In an interview released today by The Jewish Channel (TJC), Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich sought to court the pro-Israel vote by claiming that not only do the Palestinians not deserve a state, but that they are an “invented people” made up simply to make things tough on Israel.
“Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire,” Gingrich insisted. The claim is a common one made by Israel’s far right when arguing against the two-state solution to the ongoing occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Gingrich’s take on the situation is that Palestinians are just Arabs, and that they should just go to some Arab-dominated country. Of course while Palestinians are ethnically Arabs, and there are other countries in which Arabs make up the majority of the population, it is not common practice (outside of Israel) to ascribe territorial possessions entirely on the basis of race, and those Palestinians expelled from the occupied territories have often ended up in refugee camps elsewhere for generations.
After the bulk of Palestine’s Jewish population fled Roman rule in the first few centuries AD (fleeing mostly to the Sassanid Empire), it was a mostly Christian province for generations. The territory became overwhelmingly Muslim in the 7th century, and was under the rule of various Muslim empires (with a brief Crusader presence) through the end of World War 1, when the territory was claimed by Britain.
Currently there are almost four million Palestinians living under Israeli occupation within the occupied territories, and another 1.5 million living inside Israel itself.
And while “no such thing” is a popular allegations for bloggers to whip out in defense of keeping millions of Palestinians under occupation or potentially expelling them entirely from their homeland, the claim creates other problems if applied to other situations. Gingrich, for instance, supported the US occupation of Kosovo, even though there was no historic independent Kosovar state.
Gingrich’s claim is not unique, but is unique among “mainstream” US politicians, who have usually tried not to play the race card on Israel, something which seems to inevitably put the Israeli far right’s claim to unique racial hegemony over the region, and not the people in the occupied territories, in an extremely negative light.
Gingrich, a pig, has it ass backward, as is customary. Jewish ethnicity is a myth. See S. Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People (Verso Books 2009). In fact, many of the pre-Zionist Arab occupants of Palestine are the genetic descendants of the Biblical Jews (who were never expelled and never left, again contrary to myth). The "Jews" of the modern era are mostly the progeny of the brutal and repulsive Khazar tribes of Eurasia, genetic Turks (as in "malignant and turbaned"). "Israel" is a criminal invention, the land stolen from the Palestinians by locust swarms of Zionist Turks.
That book is a complete fabrication written by a French cinema history professor whose response in subsequent interviews could best be described as amnesia. Genetic and historical evidence makes the Khazar theory completely impossible. Jews are genetically related to local Arabs ranging from Lebanon to Syria, Jordan and Israel. This ends up a double-edged sword, supporting Jewish descent, but also somewhat supporting Arab residence-descent. Keep in mind, that this is very very broad in range and also includes Lebanese and Syrians.
No land was stolen. It was legally bought, reclaimed from abandonment, or staked from the wilderness (yes Israel was a huge open land with few people in it, regardless of what the Arabs say). Arab violence, which goes back to the 1800s and earlier, let alone the riots of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s (all before the State of Israel was founded) weakened their claim to the land. The Arabs that stated and were peaceful are now citizens of Israel with full civil rights equivalent to Jews, contrary to what racist stooges like Zoabi will say.
The latest genetic evidence analysis suggests that Ashkenazi Jews are comprise of an significant admixture of European ( Mediterranean – having the closet links with Italians) and Middle Eastern DNA, with Jewish origins lying in Iran and Iraq. There are other studies that show European Jews are most closely North Africans, who are now called Arabs – but who are not historic Arabs, just like most people now referred to as Arabs are not historic Arabs, including the Palestinians.
Shlomo Sand's theory about Kharzars genetic contribution to the European Jews may be exaggerated; but if you has read his book, you would know that is not his primary point. His primary point is that there is no such thing as a Jewish People, or race – traced back to Jacob. On the contrary, the Jewish people area mixture of various peoples who shared a particular religion. And in this, he is correct historically correct, and the aforementioned DNA results only buttress his contention.
Now the people we now refer to as the Palestinians are obviously more related to the Jews of antiquity and the Hebrews living with Palestine than European Jews are. This is just common sense, ( without any evidence to of expulsion) given they were the ones living on that land. Just like the Lebanese "Arabs" are related to the Phoenicians, the Egyptian "Arabs" the ancient Egyptians, the Turks to various Anatolian people, the English to the native Celts, and the French to the Gauls.
The claims that the Jews of Palestine were sent into exile, per Zionist mythology, by the Romans is false. There is no evidence of this, and, furthermore, it contradicts known history. For in 614 C.E. the Jews of Palestinian aided the Sassanid Persians in their war with Rome by rebelling, which lead to the Persian/Jews temporally taking control of Jerusalem.
Now if the Jews were expelled from Palestine by the Romans, then how is it they were rebelling against the Romans roughly 600 years later? And what happened to these Jews? Well clearly the bulk them converted to Christianity and then mostly to Islam, and today are called Palestinians.
And even if Zionist mythology were true, this would not justify, the conquest, expulsion and occupation of the people who have been living on that land for the past 1400 years!
this is the most racist, ignorant comment i have ever read……
nuff said
The initial beach head was purchased. It all goes back to Lord Rothchild who in 1880 was making major purchase in the Hula depression near the Golan heights. If you look at the history of the area Lord Rothchild had his pet poodle who was prime minister of England in 1872 to purchase the suez canal in 1872 with money that was provided with the british government was on recess. The poodle declare a short time prior of the lack of interest on the part of the British govenrment to purchase the comon stock of the bankrupt suez canal company. Within 20 years the britished had ruined the Egyptian economy and put british troops to occupy Egypt. With the miltiary bases secured in Egypt the march of the zionist to take over the middle east started.
BTW after the intial purchase the zionist who arrived stated the present tactic of just moving storm troops into arab areas and stealing the arabs homes one at a time. Almost none of the land was purchased it was stolen just as the present illegal settlers do. I do love your use of the "abandonment". You might want to say the land was "abandonment" at the point of a rifle.
