Making the situation in Syria’s ongoing civil war even more confusing, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) now says its withdrawal from Homs was a function of an acute ammunition shortage, and that despite threats yesterday to launch attacks nationwide, it is restricting the use of bullets by their fighters for the time being.
Though a number of defectors that left the Assad regime to join the FSA took their weapons with them, they apparently didn’t take much ammo, and the FSA says its side of the civil war will be severely restricted until they can find an “outside source.”
The new FSA comments bring into focus the ongoing battle among Arab League nations on whether or not to intervene in the war. The rebels say that despite Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s repeated statements in favor of arming the FSA, they’ve yet to receive anything from them.
It also suggests the FSA dramatically overestimated how quickly the international community would start throwing weaponry its way and expanded well beyond what its limited resources would support.
The story dosen’t match, something is wrong here. These “rebels” never had a backing of Syrian people but those whom were paid and still get paid by Saudis and UAE, these “rebels” never had a principals to go after or respect, they never had a political nor a justice system but brutalism to follow orders from outside the country, these elements were simply no on and there were no such thing as country in war or a matter of civilian war, if that was the case then US and EU militarism regime would loved the situation and jumped into action long time ago, after all it is US – EU, Saudis and UAE, but above all Israel zionism regime which are and would have benefitted from such scenario.
like a state without a republics’ status a league w/o a validated federation, they have so much in common, kno wonder they/them wanna kiss & kill each other, semi asap, safety 1rst from the cowardds in the a rearrs of thrones no less of horse…
Look at this video, these rebels, as their leaders are not only a new fascism in the region of Africa but as well as in Middle East. This and many other filmed document of beheading, stealing and other atrocities, acts against humanity shows the fact that Saudis, UAE – US and EU are supporting, the rest of these barbarians are nothing but feudalist system with no respect to human life or human dignity, just wait to be surprised what these rebels have done to Syrian people as they were running with their tail between their legs from Home and other area in home. What US and EU been supporting is what they get, a feudalist regime which was wanted by the US and EU government to be established in Libya, a regime which will obey their masters from Saudis – UAE to Turkish government, start another war in Africa helped and supported by EU and US, the Libyan war is not just about Libya, is about entire African continent, dividing African nations, this is an act against all kind of progress in Africa, brining back the days of barbarians. Syria was yet another of the zionsit racism regimes of EU especially French government of Sarkozi and the Swedish government.
Civil War Pro Tip: Bring enough guns and ammunition to finish what you start, without any outside help. Failure to adhere to this basic rule may result in a failure of the uprising, international embarrassment, and/or death.
The FedGov will be there just in time to save the rebels from the consequences. The Libya "narrative" shows that clearly.