Delivering his address to the Israeli Lobby AIPAC’s policy conference, Secretary of State John Kerry downplayed the Israel-Palestinian peace process, rejecting the accusations that he is “obsessed” with reaching a deal, saying everything he did in that regard was for the betterment of Israel.
Kerry went on with the usual AIPAC policy proclamations, centering on the United States being unquestioningly pro-Israel on all topics for all time, no matter what may come.
Kerry followed up with a promise that the US in general and the State Department in particular would oppose all boycott efforts against Israel’s settlements, saying that such boycotts are “arbitrary and unwarranted.”
Kerry’s promise comes just two days after President Obama declared that the United States would not defend Israel from boycotts and sanctions if the current peace process fails. Obama’s warning was likely an empty threat, though Kerry’s pledge of support is likewise probably just meant for placating the AIPAC crowd.
Kerry, say something that we don't know, for once surprise American people.
I think he means that all Lawmakers who are paid by AIPAC will not fail their Paymasters.
It's funny with all the other crap going on that Kerry can find time for this (A)IPAC crap. This really tells who runs the show.
Actually, all of this "crap" is inter-related – the messing with Ukraine helps distract the suckers from what is (not) happening in Palestine or what is with their shrinking paychecks. That is why Barnum & Bailey invented the 3 ring circus – keep the rubes' mouths open all the time, wondering whats happening next.
Kerry and Obama need a win on the board. They condemn Russia for protecting its interests with Kerry hypocritically scolding Russia over an armed invasion "rifles etc…" and yet he turned a blind eye to international law being violated with Arab nations pumping weapons into Libya. Remember those stolen U.S weapons in Libya and stolen weapons going to all corners of Africa and the middle-east including into Gaza. Now Israel feels like they have a gun to their head. It would be alright if America put forward some competent people into international diplomacy but getting to the practicalities they can't even protect their own borders. Fast and Furious on the mexican border shows you yhat the more kevers you try to pull the more stupid and incompetent America looks. No wonder Netanyahu looks at yhese clownswith dustain. They are surgical and America is a clutz.
Israel always feel like they have a gun to their head as they bash in the heads of their neighbors. It is a sick state
I'm surprised that Kerry like his stupid statement to Putin that "You don't invade someone over false pretexts." hasn't told his Jewish counterparts that the USA will solve the who issue in just Nuking the Gaza stripe. After all… Did it to Japan over civilian cities and the "Jap's" are our our Allies today. Right?
It is everyone's ability to BOYCOTT whom they wish. Just as I don't buy products that are blessed by a damn Rabbi which cost us American's millions more in food costs yearly. Also since our electoral system is FIXED I vote with my WALLET. I boycott anything and everything I disagree with.
The main point here is why don't John McQaeda and Kerry MOVE to Israel and live there? Them and the rest of the Neo-CON'S that are always so willing to send YOUR SONS to die in wars fro Israel who for decades has violated about any International law/water or UN Resolution you can name.
Isn't it nice that in all that decades of killing that US Weapon's were used? Someday American's will wake up to the real reason we as a nation are really hated. NO! Its not because gays can run up and down main street USA with rainbow flags.
Kerry's idea of 'freedom', you must buy from who we tell you to buy from, and no one has the right to make their own decisions. This is what he's stealing your tax dollars to fight for. This is what he's risking your children's lives to achieve.
I would like, just once, for these traitorous clowns to actually do something for America and her people. I guess their public salaries just cannot compete with the bribes and payoffs from AIPAC and the fifth column.
Tell Lurch to pop another Xanax and shut the hell up with his ass-kissing Israel Uber Alles routine. So sick of the sycophantic behavior towards this country. Lurch Kerry is "obsessed" with Israel, as any politician in the US large and small has to pretend to be.
One day Kerry tells Aipac that he is opposed to sanctions (of course when they are against Israel), the next day he wants to impose sanctions on Russia. Go figure
"America won't fail Israel"…
Let's make that America's corrupt, degenerate, bought and paid for, political establishment will do what its owners and paymasters tell it to do, irregardless of what is right, just, or in the best interests of the ordinary American people.
BINGO……… dan………… Bingo…. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!