Trying to add Iran to the picture in the Syria negotiations has been a long-standing problem for UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan, who had to bar them from previous talks and is now being met with angry condemnations from US officials at the suggestion that, all other avenues exhausted, Iran could play a role in getting both sides to the table.
Which infuriated the White House, which issued a statement saying that Iran could never be allowed to play any role in Syria’s talks, and made it pretty clear exactly why they feel that way.
Annan is pushing the talks to end the growing civil war with a negotiated settlement. The White House, however, reiterated that they only see the talks as a means to demand the immediate ouster of the regime and the installation of the rebels, and see Iran (correctly) as an obstacle.
Iran has indicated that they are open to a settlement that would lead to Assad’s ouster, yesterday calling for a deal to end the fighting and move toward an election by 2014 that would “let the Syrian people decide.” Since the only Arab Spring election the US has been genuinely happy about was the single-candidate vote to install Yemen’s new military ruler, they are understandably that an election might not install the right (pro-US) regime.
The following is the first paragraph of the article written by my friend Mr Ditz, a journalist. Immediately following it, is the rendition and annotation of the same by me, a truth seeking layman. You judge:
Trying to add Iran to the picture in the Syria negotiations has been a long-standing problem for UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan, who had to bar them from previous talks and is now being met with angry condemnations from US officials at the suggestion that, all other avenues exhausted, Iran could play a role in getting both sides to the table.
Trying to add Iran to the picture in the Syria negotiations has been a long-standing problem for UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan, because the US opposed it at every turn—not only Kofi Annan didn’t bar Iran as the article claims, but he was actually insistent that Iran should be included—Now the rest of the paragraph is purposely confusing and is written in such a way as to give the impression that the angry condemnation of the US official was because Annan barred Iran’s participation, whereas the US is still angry at Annan’s mention of Iran as a solution.
[moderator’s note: Hmmm … I don’t get the impression from it that you say it is “written in such a way as to give.” Nor do I find it confusing, purposely or otherwise – TLK]
Lol… I did this whole thing yesterday explaining that Assad (himself) established this 2014 date and announced it over 7 months ago….…
What value 'Iran' would have in pressuring "Assad" to go along with a date for elections Assad, himself, established and announced over 7 months ago doesn't seem all too clear…and thinking it would add any "pressure" to "resolve" the "Syria" 'issue' defies all logic and common sense.
It obviously didn't register to anyone… This is ridiculous…
This is more: "Super Gentile Kofi Annan from an Exotic Sub-saharin Africa Nation" to sit everyone down and explain the virtues of almighty "talks" to "work this out like adults" to the rescue… syndrome/'philosophy' (I am using this term loosely) a certain population seems to 'suffer from'/'ascribe too'…
This is not reality or what is going on here…but even if Mr. Ditz thinks this is what's going on…I think his 'conclusions' should at least be substantiated with "facts" and "logic"–at the very least… 'Facts' being key…I'd personally also prefer at least a logical fact pattern if Mr. Ditz is including "conclusions" to this "reporting"…but that's just me…
The implication and mix that: 'Iran' is a quasi benevolent hegemon that may submit to Koffi's charm if only they're just invited into the sandbox to the "talks"…with 'everyone' at the "table", Iran just might..depending on everyone's attire and depending on the quality of the coffee and tea served that day…'Iran' just 'might' agree to let their puppet Assad go….so once and for all the world and especially the "Syrian people" will break free from shackles of the 'evil Assad dictatorship'…is an interesting nuance to this overall 'philosophy' that Mr. Ditz seems to be putting forward here…yeah…
US is outraged, Iran could never be allowed to play any role in Syria’s talks….Iran and Syria are both "marked" by Internacional Zionism for "regime change"….Russia is next. What will Russia do in such critical times? Let us see…peter czech
Of course the U.S. is going to complain at any attempt to resolve the conflict if it means the result will not be in line with American aims. Remember Clinton's "we came, we saw, he died" in Libya? American foreign policy, the source of so much misery and terror worldwide.
So. how much should the few greedy be allowed? how many of our kids died to recreate an empire that never existed.
Give peace a chance and stop the forever wars. Follow Cilinton's husband and avoid the military.
Kofi Annan is responsible for the deaths of half a million Iraqi children, and isn't taken seriously by anyone looking for signs of peaceful negotiations. He's just another tool of the imperial war machine. I'm just waiting for the day I can urinate on his grave.
You must be Iraqi .I'am terribly sorry for those sanctions They pulled the same thing on Yugoslavia too . That foolish Madline Albright said she thought it was worth it . I did not .
Nothing new. The US has barred Iran from many talks that involve the Middle East, Israel, the Palestinians, terrorism, etc, etc. It is very tiresome and only leads to more conflict. Let Iran get involved. They might help.
Iran, a neighboring country, isn't considered viable while an actual instigator of violence, the US, halfway around the planet, kicks its feet in a tantrum about not getting its way? How absurd!
Yes we live in an age of absurdity.
This US/"Israeli" objection to Iran's entry into Syria talks has NOTHING
to do with Syria. Iran is for peaceable elections in Syria.
It has EVERYTHING to do with trying to delegitimize the Islamic Republic
of Iran as the rightful sovereign.
This is part of the ploy to bring a new government to Iran.
Jimmy carter did bring a new goverenment to Iran . We brought the new goverenment before this one to Iran too .
Well said.
The piecemeal US war on the Middle East continues. Wake up people and unite against this.
The UN's General Assembly should amend Article 27 of its charter to replace the US on the Security Council, with full "greater power unanimity" veto power for the new holder of the seat.
Suggested replacement: Iran.
Mr TLK, who approved your comment before posting it?
[Charles, nobody approved my comment before posting it. Except me, I guess – TLK]
Empire USA — Game plan
(1) Destroy Iran
(2) Destroy China
(3) Destroy Russia
(4) Establish a one-world government
Never going to happen. Ever. America is committing suicide as it is, she doesn't have the strength to destroy Iraq, let alone do steps 1, 2, and 3 to get to 4.
Now how about getting outraged at excessive government spending on wars and other unnecessary distractions? We have plenty of work to do in our own back yard before we go telling other what to do. But, what do you expect from a nation whose leaders have been used to getting their way for so long and now they're finding the rest of the world isn't on our side? Of course, start a war to prove how tough you are! Start lots of wars! Help other people with their wars! The more you spend on weapons, the more you become a morally straight nation!!
How to maximize wealth for educated people
Empire USA uses deadly force, coercion, bribery, capitalism and as a last resort friendly persuasion (which is most embarrassing for an Empire) to facilitate a global economy that accomplishes four things,
(1) Maximizes wealth for the educated upper half of Western nations, namely Western Europe, Australia, Canada and USA.
(2) Maximizes wealth for the 25% most wealthy in virtually all non Western nations.
(3) Procures natural resources from underdeveloped nations at a fraction of their true value.
(4) Procures manual labor at the lowest cost by relocating factories and farms.
Problem is, the uneducated lower of society, in all nations, are kept so impoverished that they are unable to purchase liberty by funding politicians. Can’t even for $35 purchase the liberty of walking as a free citizen into a doctor’s office.
Ok so what's supposed to happen between now and 2014? Does Assad continue to rule or is it anarchy or what?