In a move that they are presenting as an effort to protect human rights, the British government plans to unveil broad new intelligence deals across the planet as part of the global war on terror.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague says that improving respect for “international norms” is important because it facilitates information sharing. He provided no examples of how this would actually be accomplished, and indeed insisted Britain would continue to share information with nations that routinely violate human rights, despite international obligations.
Despite being couched as a new way of doing business, it suggests business as usual for British entanglements abroad, with a new round of escalations centering on Northern Africa, the latest focus of the Cameron government.
Indeed, the announcement comes as the Cameron government has announced yet more deals with Algeria, whose government has been harshly violating human rights for decades. Hague gave no indication of how Algeria might ever be pressed to stop doing that.
The British once had the greatest empire on earth. Now they are a pathetic bunch of twits and cowards doing the bidding of their zionist masters just as the Americans are while both countries are being overrun and outbred by the Third World invasion and the dwindling White British and American populations have become a bunch of fat, stupid, soulless zombies. Both countries and their evil, degenerate zio-puppet governments deserve to implode before any real progress can be made. It pains me to say this as most of my ancestors came from the British Isles.
The Empire of Human Rights that respects no laws — international or their own. Protects the right to plunder the earth, using the most vile creatures to run the vast holdings of the priviledged spidery money elite. Destroy all debt and eliminate all credit, and like vampires exposed to sunshine — they will vanish. Nobody cares about human rights of the unfortunate ones they can lay their hands on — they want their assets and load up loans on them — wheter they like it, need it, or not. Good strart would be to do away with IMF and International Bank. These are the tools of control. The vile creatures appointed to rule the unfortunate lands are wanted. From Rwanda's president for life to the newest creature, the "president" of Mali, from the organ-harvesters in Kosovo, to Mr. 10% in Pakistan. What IS new?
If only someone had put us out of our misery when he was a sixteen year old tosser!
If only someone had put us out of our misery when he was a sixteen year old tosser!