While the big story in Aleppo is the sweeping losses sustained by the rebels in the past 24 hours, with government officials claiming 98% or 99% of the city under their control, rebel-linked media are claiming a “massacre” is ongoing in the recently captured territory.
The rebels claimed that pro-government forces had executed over 180 people in the newly captured neighborhoods, but exactly who was executed, who did it, and where exactly they did it were not reported. Such accusations are common, with rebels often trying to play up the human rights situation to get international support.
Whether the claims are substantiated or not, they’re working, as the UN Secretary-General expressed “grave concern,” urging the UN Special Envoy for Syria to “urgently” follow up on the matter, while other UN officials warned Russia would he held accountable for “any atrocities” that might get committed in Aleppo.
Blaming Russia for the al-Qaeda-dominated rebels losing in Aleppo has been common among Western officials, though in reality Russia hasn’t carried out a single strike in the city since October, and made efforts to try to help with evacuation of civilians, evacuations with the rebels were blocking for weeks.
With the sweeping rebel defeats, tens of thousands of civilians are getting out of the area, with many celebrating at finally getting out of the rebel-held neighborhoods.
If you read something besides Israeli newspapers, you’d find video of these ‘fleeing’ people actually dancing in the street. Funny how you use the very loaded word of ‘flee’, when many others would say they’ve finally escaped the terrorists who’ve been holding them hostage.
And of course, on this side, Al-Qaeda is only known as ‘rebels’s. And every unsubstantiated claim that comes from Al-Qaeda’s news service gets prominent attention on this side. And of course, the good news for the people in liberated Aleppo is that the constant shelling from the ‘rebel’ areas will finally end, but of course is another little thing that’s never mention on this side that only uses western corporate media and Israeli media as news sources.
Well, how many media personalities or owners reported on the merting between all the major media and media personalities, both anchors and top analysts? Not many — wt least not truthfully. Trump did not invite them to discuss access to his administration — but to dress them down. He said he is in the room of liers, deceitfull peoe who have no shame — and much more in that vein.
You would think that the media owners would allow their media to stop propagating the same lies — and advance the same banking/military contracting interests? No. They wi stop only ehen stopped. And they in a total boneheaded way are behaving as if they won election and nothing will change. This is the same boneheaded way they ran foreign policy– a combination of money interests, Israel firsters, and Russia haters. But the policy backfired on US and they are not taking the responsibility. Long time ago when General Mattis said that Crimea was a much bigger problem then US thinks — he was not defending US policy against Russia. He — like anyone with a bigger picture understood that getting a successful coup in Kiev accomplished — US has pushed Russia into enemy status no matter what Russia did. And consequently Russia embraced the status by taking back Crimea and supporting popular uprising against US instaed regime. Far from making Russia pay for its defiance — Russia has been elevated in status around the globe. The inability of US to do anything to return Crimea — it reinforced the image of US as all talk. Russia moved on to sanction US and EU in food exports, revived its agriculture to become world leader in wheat production, and stuck witn prohibition of GMO. It reoriented energy deals to Asia, and increased its trade around the globe. 400 billion energy deal with China , and mega deal in energy and military cooperation with India — are the outcomes. Gen Mattis was right — the outcome of boneheaded adventures against Russia just prove it day in and day out. Same idiocy in Syria. Till the dear end lies continue — those that chopped heads of a little boy are “opposition”, that killed whole families are our heros. Daily stories are coming out a out the horrors of Aleppo — but our media keeps on lying. There are three more blocks lefr eith militants in — and US is urging another security council hearing on Aleppo. Too bad — peoe of Aleppo are celebrating. All Kerry wants now is to save face and have the militants and their families wk out — but they cannot go anywhere but to Idlib.
The whole process of terrorists agreeing to leave and then changing minds has one purpose only — to keep Aleppo in conversation while US has not moved a finger to control lISIS in Raqqa . Quite the opposite — it has allowed reinforcements from Mosul to artive and take revenge on Palmyra. I guess our media is happy now. Their daings have captured Palmyra and can sestroy all they want. No complaints from the lovers of antiquities. They could not care if ISIS destroys everything — for as long as European domination of those antiquities has not een a andoned in favor of barbaric Russians. Europeans have pinched their collective noses at the mere suggestion of cooperating with Russian antiquity restauration experts from Hermitage. Are they happy now? America has allowed European intreague and petty superiority to guide its policies towards the globe. In fact, .there are only three powers in the world — US,’China and Russia. With US being the strongest.
Before stupidity diminishes any more of its power. Perfect opportunity to vet kther two on board, solve bilateral problems first, build confidence and then stop dividing globe into blocks. Keep the world diverse, not shuehorned into one style of governing and one and only way of running economy. Keep the planet safe for delelopment at the pace each country is ready and capable at any given time. Times change, everything changes — but keeping a stable structure is needed to deal with ups and downs of the ever smaller world. Once US lets go of its European crutch and remembers the founders message of avoiding entangling alliances, things will become clearer. being dedicated to its own interests