Also please stop saying the arabs citizens have full civil rights when many towns will not even allow them to live in the towns. What good is a civil right when you are barred from living in the area? You do know that since 1948 not one none jewish building permit has ever been issued. That make a major case that something is very wrong. Also the transfer committee still exist in the zionist group which is an official department of the Israel government. The first zionist transfer committee was formed in Poland about 1895 prior to any real numbers of zionist moving to the middle east. The zionist planned to get rid of the arabs prior to their arrival so it is not a case of anything but planned take over.
All the initial zionist were granted citizenship to the ottoman empire and everyone of them took an oath to be loyal citizens of the Ottoman empire but the truth is they arrive to destroy the nation they took the oath to protect.
I do note you like to call people racist. I thought racist dealt with genetic background.
Do you deny that most of the present population of Israel came from Poland and Russia?
I know it is difficult to know because so many of the claimed citizens of Israel do not even live in Israel but are actually citizens of other nations and use the "dual" citizenship in a very questionable manor. I think teddy roosevelt expesses my feeling on dual citizenship.
“We can have no “50-50″ allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.” Theodore Roosevelt (American 26th US President (1901-09), 1858-1919)
Gaaaaaaaaaaawd…what do you think we are? Blind and illiterate?
If it isn't blatantly clear to you that %%!& won't even get a running start HERE..let alone get off the ground and fly…
How did the Turks get into this? Let's not replace one form of racism with another.
Newt put his foot in it this time. The silly buffoon needs to get up off his knees, spit the Bibi dick out of his mouth, and read some actual history. The Palestine of historical record pre-dates even Roman times.
Ummm, is Newt running for the presidency of Israel?
With the exception of Ron Paul, they all seem to be running to be Netanyahu's butt-boy or butt-girl in the case of Bachman.
There is always someone who hates the truth when Jews are involved…how history repeats itself.
Ya don't say Chris….. Do tell us what this "truth" is instead of whining about "someone who hates"
Skulze it gets better than that the Torah speaks of the Palistinians which is Greek for Phillistines in the very first book what Christians call Genesis, when Abraham came down the River Jordan out of Lebanon at the cessation of his Journey from Ur which was on the Euphrates (In Iraq). The Phillistines were mentioned as living there a number of other times as well.
Every time a Jew says that the Palestinians didnt exist before 1948 and it is said often, and every time some Christian says the same thing they are in fact denying the word of YHW.
In some countries mainly Muslim that would have you punished for Blasphemy calling the BOOK and the Word of God a liar!
Without any doubt Gaza was a Main city of the Phillistines back when Abraham started on his Journey from Ur..
Philistines ≠ Palestinians. Go look at a history book. The "palestinians" are a fake people made up of Syrians, Jordanians, and Egyptians.
The Philistines themselves are a foreign people, originally thought of to be Greeks, but are now possibly from as far away as Spain. LOL funny the Arabs adopted that of all names.
If Palestinians did not exist then why did the recently declassified documents talk about none existence people. The claim they do not exist is just another myth to try to make it sound that they have no rights to the land that they owned since the jews by choice decide to leave the area. Speaking of Spain is that not the located that most of the jews lived and were expelled? The polish king took pity and opened the door to provide a place for them to live. The polish people accepts the refugees far better than the Israel have provided to others.
On 17 April 1974, The Times of London published excerpts from a secret memorandum that had been prepared by the Political Intelligence Department of the British Foreign Office. It was used by the British delegation to the Paris peace conference. The reference to Palestine said:
The origin of the name Palestinian is about a relevant in this regard as the names France/French and England/English are ( both names derived from Germanic invaders) in a current context with regard to English and French claims to the lands now called England and France!
The Orwellian distortions of reality that Zionists use in order to undermine the claims of the aboriginal population of Palestine are appalling!
No he knows what he's doing. Newt is not stupid, even though he looks like an evil elf. He knows that after running for president he'll be put under scrutiny after which he could never hope to run for dog catcher, but….if he kow tows to AIPAC like never before he'll get a lot of campaign donations next time. If he doesn't spend one dime on advertising he gets to keep the whole kit and kaboodle. That's his strategy.
You are so correct. He cannot lose and I bet he really fully understand that he will disappear with million which he can keep. Newt is a pig but I understand that pigs are very smart animals. Newt is fully his bank account and laughing at the stupid people who do not understand that he took millions from the mortgage company with the claim he provided historical help. If he does not have a clue on middle east history what makes his history paper worth $3,000,000 to a mortgage company? I bet it was probably $50 a word. I sure wish I could be a dime for every word I typed.
Newt is peter Sellers in the movie Being there. A true idiot being used by everyone and no one understand he is just saying anything that the others want to hear.
God help the world if this mass murdering filanderer with hands and body drenched in the blood of his victims is ever elected by the American people, which by the way, is not a real people and instead are a mere figment of the world's imagination. I always knew that maniac was a vile being. I just didn't know how vile he truly is
He is a mass murdered with hands drenched in blood??? And he is Vile?
This could be an exact excerpt from the Nazi era…how ignorant, how incredible, how FULL of hate, what a pack of made up lies.
Actaully Christopher Newt and friends were the leading cheer leaders to get us into the fiasco in Iraq. His statements on the phony claim that the Palestinians do not exist is a support of the conduct of Israel. I guess you missed the news that Israel dropped a large bomb from a Jets into the crowded Gaza neighborhood. I see nothing that would support that action.
Did you hear that it is according to Newt the fault of the Palestinians because they did not leave when they had the chance. The people who did not leave had no place to go. They were just poor people caught between a war. The zionist clearly had the goal of driving the people out of land that they wanted. You might want to read the diary of Moshet Shari and learn how racist the zionist actually were prior to the first settlers or storm troop arrived in the middle east.
one big problem you apparently have is separating the people of Israel and the other areas from the political movements in the area. I find the jewish people for the most part to be honorable people but they do have a tendency to support radical leaders who get them into trouble time and time again. That is the reason for so much trouble in the area. What happened to the jews time and time again was not done by the Palestinians. Prior to the arrival of the zionist the jews got along pretty much with others. It is funny that the jews of Iran have much better political and social life than the palestinians in occupied land.
