Internal State Department documents, which the department initially denied existed but were finally forced by the courts to reveal show that the high-level “leaks” at the core of David Sanger’s book “Confront and Conceal” came straight from the White House itself.
The book, which praises Obama’s “secret wars,” offers extremely specific details about the US creation of the Stuxnet computer worm to attack Iranian industrial computers, and the aftermath when the worm broke out of Iran and started attacking computers worldwide.
According to the State Department emails, Sanger was given direct access to an array of high level officials, repeatedly meeting with National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as top aides across the administration.
Bizarrely, the Justice Department spent a solid year after the publication of Sanger’s book investigating how he obtained the information, one of its efforts to “crack down” on leaks. Of course, it’s not illegal for the White House to leak information.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t unseemly though. Sen. John McCain (R – AZ) was particularly critical about the leaks, saying the book’s release was timed to portray Obama is a “strong leader” and that the leaks were primarily about cashing in on the details of Stuxnet politically.
This is ludicrous. These people all the way up to the President are not only liars and prevaricators, they are stupid, and with the impunity with which they have tried to perpetrate this fraud, and all of the murder, devastation and plunder for which they are responsible all over the world, they should be impeached and in jail for the rest of their lives.
'… timed to portray Obama as a strong leader…' A leader who breaks international law at will, who commits an act of war against another sovereign nation without the consent of Congress, who has become an extension of the CIA (and not the other way around as it was meant to be).
Prosecute and/or impeach them all!! Sauce for the goose, indeed…