Speaking at one of Israel’s Independence Day celebrations, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon insisted that Israel had to be prepared to launch a unilateral attack on Iran, saying that allowing Iran to continue with its program could lead to “disaster” and that Israel was likely to have to launch an attack alone.
Ya’alon’s hawkish speech, which blasted Western sanctions, was also echoed in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s own Independence Day speech, which focused on the need to attack Iran “for the sake of humanity.”
Iran’s civilian nuclear program has been the target for pro-war speeches at virtually every Israeli holiday/commemoration in the past decade, but while US threats to attack have placated Israel in the past, officials are openly annoyed that the US hasn’t attacked Iran yet, and now seem convinced that they should just do it themselves.
If that happens, the US Senate has already vowed unconditional US support for the Israeli attack, saying that Israel has a “right” to attack Iran whenever it wants to and that the US will commit to providing continued aid to them no matter what.
Dear Moshey:
Knock yourself out. Have at it and then, prepare for the blowback and do NOT expect the US to come to Israel's defense. Of course and it is a given that the US Imperial Senate will cover ANY Israeli act of naked aggression. Of course and it is a given twice that, the US Imperial Senators do not fight any wars for Israel. Hmmm, why do you suppose that is?
The Israelis have whined so endlessly about anything and everything they are dissatisfied about that the number of Americans who are starting to tune them out is growing by leaps and bounds. This is putting America inexorably on the road to isolationism– doesn't seem possible you say? Just let unemployment
among America's young reach the tipping point where politicians are more afraid of angry people who realize how profoundly dim their future is than AIPAC's endless little bits of paper demanding congress
remain Israel's cheerful little whore.
Get to it, Moshe.
You get your butt in there.
For heavens sake' when willl USA tell Israel to pull its head in. What blackmail does Israel have over the Congress and Senate?
Yeah man!
Make everybody's day.
Start the war
Where on earth do the american people get those idiots to put in government.
Lindsey Graham is absolutely a traitor. What has Israel got over this little bi-atch?
Will it never end till they do? I'd say too small for imperial quests, but then there are the pugnacious Brits to "to put the lie to" size vs reach. So few people too, nor homogeneous enough for the iron fisted Nazi style national single mindedness that one would think was necessary for their greater Israel (lebensraum) dreams…
In Israel everything leads to disaster… for other people and nations. The thrill of war is just too tempting to resist for them.
Good riddance to Israel…they have created their own abyss, and attacking Iran will seal it. Do you think the world body gives a hoot about Israel in the first place?? not at all. What is coming down the pike will be like nothing they have ever experienced. If they should use a nuke, an Islamic nuke will be the response.