Palestinians are an admixture of Jordanians (the real Palestine), Syrians, and Egyptians. Its a completely fabricated identity with the sole intent of providing a fake humanitarian case against Israel.
"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." — Zuheir Mohsen, PLO representative
There was no term "Palestinian" in the modern sense until the late 60s, when the Arabs realized they werent going to win the wars. If Israel had never existed or had been wiped out in 48 or 67, you would never hear about any group called "Palestinians".
Hey, I happen to have a 1912 edition of Brittanica. Under the heading Palestine there are 27 or 28 pages. Under Israel not a word, it's not in there.
Palestine is a regional name like Appalachia or Siberia. Its a Eurocentric/Orientalist/Christian term. Isnt that edition known for its racism, recording how "negroids" are genetically inferior people? Good work.
Also, I said "palestinians", not palestine. Go look at Arab sources from 1948 to 1967. You wont see "palestinians" mentioned. They all talk about how the people living in Israel are Arabs. otherwise, the territory is considered part of Syria.
This point is about a relevant as the fact that there was not a nation of Germany until 1871, Italy until 1870, and France until there was a France!
It is true that there was no German county until 1871, no nation of Italy until 1870, and no France until there was a France! However there were people living in these lands; just like there were people living within Palestine and the land now called Israel before the emergence of Palestinian nationalism. And those people were not European Zionists/Jew.s They were the people we now refer to as Palestinians, who in the past have gone by numerous names – including, for many of them, Jew. Thus, if a nationalism was going to triumph within historic Palestine, it should have been the nationalism of the people already living there, and not the nationalism of Europeans Zionists. Just like the nationalism that triumphed within the land now called Germany should have been the nationalism of the aboriginal Germans, and not Middle Easterners!”
Your absurd claim implicitly suggests that in order for their to be a justifiable nation state…that nation state must have already existed, which means there could never be a nation state.
You are correct. Most of the United State was part of Mexico. Our founding fathers especially Aaron Burr had designs on Mexico as early as our revolution. The owner of physical land changes and the people often do not. The people who lived in the area that is now Israel were what are now called Palestinians. The jews did not want anything to do with the area and they make up less than 5 percent of the population including the Jews of Jerusalem which was mostly ultra orthodox. The Jews in the area got along very well with the local arabs until the zionist who are mostly racist hate mongers came along.
If you look at the period 1905 to 1910 millions of jews left Russian and they were offered land and financial help to move to the middle ease. Lord Rothchild wanted to population his new colony with fresh workers and the russian were available. Just about everyone of the jews leaving Russian elected to go to someplace else. Most moved to New York and never left.
That gives a good indication of how the Jews felt to the middle east contrary to the Hollywood image of suffering jews just wanting to practice their religion and be left alone in peace. The reality is they arrived in the middle east full of hate and they refused to work with the arabs. They would only hire an arab when forced to be the situation. The zionist formed transfer committees in Poland who arrived in the middle east with plans on how to expel the arabs from their homes. The game plan was to take an arab home one at a time. If that sounds familiar it is the same thing that the zionist are doing in the West Bank today. The entire world has allowed them to do it for the last 129 years while the people stealing the land cry that thw world would not help them in Europe. Yes Virginia there is a people names Palestinian.
Amazing! I'm thankful Burr sent Hamilton straight to the hell he so richly deserved but didn't know he had his eyes on Mexico. Two filthy peas in a pod they were.
There is a very good book on A. Burr called fallen fathers or very similar. It just was wonderful. Burr was an amazing individual and I will let you read the book and make your own judgement. I will have to admit I had a totally different opinion prior to reading the book. I was really amazed at how early the people looked to add land. Our history sure is not what you read in the school history books. Merry Christmas MoT or happy holidays it is nice to have a discussion on matters and It sounds like your do not like Hamilton. I must read more on the man. I have read several on the founding fathers and I sure think the most amazing is Ben Franklin. I love the idea that Ben Franklin was an amazing swimmer who opened a swimming school to teach the rich british kids to swim so they could be in the navy. He might have been a very unknown swimming instruction without a mention in any history books.
People today don't want to hear the truth if it interferes with their hatred of Jews and Israel in particular.
What you say in general is correct Juvanya, there are a few people left who are interested in the facts.
fcuk Israel. let them go and leech off some other nation and BS those citizens into sacrificing their treasure and blood and prestige making the "Realm" safe for Israel.
how many US people died in Iraq, while your precious IDF lifted not a finger to help (except to abuse Palestinian kids, women and old people)? COWARDS.
No amount of Zio trolls and paid IDF shills will change people's minds.
You said it man and to the point…………Thank you.Goes to show there are a few americans that think and love their country.
His comment is mixture of facts and untruths that completely distorts reality!
Here is the most import, and undeniable reality: Just over a century ago, most of the people, and their recent ancestors called Israeli Jews ( Zionists) were not living in the land now called Israel, and most of the people now called Palestinians, and their recent and distant, ancestors were!
This is by far the most important truth; and its the truth that Zionist propaganda attempts to obscure
Actually the most important truth is most of the jews did not want to move to Israel. Millions left Russia just after 1900 and even with a great financial offer they vote with their feet to go to the United States. Many dislike the jews but few doubt that they are smart people. Why would any rational person move to the area of the middle east which was a terrible place to live without air conditioning. The jews were city people. They surely would not make a very good farmer.
