With Britain already insisting that either the European Union needs to abandon the arms embargo on Syria or it is simply going to ignore it, France is now joining in, claiming it is vital for Europe to start throwing weapons, en masse, at the rebel fighters.
French President Francois Hollande is citing a claim that Bashar Assad is planning to use chemical weapons, something neither proven nor backed by anything but a single comment from Israeli officials, as justification for sending arms to the rebels.
France and Britain have been keen to intervene internationally in recent years, with both of them leading the charge into imposing regime change on Libya, and France also invading Mali earlier this year. The complexities of Syria’s civil war make it fraught with difficulties as well, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping the interventionist ardor.
Indeed, though there is no indication that they’ve been successful at all in funneling the aid to specific recipients in the past, officials are claiming the growing number of al-Qaeda linked rebels is a justification for the arms as well, with their own aid going to “more secular” groups, at least in theory. The reality, of course, is that on the ground there is not a “secular” rebellion and a religious one, but rather a single rebellion, mostly led by Islamists, and no matter who the packages of arms are addressed to, they’ll spread quickly throughout the movement.
The French need to suffer disproportionately large losses. Their criminality under Sarkozy and now Hollande has been unspeakable. Maybe, if they are dealt a severe enough blow their people will rise up and overthrow the gangsters running their country.
Indeed…one must hope that Mali is their Afghanistan. Chew the French terrorists up, and kick them to the curb.
We said it from day one…, the present social democrats in France nor the Swedish social democrats or for that matter the European and American social democrats in general are no longer social democrats.., not even close.., the majority of this movement is modernized and works for vulture capitalism.., the Saudis, the Qatar kingdoms decide for their domestic and forigen policies.., part of this Neo movement is simply bound by the ideas in Neo fascism.., we have experienced it from and during Balkan to Iraq war.., this time there is no different.., nor is Holland policies.
Can a sane person say such utter criminal rubbish only the french can and that donkey sarkozy of Libya fame do they think of what type of jackass as president to make a fool of their country.
One must hope that France is completely beaten up, and kicked out of Mali. Furthermore the arming of the Syrian rebels / Keystone Cops will play in the favor of Assad. He is not going anywhere, nor should he. F… the West, and their lack of any moralc, or principles
Seems like Cameron boy is backpedaling already: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middlee…