Following an emergency meeting of his cabinet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed confidence that the International Criminal Court (ICC) would reject the Palestinian application for membership out of hand “since the Palestinian Authority is not a state.”
PA President Mahmoud Abbas acceded to the Rome Statute on December 31, effective 90 days from his signature. There’s been no indication out of the ICC that they intend to reject the PA application.
The Israeli argument that the PA is “not a state” is also a questionable supposition, as the PA is broadly recognized as a “provisional government,” and the UN General Assembly has granted Palestine the status of a non-member observer state.
The US has also made it clear they strongly oppose Palestinian membership in the ICC, though whether the ICC is taking US and Israeli objections seriously is unclear since, after all, both nations have signed the Rome Statute but never ratified it, and both refuse to allow ICC jurisdiction over them.
Abbas pushed ICC membership after failing to get a UN Security Council approval for an end to the Israeli occupation by 2017. The US vetoed this resolution, at the behest of Israel.
Does he know something we don't. Americans must already be looking to bribe whoever they have to bribe.
Of course the CRIMINALS do not wish to be exposed for what they are.
So they will do everything to block the blowtorch that will be aimed at them.
You have to include George Bush.
A state is land and the people who rule it — For if government is a state, then all corporations are states
A state is a country ruled by people, with the best possible state being one without a government. For there has never been a government that did not use poverty as a tool to enslave the lower half of society.
For a government needs only one thing to be a government, a monopoly on the use of force and violence. For a government is force, the whole force and nothing but force.
For a government has but one function, to protect wealth. And with wealth being the property you own above what is needed to have a quality life, if no one owned wealth then there would be no reason for ever having a government.
And this was the case with Palestine before the 1900’s, for less then 6% of the population were Jews, there was virtually no industry or wealth and the vast majority were perfectly content to live off the land, own no wealth and not be enslaved by the deadly force of government.
"The US vetoed this resolution, at the behest of Israel."
This is factually incorrect. The U.S. did not have to use their veto power, as the vote in the UN Security Council fell short of the required threshold to pass the resolution by 1 vote.
No, it's factually correct as stated. And the resolution fell 1 short because of US/Israel blackmail efforts. Don't be a kneejerk Nazi.
The US still vetoed the resolution, regardless if it made any difference. If it did not make any difference, why didn't the US vote FOR the resolution and not be seen to be Israel's lapdog once again?