In 1910 there was less than 5 percent jewish population with most of those very orthodox living in Jerusalem. They got along very well with the locals and there was no jew arab hatred. That came with the racist zionist who got into trouble in europe and many of the future leaders of Israel left with a hangman rope their fate if they stayed. They tricked many other to move and they lived miserable lives working on the farms with many rich jews exploting them. The zionist used WWII to steal military weapons from the allies who needed them to fight the Germans. The zionist were smart and informed on the arabs when they tried to get ammo and they informed to the british who blocked the ammo. So the 1948 war found the arabs very short of ammo and the zionist armed to the gills with the stolen weapons. Many allied soldiers died because their supplies were stolen by the zionist.
rrrrnnnnt most of the "now called" palestinians were living in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Only about half had any history there prior to 1880. And less than half before 1830 even, a year when there were no ports, no roads, no infrastructure at all and Jerusalem was "little more than a walled village" of under 10,000 to quote a contemporary traveller.
Still used Mark Twain. BTW what do you think Mark Twain would find in Las Vegas in his travels. It was a desert area which had little just as the USA had little prior to railroads. You are correct that there is little history prior to 1880. That is because there was no wars and not problems. It was the arrival of the zionist who arrive and promised to be good and loyal citizens of the ottoman empire. They lied. They came to destroy the nation that gave them a new homeland and their intention from the start was to destroy that nation which they had just took an oath of loyalty.
There are no Jews in Israel. To be a Jew is to be faithful to the covenant with God. Specifically: Thou shall not kill, steal, or lie. But the Israelis/Zionists killed the Palestinians and continue to do so, stole their land and continue to do so, and lie continuously about their crimes. They are not Jews, they are apostate. This monstrous crime is what the Zionists planned from the very beginning, and the Holocaust was God's wrath in response to their apostasy.
But I want to thank Juvanya and Christopher for bringing their Hasbara cartoon of reality here to It's been a while since we had a chance to remind ourselves of the various details of reality that the Hasbara and friends distort so creatively. Now take your criminal spokesmanship "skills" elsewhere. Or not. We'll be happy to beat you over the head with the truth until cognitive dissidence makes you flee, as it has all the Zionist stooges who came before.
I'm an American and a JEW. That's Jew as in REAL Jew, not some apostate criminal posing as a Jew.
"Israel" is a lie, and a crime.
Spare me your Zionist propaganda based on an actual discredited book by Joan Peters!
There were people living in the land now called Israel and the West Bank, and the core ancestors of those people go back thousands of years – they have gone by many names, including Jew, prior to the Zionist invasion; that's a fact. The bulk of the descendants of those people are today called Palestinians! You are an Orwellian!
I hate to get involved in a good rant but I would like to show you the following. It clearly states Palestine. You might want to read better history books. In 1915 the jewish population of the area was about 10 percent with most of them super orthodox jews living in Jerusalem. In most of the present Israel had almost no jews and that was by choice. The jews abandoned the area rather than live under the rules that Roman imposed after the revolt of 68 AD.
On 17 April 1974, The Times of London published excerpts from a secret memorandum that had been prepared by the Political Intelligence Department of the British Foreign Office. It was used by the British delegation to the Paris peace conference. The reference to Palestine said:
"With regard to Palestine, His Majesty's Government are committed by Sir Henry McMahon's letter to the Sherif on October 24, 1915, to its inclusion in the boundaries of Arab independence … but they have stated their policy regarding the Palestine Holy Place and Zionist colonization in their message to him of January 4, 1918."
An appendix to the memorandum noted:
"The whole of Palestine … lies within the limits which His Majesty's Government have pledged themselves to Sherif Husain that they will recognize and uphold the independence of the Arabs
The Arabs in Israel are not Palestinians. Very few identify as such. They are not under occupation and completely equal rights to Jews.
Palestinian is a profession, not an identity. The job description is killing Jews and collateral Arabs, throwing rocks to kill Jews or scare them off, crying in front of the camera after faking an incident, or ruffling up a diplomatic furor.
There is no occupation of Gaza unless you think Israel is itself is an occupation, in which case you are basically an antisemite who thinks Jews never have any rights to create a state and should just shut up and live in a ghetto.
Good. Then annex Gaza and the West Bank and be done with it. We all know that will never happen.
They cannot annex the land because that would make the arabs citizens and then the jews become a minority. Israel already has a problem of becoming the minority and that makes the claim to be a democracy questionable.
“You cannot become Americans if you think of yourselves in groups. America does not consist of groups. A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group in America has not become an American.” Woodrow T. Wilson (American 28th President of the United States 1856-1924)
“We can have no “50-50″ allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.” Theodore Roosevelt (American 26th US President (1901-09), 1858-1919)
Gingrich and Romney will bully Israel into submission and enslave it with the $3 billion annual welfare check.
Ron Paul will set Israel free and this conflict will be resolved with a crushing blow to the violent Arab organizations (Hamas, PLO, Fatah, Hezbollah, PFLP, IJ, etc).
It is quite sad how many Israeli-firsters seem to mimick the mindset of Himmler, and the third reich. Not sure if this is by accident, or just well planned!
Yes, Ron Paul will set the Israelis free!!!! He will end all monetary and military aid, including to Israel. He will set Israel free!!! Actually, he will be setting the US free of the Israeli leech. They will be free to survive on their own. A true Libertarian does not believe in providing aid to those who truly do not need it – and sometimes to those who do but that's not relevant here.
I much prefer setting our own people free. Israel can take care of itself as you'll concur.
I would be careful about your wish. The idf has not a very good record since 1967. In 1973 they would have been totally eliminated how they not been restocked by the biggest air lift in the history of man kind. They were also provided intelligence which turned the tide.
Israel has often invaded Lebanon which as arms and they had to leave because of the large number of killed idf occupiers. Israel controls Gaza because for the most part the people of gaze do not have arms. So what good does it do to defeat the enemy and be unable to hold the land. The USA is very broke and more and more people will push to cut all funding off from Israel. I happen to agree and wonder why the rich nation of Israel get so much aid from others. When Is Israel going to stand on its own and then you can state that they do ok on their own.
So far they look like a small nation protected by the USA and NATO they play bully on the poor old ladies of the arab nations.
