In an effort to further politicize sporting events in the face of growing calls for a boycott of the Euro 2012 tournament, the British government has announced that it is going to ban certain unnamed leaders who “are guilty of human rights abuses” from attending the 2012 Olympics.
“Where there is independent, reliable and credible evidence that an individual has committed human right abuses, the individual will not be permitted to enter the UK,” insisted Foreign Office minister Jeremy Browne.
The comments seem to be aimed at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who expressed interest in attending the event. At the time Britain was silent on the interest, but did say that it could prevent anyone from attending the Olympics if it was for “the public good.”
Yet “independent, reliable and credible evidence” isn’t hard to come by among world leaders, and would seem to preclude President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, among countless other, from attending.
But when the Queen throws a party – they invite them all along and the Government does nothing.
The British Government is disgusting.
Will the British government ban itself then from attending the Olympics?
So do we include former leaders as well? Bush comes to mind as well as Blair even though he is British and John Howard from Australia. There is good arguement that they committed one of the greatest of all crimes, The Ultimate in Human Rights abuses, starting a War and effectively causing the death of a huge amount of civilians!
What a little wussy. You arrest those when they come. And get Blair while your at it, ya pansy.
I assume Blair will be ordered out of UK during the Olympics.
I have also been told that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Pelosy, Obama, Holder at. al have been ordered to return their tickets….
This is not true at all, according to RT and every other news the Baharian non democratic elected king with his entourage of dictatorial system , the Saudis tyrants with their wahabbis feudalist system and all others alike receiving royal treatment in England and received by royal family of england during and after ceremony.
The modern Olympics has always been a disgusting spectacle of nationalism. The individual athletes are used as props in a parade of flags and anthems.
I hope some medalist finds the courage to defy the ceremony by placing an "I support Bradley Manning" pin over his medal and raising a hand clenched in the peace sign.
Yes, and the people of Iran are falling victim to what became genocidal sanctions in Iraq. The hypocrisy is beyond belief. The West has become one vast system of predation and deceit. It is a moral nightmare that congers images of a playfully smiling Hitler tickling babies feet for the camera.
The true face of the modern Olympics?…
"Hitler used the 1936 Olympics as a propaganda tool, inadvertently creating the modern Games, complete with torch relays, grand stadiums, publicity films and screens set up outside to transmit the Games. What the Nazis couldn’t stage-manage were the outcomes, and wonderful story of Jesse Owens smashing Hitler’s theories of racial superiority on the 100m sprint is an oft repeated story."
Netanyahu, Ehud Barack Obama, Tony Blair Witch Project, everyone in their administrations and current and former human rights abusers should be barred from attending the games. They could watch the games on television at the ICC.
I can name one human rights abusing international law violating country that will not be on that list.