripes spread, and their sponsors multiply. With our economy down the drain, and our energy majors loosing foothold around the globe — Trump and his advisors are taking an entirely different approach. With the establishment fighting him every step of the way.
Damn fine analysis, Bianca.
13.12.2016 Ocean Waves and Breakdowns
Some interesting things have been happening in the oceans recently, with movements of naval vessels for various purposes around the world. In October, for example, Russia deployed eight ships to the Mediterranean to support Syria in its fight against Islamic jihadist rebels, an action condemned by the governments and media of some countries in the US-NATO military alliance.