I wish Israel well as much as I wish to stop the massive money that we need in our nation to take care of our own.
You apparently love Israel and that is wonderful. I wish you well.
Nonsense. If they hadnt restocked. they would have nuked Damascus and Cairo and the conflict would be over LOL
Of course they would and what do you think would be the result? Israel is the last nation in the world that should have nuclear weapons. I cannot understand the Germans providing submarines which will allow the USA to be attack. The only way I can understand it is The second world war is not over just as it is clear that the mexican war of 1848 is not over. Initial victory often ends in long term defeat.
The middle east should be nuclear free. No nukes of Iran or israel or anyone. I am all for taking the nukes from the other nations who have them.
Go ahead..nuke your neighbors…..just remember… anything you drop on Your neighbors may rain upon you.
Have fun in your fallout shelter.
I agree fully. END THE "AID" We dont want it!
The Israeli people may not want the money but the Likud coalition who rule sure do – otherwise Netanyahoo wouldn't be coming to the US every 3-4 months begging – well, Bibi doesn't beg, he demands – for more money or arms, which the US government somehow always manages to find, to our detriment.
I see the Israeli propagandists have started their usual nonsense claims re Palestine.
Historically, there is no references to a land called Israel. The ancient Persians called it a derivative of Palestine, as did the Romans, as did the British.
The claims that the land was empty makes one wonder where all the refugees came from!
The claim that Palestinians are misplaced Jordanians is also easily proved false – Jordan, briefly occupied the West Bank. Both Rome, and Turkey, occupied all of Palestine – does that make the Palestinians both Romans, and Turks?
Being a Jew gives you no more right to land in Palestine than being a Catholic gives you a right to be a citizen of the Vatican State.
Check again. Israel is referenced repeatedly thruout history. Then it was renamed Judah/Judea (why Jews are called Jews and not Israelites). Then the Romans wanted to piss the Jews off and renamed the province SYRIA Palaestina. And no the Persians did not call it Palestine.
Actually the romans crushed the Jews. After the 70 ad revolt there was really very little left in the area. The jews elected to leave the area rather than live with the restrictions that the romans placed on them in the Roman colony.
So you feel there was never an Israel but Judah. Interesting. Were did Israel come from? What did God the almighty put on the deed when he gave you the land?
Even the Nazis who persecuted the Jews did not claim that they did not exist. This is a new low in the persecution and destruction of a people. I maintain it is still possible to establish peace between Israel and the native people of that region but not by aggression and domination, and certainly not by racist hatred of them which is becoming rampant in both Israel and America.
The defunct Union of South Africa made a similiar claim to Israel's, but it actually had some validity to it. The claim was that the white settlers came to the country before the black majority Bantu tribes moved in. (The original inhabitants, the "Bushmen" evidentally didn't figure into anyone's argument.)
Of course, we all know how well that claim – and the apartheid arrangement that depended upon it – fared. The Israeli claim is even more stupid, and we all hope, will meet the same universal trashing. It astounds me, that any intelligent person can defend this sorry little racist, land-stealing state of Israel.
The ignorance of history displayed by this man is mind-numbing. He obviously is playing to the Israeli lobby AIPAC. The entire flock of Republican candidate's lack of wordly knowledge is equally mind-numbing.Nothing, it would appear, is sacred any longer except the quest for riches and power. In Afghanistan it is the entry to the energy riches of the Caspian Basin and adjoing Central Asian states. In Iraq and Libya it is the oil. Were a Republican to be elected as president in concert with the Republican dominated Congress…watch out world!
Whether you consider Palestinians as distinct group from Arabs or not is utterly, totally irrelevant regarding the fact of the criminality of their ethnical cleansing from their homeland.
You could, for example, argue that there is not a distinct "austrian" ethnicity separate from a "german" one. Guess what? That does not give anyone the right to ethnically cleanse any Austrians from Austria.
Of course, as always, the Zionists/Neocons want to have it both ways. When it fits their agenda, they very much tout the distinctness of certain arab states, most famously in the case of Kuwait. Iraq did argue, quite plausibly, that Kuwait was simply the result of arbitrary colonial border drawing, which separated an area that in Ottoman times belonged to the province of Basra in modern Iraq as a statelet under a ruler loyal to Britain (later to the US). The result of the invasion of Kuwait was simply the reunificaton of two arab areas and, of course, there was no intention to ethnically cleanse anyone except the ruling sheikh.
It should be hardly necessary to point out the breathtaking hypocrisy of the quite differengt US reaction to the case of Kuwait in comparison to Palestine.
This is not about ethnic cleansing…where did you get this idea? Israel has treated the so called "palestinians" FAR better then their arab cousins. In Jordan and Lebanon they ARE treated as a 'less than'.
The conversation/claim is NOT about how to mistreat this group of arabs but in dealing with the assertion that they are the REAL Palestinians…which no longer exist for thousands of years. Neither the Jews nor Arabs are Palestinians. It would be just as ridiculous for Jews to claim they are "palestinians". Of course if one is hell bent on hating Israel, this truth about the situation won't matter…truth mattered not in Nazi Germany either so I guess we are headed full circle.
It is interesting how "Israeli-firsters" can blatently lie, and not get called out for it. Israel has been a terror state since its illegal inception in 1947. No country, or people of the ME were allowed to partake on that vote. Furthermore where shall we begin with all of the terror opperations that are perpetuated daily by the IDF, and illegal squatters? Jenin maybe? Gaza?? The aparthied wall. People like you rely on lies, and fables in order to justify the existence of the Zionist state period. The Zionists leanrned plenty form the Nazis. Just look at the Warsaw Ghetto, and Gaza, but do take of your blindfold if you dare…
Fables? Fabrications? There is no 'aparthied wall' that I know of…sounds made up. Terror operations? Sounds EXACTLY like words the Nazis would use if Jews tried to defend themselves. If the IDF wanted to carry out terrorist acts believe me it would be easy and very obvious. When the IDF takes ANY action to defend its citizens its ALWAYS called terrorism by sorry pathetic liars like your self. "Ghetto"? What a joke. You need to take your blindfold off and look at the truth. The situation is Gaza is caused by the so called 'palestinian' terrorists wanting to keep the war going instead of pursuing peace.
