Former Blackwater guard Nicholas Slatten has been indicted on a charge of first-degree murder this week over his role in the September 16, 2007 massacre of 15 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad.
Slatten had faced previous charges over the shooting, but they were dismissed last month by a judge, who noted the statute of limitations had expired. There is no such limit on a murder trial.
Prosecutors claim Slatten fired the first shots in the Nisoor Square massacre, and that he fired “unprovoked” at a random driver in the traffic circle, sparking a major scandal for the US occupation.
The US Attorney’s Office is seeking to bring Slatten’s murder trial to a joint trial with others involved in the shooting. The others all face lesser charges, and are likely to object to the introduction of a first-degree murder case alongside their own.
Is beheading allowed in the current Iraq government? If so, than that's what needs to be done with this mercenary trash.
g w b and his cohorts are the first to be indicted for the criminal enterprise in Iraq.
Will it restore the lives of l million Iraqis or roll back the destruction of the world`s civilization by barbarians.
Of course there is also the Possibility that conspiracy charges could be brought. making them all subject to first degree murder!
This is outrageous! (actually good news) in that upcoming joint trial could we include Tony Blair, George Bush and his cronies.
Thats some good news…
Must be like hell to be a soldier in that war..
NONE of you know what you're talking about. You have never even been to iraq or had to fight their. You've got some kind of strange grip on reality and are spoon fed everything you think you know. Until you know what we had to deal with over there both as contractors and military STFU. You dont even have the stones to go through what this man and many others have. It's a different story when you're in the middle of the s*@% I can promise you. I pray that none of you ever find yourself in a messed up situation like this but, then again I doubt any of you will since you dont have the testicular fortitude step outside of your pathetic little comfort zones and contribute anything.