President Obama mentioned to a top fundraiser this week that he believes Republican candidate for President Mitt Romney wants to nominate CIA chief Gen. David Petraeus as his vice presidential candidate, according to the Drudge Report.
The White House quickly denied the claims cited in the Drudge article. “I can say with absolute confidence that such an assertion [has] never been uttered by the president,” spokesman Jay Carney told reporters after warning Drudge to “be mindful of your sources.”
But the source told Drudge “The president wasn’t joking.” Romney is alleged to have met with the four-star General, mastermind of the Iraq surge, and current head of the CIA, when in New Hampshire.
Picking Petraeus for vice president would be highly controversial, considering his current position. Petraeus, however, has stated categorically that he has no political ambitions at this time.
Update: The CIA has confirmed that Director David Petraeus will not be Romney’s VP pick.
Wall Street and the MIC, the perfect marriage.
King david to the throne. The teflon general who never met an a** he wouldn't kiss. Maybe obomba can one up romney and dump biden so he can have the master of plagiarism all to himself. I'm getting sick.
snot on the doorknob
OH great. Snake oil MIC top brass. ..The funny thing is that the run of the mil, nanny state ninnies otherwise known as republicans will love it. The media will blow it up as another historic election – like Herr General Pet-Raus is some highly honerable policy maker. WW3 is pretty much sealed if this happens.
Every president enjoys having an ex-CIA chief as a vice president. George Bush served as CIA chief and as Reagan's vice president and was able to keep sensitive Watergate and Iran-gate documents concealed from congress. So what better way for Romney to keep a close eye on sensitive information that could come back to haunt him and his daddy?