We often hear the phrase "Israel's right to exist" and along with it, "Israel's right to self-defense." Hear them endlessly, by propagandists who repeat them endlessly. But endless repetition does not make a thing true. And the "legitimacy" that arises from endless repetition is not legitimacy at all, but rather the boilerplate bullshit of well executed propaganda.
Yet the truth exists.
And here it is: a fact-based, truth-based, ethics-based summary of reality.
In 1917, the British Imperial elite and the World Zionist Organization colluded in a criminal conspiracy to steal Palestine from the people — 95% Arab — who had lived there for 70 generations, and to give it to the Jews/Zionists. That's ***STEAL***, as in take what doesn't belong to you. This "plan" was a crime then, as it is a crime now. A crime is still a crime, despite control and censorship of the media. A crime is still a crime despite 90 years of impunity from prosecution or 90 years of propaganda. NO AMOUNT OF TIME CAN CHANGE A LIE INTO THE TRUTH; NO AMOUNT TIME CAN CONVERT A CRIME INTO A LEGAL ACT.
The Zionist entity called Israel is nothing less than a geopolitical crime-in-progress. This is reality.
So when next you hear about Israel's "right to exist", consider: what crime has a "right to exist"?, what criminal enterprise has a "right to exist"? Add to that: what criminal has a "right to self-defense"? What criminal has the right to commit violence in the furtherance of a crime? What criminal has the right to fight back against the lawful authority that arrives to halt the crime and arrest the criminals?
Israel, the Zionists, their enablers, and their supporters are criminals: thieves and murderers on a global scale. They have no "right to exist" (as criminals) and they have no "right to self-defense" as they commit their crimes.
But they do have rights. They have the right to surrender to a competent authority, and not suffer summary execution. The right to a fair trial. If found guilty, the right to a proportionate penalty. And once the offending parties have "done their time", the right to rejoin society and resume a peaceful cooperative existence.
Yeah I know. Jews could never legitimately create a country. They have no rights and should just go back to being second class citizens in the ghettos or as dhimmis.
Jews can absolutely create a legitimate country. They just can't do it by stealing someone else's land, killing them and driving them off, and then killing them when they fight back, and then lying about the whole enterprise and declaring the defensive response of their victims to be terrorism.
Find a piece of land, negotiate its purchase, or some other form of consensual non-coercive transfer, and move in. Stealing and killing precludes legitimacy, makes you thieves and murderers, and rightly provokes a lawful defensive response. What you then end up with — what Israel has demonstrably become — is a geopolitical crime-in-progress and a state of perpetual war. The end game for this scenario is all too clear:
either annihilation of every Muslim on the planet — all 1.5 BILLION of them — or defeat of Israel's Zionist regime. Everyone on the planet knows this truth — sees the writing on the wall — even the Israelis, which is why they are so viciously bat-crap crazy.
There is another way: surrender, share the land, and live together in peace. But five-thousand years of refusal to step back from their crimes — Masada anyone? — suggests that the Israelis prefer the graveyard.
Sad. Very sad.
Hitler justified the killing of Jews and Gypsies by saying they were a sub-species and not to be regarded as a real people.
Hitler has NOTHING to do with this conversation…unless you hate Jews. Gingrich is just addressing perpetrated lie about history and its use against the Israelis. Try to think a little before using Hitler as a club.
OK, how about Golda Meir. She must have taken a page out of Mien Kampf when she referred to the Palestinians as "vermin".
I think there have been lots of people who have used that word…and its not good thing to do. But I guess you think she opened up he secret Nazi closet at midnight and found the word "vermin" in 'Mein Kampf' and said "Viola! I will call them vermin! Gee thanks Adolph!" I do think people who want to exterminate people because of who they are, and CLAIM to WANT to do so might deserve some kind of label I think the 'some' of the Nazis would qualify as do 'some' of the truly hate-filled Islamic terrorist that stalk the earth today. They are evil incarnate need a few choice derogatory words. IE its time to pull, pull, pull your head out.
Oh, I get it, only you get to use Hitler/Holocaust as a club.
Try this: the Zionist plan to erase the Palestinians was the blueprint for what the Nazis did to the Jews. The Zionists taught the Nazis, and the Nazis were able students. And apparently the God of the Israelites did not disapprove.
Its about time a presidential candidate addressed truth surrounding the claims by so called "palestinians". In this regard we could have a possible chance to deal with the conflict via factual truth. Doesn't mean that peace could be obtained easily, the current situation allows for out right lies to carry the debate which is of no use.
What is amazing is the comments on TV. CNN just had someone make the statement that Newt was correct that it was part of the Ottoman empire. Hello the people still existed and the Palestinians existed prior to the ottoman moving south. It is amazing how they can find people and not post danger this guy is not educated on the matter. Newt has adopted the Likud party line which even Ben Gurior would not accept. It was Goldie who was the first Israel official to make the outrageous statement and then use it for official policies. It makes listening to one side very difficult when they create a lie and make it a crime to ask questions about it.
Newt is a prostitute who left his first wife was she was about to die of cancer. The did not have the backbone to her he have a death with dignity. What a perfect example of a man with family values.
Hello they (Palestinians) did NOT exist during the Ottoman empire nor before…for more than 3,000 years. The name is derived from the Ancient sea faring Phoenicians who at one time lived in various coastal areas. They died out a looooong time ago, but the Romans and Persians called various vaguely mapped areas in that part of the world after the 'Palesteini' and various other versions of that name. When Rome conquered Israel they added insult to injury by imposing the name on the 'new' territory. So the FACT is there are no Palestinians…only a land that had the name that is being fought over by Arabs and Jews. The Arabs are not 'Palestinains' and the Jews are 'Palestinians' They Arab tribe in question uses the name "Palestinians" help in their claim to the land looooon vacated by the REAL Palestinians thousands of years ago. Just because I live on Comanche land it doesn't make a me a 'Comanche'.
