With the Geneva II talks just a week and a half away, there is essentially no chance it will accomplish anything, and a very good chance that no rebel faction at all will attend, with many uninvited and the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) still undecided.
But Secretary of State John Kerry and other Western officials insisted the talks “must proceed” at all costs, insisting that there is no alternative path to ending the war.
There isn’t an alternative path, but the Geneva II talks have appeared doomed from the start, and with most of the focus now on whether or not the US will allow Iran to attend, the talks seem like they’re going to boil down to Western nations and Russia bickering over a settlement neither is going to be able to impose.
Geneva II was initially scheduled for June, but got pushed back repeatedly on hopes the SNC would eventually come on board. In the end they’re still an open question, and the talks have had to relocate to Montreaux because a luxury watch convention got all the good hotels in Geneva. Now, with all the Montreaux hotels booked, everyone seems determined to attend no matter how fruitless the talks will be.
There is a path to peace in Syria, that is to say, those who want peace need to stop abusing the present time and giving in to demands from Saudi Arabia and UAE or GCC gas and oil government in Persian gulf, the blinded NATO member as Erdogan government of Turkey and start helping, "lesser evils", the legitimate government of Syria and Iraq, let them defeat the "enemy" of my enemy is my friend idea presented by Bush and little Bush, Dick Cheney and Carl Rove followed by Hillary Clinton whom started this Neo mess in Middle East. Syrian war is going to be the graveyard of all Saudis and other barbarians in Middle East no matter what Obama or Kerry will do or say, it might take longer then Vietnam war but it well end as Vietnam war, defeating another USG plot against humanity.