Reports swirling around the Israeli press say that Secretary of State John Kerry has offered to release convicted spy Jonathan Pollard and secure his departure to Israel if the Israeli government doesn’t renege on the promised releases of Palestinian detainees.
The Channel 10 report cited unnamed Israeli sources saying Kerry made the promise, but that he conceded he hadn’t asked Obama about it, and Israel doubts Kerry can actually get Obama to approve.
Other reports simply said Kerry had agreed to “consider” the release, but hadn’t promised to actually do so. The prisoners are scheduled to be released over the weekend.
Neither the White House nor the State Department was willing to comment on the report, and it seems unlikely that the US would agree to such a release merely for Israel agreeing not to renege on past promises.
Obama is a liar and a servant. His style is to say 'no' first to fool the public, but in fact this is an act. He knows who he is and why he has been installed by the zionist bankders at the whore house. He loves to be there, so he does what ever is required. If five years of deception is not enough for dummies not to know true face of Obama, then 20 years also would not be enough. If Obama does not release pollard, then who does? Obama knows who he is and what should he do to stay at the wh*re house.
BS > Nothing to do with Obama being " a liar and a servant ".
It`s all about this low-life Pollard,his low-life action and a low-life Kerry to kiss Israel A**es,period.
Sure hope they keep this scum locked up until hell freezes over and beyond.
Oh for God's sake, he hasn't even offered Pollard for something important. This would be pitiful.
The best I can hope is that this is yet another Israeli lie, circulated to add pressure in their unending campaign.
It is only a few prisoners who have been twenty years or more in prison, not the thousands including children, plus those rearrested after the last "release".
Offer NOTHING. Israel's actions are ILLEGAL.Pollard is a dangerous criminal whose actions did great harm to the USA. He is one of the few who whould remain incarcerated of the over 2 million in the USA.
Incredible? is this what America has come too.
Yes, This is what America has come to; anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to endear ourselves to – criminal wealth, unnatural cruelty, unearned privilege, and tribalism. All to the tune of "Beat me Daddy (Bibi) , Eight to the Bar".
I laughed my *ss off when I read this post this morning. Although the subject is enough to make you cry, it really hit my funnybone – thank you, Richard
Please post my reply from four hours ago-it was harmless enough I believe.
[moderator’s note: It’s Saturday. Comments get got to when they get got to – TLK]
Happy Saturday to you, TLK! Love & Kisses, Jane
Happy Saturday to you, TLK! Love & Kisses, Jane
I cannot believe that Kerry or Obama would offer to release Pollard, with all of the damage Pollard's spying caused, and after which the Israelis themselves turned around and sold some of the information Pollard stole. Hopefully, this Channel 10 story is not true. If it were, Kerry would be more of a moron than he showed himself to be when he repeatedly peddled the obviously fraudulent story blaming the Syrian government for the chemical attack in Ghouta. Right now he must focus on negotiating a reasonable longterm agreement with Iran, and hold the line with Israel so that the Palestinians are not sold down the river yet again.
The United States negotiating with terrorist?
Pollard SHOULD have been stood before a firing squad. SecState Lurch is one smarmy if not duplicitous swine and needs to keep his mouth shut.
{Pollard SHOULD have been stood before a firing squad}
with those cowards who let him free. All must face firifng squad.
Amen, Brother.
Amen, Brother.
Pollard SHOULD have been stood before a firing squad. SecState Lurch is one smarmy if not duplicitous swine and needs to keep his mouth shut.
Pollard SHOULD have been stood before a firing squad. SecState Lurch is one smarmy if not duplicitous swine and needs to keep his mouth shut.
Pollard SHOULD have been stood before a firing squad. SecState Lurch is one smarmy if not duplicitous swine and needs to keep his mouth shut.
"…he conceded he hadn’t asked Obama about it."
nice career move… He's deeper into the Israeli pocket than I thought.
pollard will be the new foreign minister when Lieberman becomes prime minister, then he can thank obama publicly as he presides over the expulsion of all arabs.
If not ambassador to the US, or head of aicrap.
If the story is true, Pollard's release would be a slap in the face to the intelligence agencies whose personnel died because of his treachery. I wouldn't bet two beans for his chances of long term survival outside prison, and if this looks like it will really happen he may not make it to his flight to Israel. Nor should he.
He should be delivered to Tel Aviv the same way Slim Pickens was delivered to Russia.
Pollard did what he did for money. All the talk of our ally has to be put in order with the recent selling of the Latest secret military equipment sold by an Israel official to the Chinese. How is that possible without the approval or wink and nod from others. The official resigned but he should be sent to the USA for trial and if Pollard is released then we have a jail available for someone so ungrateful as to sell secret military equipment provided to protect him and his love ones. ‘why Israel wants pollard is beyond me. BTW Pollard was on his way to The Chinese embassy with a box of top secret documents which we was going to trade for a ride out of the USA as the FBI arrived at his house to arrest him Pollard has an Israel handler who was left free in this bargain.
It's time for Pollard to suffer a " great fall" perhaps from the third tier with nothing but steel and concrete to cushion his landing. Send him home then.
It's time for Pollard to suffer a " great fall" perhaps from the third tier with nothing but steel and concrete to cushion his landing. Send him home then.
It's time for Pollard to suffer a " great fall" perhaps from the third tier with nothing but steel and concrete to cushion his landing. Send him home then.