Its amazing the rhetorical twists that someone will go through to steal someone else's land. And so telling that this comes from someone living on Comanche land.
I have read many books and stories and Christopher I have to state you are not very well informed on the matter. I will provide the follow and let you do some research on the matter to become better informed so you do not sound like a shill for Israel. BTW Christopher why would they mention a people who did not exist in this official documents?
On 17 April 1974, The Times of London published excerpts from a secret memorandum that had been prepared by the Political Intelligence Department of the British Foreign Office. It was used by the British delegation to the Paris peace conference. The reference to Palestine said:
"With regard to Palestine, His Majesty's Government are committed by Sir Henry McMahon's letter to the Sherif on October 24, 1915, to its inclusion in the boundaries of Arab independence … but they have stated their policy regarding the Palestine Holy Place and Zionist colonization in their message to him of January 4, 1918."
Amazing how you have no sense of history, or even the slightest educated tongue. Like most Zionist terror supporters your whole revisionistic lie is just that..a big lie. Zionists never have, nor will they ever have a claim to Palestine. Zionists, not Jews are the problem that is destroying Israel's credibility, humanity, and any respect it has left in the world. Zionists are on par with their sick brethren the Afrikaaners. Any rational person knows that the Bible is a fairy tale, and that the notion of a chosen people, especially those who call themselves Israeli's is just plain absurd. Here are some of the many expamples of Zionist terror: The Lavon Affair, the King David Hotel Bombings, The 67 illegal invasion of Syria, and Egypt, the USS Liberty, 1982 invasion of Beirut that slaghtered 20,000 people. Take your petty crocodile tears to the Jerusalem Post, or Frontapge Magazine. They like "story tellers" like you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, which formed the basis for the armistice that ended World War I, assured the provinces of the Ottoman Empire “an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development.” Nevertheless, the British mandate over Palestine, consistent with the Balfour Declaration promising to establish a “National Home” for the Jewish people, imposed upon the native population a multitude of uninvited and unwanted European immigrants.
Wilson, who had initially supported the Balfour Declaration but was apparently having second thoughts about the imperial carve up of greater Syria, sent American investigators to ascertain what the inhabitants actually wanted. The King Crane Commission reported that 85 percent of Palestine’s residents opposed unrestricted Jewish immigration and sought to become a self-governing part of a greater Syrian state.
Watching this pandering Zionist get destroyed by Democrats will be worth its weight in gold. This creep has closet the size of an airport hangar filled with skeletons. The Democrats are garbage also, but let them eat their own per se'. Ron Paul, we need you NOW!
Well, whats really interesting (and even few Palestinians know or really care to know about is that they are genetically the same race as Jews (i.e. Semites) along with the ethnic Lebanese people.
Yeah. That anti-semitic line of crap gets tossed out all too often. If it were true you'd have to hate a whole lot of people and not just the "special" ones.
Mot why do you bring in the company line of "anti-semitic" I go agree that few of the jews in Israel are semitic. The romans scattered the jewish population and most found homes in northern Africa. Did you know the original zionist did not want the real jews of northern africa to come home to their former homeland. I now you being an informed person would like to read up on this shocking matter. I suggest you read the diaries of Moshet Sarrit who was the second prime minister of Israel. You might just learn that like the USA official stories from the zionist were not really the truth but manufacture by people for tv stories. Israel existed because of the greed of the british and french who really thought they could control the zionist and use them to gain control in the area:
The Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 was a secret agreement between the governments of the UK and France,[1] with the assent of Imperial Russia, defining their respective spheres of influence and control in Western Asia after the expected downfall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It effectively divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control or influence. [2] The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916
All said with a heavy sprinkling of "irony". It's an overused phrase and like so much in todays world I just wish it would go away.
Well….. I collect stamps and darned if I don't have a few that were issued by "Palestine". You would certainly think they were a state, at one time.
Palestine province of the Ottoman Empire=British Mandate
Balfour Declaration was ambiguously drafted on purpose.
if, by some freakishly unfortunate series of events, gingrich is elected president of this country, I will, on the day of his inauguration, turn in my passport and rescind my citizenship and go live on some small south pacific island with no tv or radio so i do not hear of the end of the world
Definitely in the SOUTH Pacific. Most of the radioactive fallout will have dispersed or decayed by the time it gets to you down there on the other side of the equator.
It is a sad parade of haters that have taken over the UN-instigated Israeli state. Which was an anomaly in 1948 and that has gone from an anomaly with bad tendencies to now a full blown apartheid state that threatens part of our common world. But Israel is well funded by stolen US taxpayer money and there is always a bunch of Jewish extremists standing ready to furtehr worsen the situation. The Bronx, Romania, all welcome,
For a bit of background of what the area looked like 195 to 1918, the last days of the Ottoman Empire, read TE Lawrence, THe Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
With the present US Secretary of State, who is also the Democratic Senator from Jerusalem, teher is not much hope of improvement. And Presisdent Obama is marginalized and a wimp.
The solution is on the ground i the area. My guess that there will be a showdown when ( might be a while) the states surrounding Israel finally stops treating their populations as the Israelis treats the Palestinians.
By the way, why has Israel not signed the Nuclear NonProlifertion Treaty
The haters did not take over Israel. The original zionist were some of the most hate full individual on the plant. Many left eastern europe just ahead of a hanging. Look at the history of the zionist movement and you will see that they are totally a political organization with little regard to religion. They first wanted to form the homeland of the jews in Russia but that did not work out so they turned to south American. That was dropped when they fully understood if they moved to south american they would be there a very short time before joining their ancestors. The british were full of glee at the change to form a homeland and offered large tract of land in central Africa. One can only imagine why the British were so helpful in getting the zionist to leave.
