The White House has issued a statement today condemning the Syrian government for retaking a strategically important town along the Lebanese border, insisting that it caused “untold humanitarian suffering.”
Spokesman Jay Carney insisted that the US knew Syria’s government couldn’t retake the town of Qusayr without Hezbollah’s help. The town had been under rebel control for months and finally fell after weeks of fighting. Carney also demanded Hezbollah immediately withdraw to Lebanon
CNN reported that there are actually “no civilians in this city anymore,” despite US claims that huge numbers of civilians were trapped in the town. Rebels have demanded that Syria allow the Red Cross into the town, which it had said it would do once the remnants of the rebels were ousted.
Though a town of only 30,000 people, Qusayr was strategically important because of its location along a key highway linking Damascus to the north of the country. The rebel occupation kept Syrian forces from using the highway to reinforce units in the north.
Did Washington object when last summer, the rebels killed a few Christians and ousted the rest from the town in a nasty bit of sectarian cleansing? Or that reports are circulating that the rebels have taken reprisals against Christians living in the village of Al-Duvair, and promised to destroy Alawite and Shia villages as well, if they lost?
Wait, doesn't the NDAA apply to almost every pronouncement US politicians and officials make about Syria?
Yeah, how dare they not let the terrorists take over the country.
How can sorry punks like Carney live with themselves?
The "punk" Carney states only what his boss tells him to state. He is a mouthpiece of the White House, nothing else.
A "willing" punk, Dieter. He takes his pay check and does so with full knowledge of the lies he spews.
We know, the question remains, how can he live with himself. How can you deal with a job that requires you to stand there in front of a crowd and tell them nothing but lies, and have to "justify" and "explain" those lies with more lies.
pshchopath is the answer
Effective as of today the people in middle east demand for USA-England to get out of Middle East and take all their bull dogs with.., because that's the only time when Middle Eastern people will have their freedom and peace.
Fallujah, you US trash.
The White House hasn't given a damn about the Christians in Syria or anyone else there, and neither has the media. As for the White House condemnation of the Syrian government retaking Qusayr, is the Syrian government not supposed to protect the its people and its land? What is Carney smoking? What is Rice smoking? What is Obama smoking? Why doesn't the US just take its jihadists and get out of Syria once and for all, and let the Syrian government and its allies sort it all out. (And if Israel tries to take advantage, let the Russians take them down. Americans have had enough, and Obama has perpetuated the neocons and the neocon problems he inherited from Bush.
Talk about whining sore losers. They have been killing Syrians by their head-chopping, cannibal proxies for two years and when SAA,NDF and militia retakes territory lost and makes it safe for civilians, it´s "unacceptable", HA!
What will you do yanks? Start an invasion with the Russian navy just outside and in Tartus guarding Syria´s airspace, not to mention SAA´s whole arsenal of supersonic missiles and a very motivated and trained army itching for retaliation? Don´t think so. OK the paranoid and fanatic Zionists to do the same? They would lose too much precious chosen blood in an all out war on every front inevitably with Iran involved so, no. All you CAN do is watching a real motivated, trained and very professional SAA go for another round and oust all your foreign Orc`s from Syrian territory. The peace negotiations is the only option your b*stards, that's the only card you have got left to play.
So how come they didn't object when the Sunni Jihadists attacked the town in the first place, drove out most of the inhabitants who were Shia. burned the homes of political opponents and killed some Christians?
I say it's unacceptable for the US-Government to retake Fort Sumter and Atlanta.
To quote the article:
"Spokesman Jay Carney insisted that the US knew Syria’s government couldn’t retake the town of Qusayr without Hezbollah’s help."
How is that? Perhaps, because they had american boots on the grounds there?
This cannot be true. They are telling the bird to drop that worm.
The whole filthy US WARMONGER REGIME IS totally 'unacceptable'.
The White House is unacceptable.
I guess the rebel need the White House to stay alive. Israel probable will have to refigure the defense attack which Israel was going to use to overtake Syria and make it a new Jewish state. That plan would have require 10 million arabs to be shipped from Syria to Lebanon. Israel cannor invade without a method to get rid of the arabs.
Hexbollah's help is "undacceptable"? And all the Saudi, US, UK and French collections of jihadists brought into the county — is OK? Let's take an example from Balkans. US virtually controls Kosovo. Not a bird goes in or out without US knowledge. Yet, Syrian "rebels" came there for "consultations" with former KLA "rebels" that ousted Serbian population — to learn how to do it. The result was Houla, a massacre that they tried to pin on government, but it was too clumsy, and had too many witnesses. Now, dead "fighers" are coming back to Kosovo, Serbian moslem provinces, as well as Bosnia,. Now, they do not have a majic carpet — to fly there. Money, logistics, all worked out for them. Disguisting.
So Mr. Carney (a jewish name by the way), could you please give out templates and instructions to the Syrian army and any other organization on when to win and when to lose?
People like this and the political US as a whole make me sick to my stomach to be sharing a world with them.
Carney Surname Origin
(Origin Celtic) 1. Warrior, Soldier [Irish ceathernach (th = h)] 2. Victorious [Irish Cearnach].…
Not that it would relevant even if Carney WAS a Jewish name. Knock off the anti-semitic BS or go away. Your call. – TLK
what a lot of total bullshit by the americanisreali governments,USA YOU ARE TRULY THE PURE HYPOCRITES ON THIS PLANET
Sorry moderator, you are correct.