In early 1900 there was a massive flood of Russian Jews and Polish jews from Eastern Europe. Lord Rothchild plan for an empire was over 50 years old. Large financial incentives and land was offered to those jewish people who would move to help the zionist movement in the middle east. Very few jews elected to take the offer and their desire was clearly to move to other places. The United States received millions new citizens from the exodus from Russian and Poland. It would appear little desire of the jewish people to live in the middle east.
The 1967 war created the myth of Israel and pulled in so many day dreamers. The quick victory of 1967 become the cruel occupation. Ben Gurion begged the leaders of Israel not to start the 1967 which had been planned as early as 1953. One should read the diary of Moshe Sharet to discover the real history of the area. Sharet was the second prime minister of Israel it is amazing that Israel has not suppressed his diary.
One last rant it would appear that the desire to live someplace else is actually growing and a modern day Exodus is clearly in process with many finding life in Israel not desirable.
The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics states that as of 2005, 650,000 Israelis have left the country for over one year and not returned. The great majority of these were Jews. In addition, polls show that at least 60 percent and as high as 80 percent of remaining Israeli Jews “sympathize with those who leave the country.
Among those who stay, there is the conviction that the safe thing is to have a second passport issued by the United States or a European country.
At present, the United States has issued over half a million passports to Israelis and a quarter million additional applications are pending. Germany runs second with 100,000 passports given to Israeli Jews and 7,000 new ones issued yearly.
American politics would be a lot simpler without the albatross of Israel.
There is a saying in my country: Pissed as a Newt.
Is it true the man is drunk all the time? Or is he just insane? Perhaps he's on drugs. Or is he playing to the typical American citizen who is clueless and apathetic?
Gingrich should be hung from the nearest tree, not running for President!
I have an 1898 Rand McNally World Atlas….. and during one of these arguments years ago, i located it and bingo…. Palestine was there , as I remember it…. in the same place it was before the U.N. "created" Israel…..
Newt has obviously subscribed to the time-honored policy of "never let an opportunity to embarrass yourself go to waste".
And with this goes the last of any respect he had remaining.
You mean there was some respect left? Sweet lord almighty! I'd have sworn those ghosts had been exorcised long ago. LOL.
We often sneer at whores because they would go down on their knees to get money from a client and yet laud this buffoon because he does it to get votes!!!!
He should be ignored because he just looking to rile up the public.Since the first rabbit came up lame i.e Herman Cain, the baton of futility was passed off to this idiot. GO REACTIONARIES GO!
Actually Newt is not looking for votes with this outrageous rant. He knows they have changed the campaign rules so he can collect millions and life a pretty good life. He is probably now capable of having enough money to keep his latest wife in her desired lifestyle.
The professional politicians have leader it is very profitable to run for office and the game appears that it is really not desirable to win. When you win you then run as an incumbent and the money flow is not as profitable. Sara Palin is the lastest to run or threaten to run for money.
You are correct that a prostitute will drop to the knees for money and so many of our professional politicians will do the same.
Even the comments here reflect just what a hot-button issue this is, and what a dangerous one it could be for Israel if it becomes a part of the dialogue in US politics. When Israeli officials complain that some Hamas figure doesn't endorse the Israeli government's "right to exist as a Jewish state" we must inevitably come up with the number of people who don't even recognize the Palestinians as a real thing.
Isn't "American" an invented people? The country was found by Europeans who adopted a name that was originally given to the land by a two German cartographers.What's authentic about that?
Also they name it America after aPorteguess explorer.
By the name of Amerigo Vespucci, uless dementia has got to me.
This myth was put forward in a book called From Time immemorial and it has been debunked time and time again. However, it always pops back up with people who don't care for facts.
What a stupid remark by a jerk with a cfinancially criminal records for which he resigned as a House member to preclude being charged and kicked out! Even Americans deserve a better president.
Kind of a sad commentary on the American electorate that this "Newt" would even be considered for any public office, much less as President, and be the front runner (over a bunch of complete nincompoops) by the Republican party. Well, I guess the last part doesn't surprise me…
Foreign Office,
November 2nd, 1917.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely
Arthur James Balfour
Speaks for itself.
Newt is the man of the hour. A mean-spirited man, brilliant, unflappably confident in his arrogance, and a rhetorical assassin par excellence. The country is hurting bad. That makes people grumpy, cranky, short tempered. It puts them in a mood to slap someone around. Clearly whole bunches of Repubs — and quite a few Dems — want to see pretty boy, empty suit, wimp, loser, sell-out Obama get his ass kicked — rhetorically — around the country in the campaign, and then again, at the polls. Newt is so clearly the bad boy with the skills to administer that ass-whoopin', that on this emotional appeal alone he becomes the Champion that Americans will flock to prostrate themselves before. All the closet-skeletons in the world won't dissuade those who crave a bloody — rhetorically and electorally — end to Obama, from voting for Newt..
America, the blood-sport capital of the world. Riveting!
Personally, I will vote for Ron Paul if possible, or Newt if he's the only option to Obama. Why? Why vote for someone who makes the Anti-christ look like Betty Crocker? Because America deserves Newt. And besides, Americans can't really start rebuilding their country until the country and the current political paradigm have been thoroughly destroyed. (Nazis don't willingly retire, they have to be bludgeoned into "retirement".) Newt is most certainly the man for THAT job.
@ Hasbra Trolls, I won’t address you with your screen names because you love to hide behind fake names and it doesn’t matter anyway, you all rant the same lines. You can repeat it a million times or six million times, a lie will always be a lie and fortunately there are many of us who know the truth. To bad for you and your imaginative democracy in the middle east. Stop pretending and except the fact that your people have done a lot of injustice towards the Palestinians.
If the falestinians are the original inhabitants of the land, why do they live in towns with Hebrew names?
Egs Ramallah means "Heights of God"
Jericho means "Moon Town"
Hebron means "Friend"