Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has long been a foreign minister in title only, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu running a mostly independent foreign policy out of the prime minister’s office, often distancing himself from the foreign ministry’s diktats.
Netanyahu’s really got his work cut out for him today, however, following reports that Lieberman has formed a team in charge of coming up with ways to get revenge on Turkey for demanding an apology over the killing of aid workers in the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara.
Incredibly, the reports have Lieberman plotting to arm the the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a terrorist organization which has been launching attacks recently against the Turkish military.
Which once again has Netanyahu scrambling, with his office looking to distance itself from the plot, refusing to either confirm or deny its authenticity, and insisting that they continue to hope to restore relations with the Turkish government.
Israel has been covertly arming the PKK for several years.
Lieberman's 'threat' is really anything but.
Indeed. And apparently the US has been helping too — at least, if the Turkish newspapers can be trusted.
fyi, they are already arming the pkk pretty significantly. The US "hikers" caught by Iran in PKK territory were mossad delivery boys. Israel and the US also arm the baluchi terrorist groups in Pakiland against Iran, the same group led by KSM
israel will get nuked by iran in 2 year or less. i gurantee it
funny, i was thinking the opposite
With any luck Israel will nuke itself, using the Samson Option prematurely.
Damn then we'll have a Second Holocaust we'll be forced to observe here in the US.
You have been watching way too much Fox News. Attacking Israel would mean 200 nuclear warheads would decend on Iran. The US would get involved with our nuclear navy and air force complleting the destruction of their nation. Iran has shown no desire to involve itself in a war, this is all BS developed by Israel and it's henchmen in the US government. Remeber Iraq and it's threat to the US?
I thought Isreal was already selling arms to the PKK. Netanyahu better keep his FS Lieberman more informed or he might just blow Isreal's cover.
OMG Lieberman has finally blown a fuse. This guy is a moron on a good day and a national disgrace on a usual day. How does any nation keep this guy on as the image of the nation is beyond belief. Maybe this guys rant will be the final straw that breaks the money burden on the USA taxpayers who are forced to pay to keep morons like Lieberman living a life style that he would not have in his normal occupation of bar bouncer.
Oh, c'mon, this isn't going to break any money burden on the U.S. taxpayers. On the other hand, when it finally drives NATO to deciding between Turkey and the Zionist entity, maybe NATO'll do the sensible thing, choose Turkey over Zion, and kick the U.S. out? Now that could be a REAL saving for U.S. taxpayers, except it's prolly hoping for too much.
At the very least, Lieberman´s statement shows that Israel is in a bit of panic over the Turks. Why cry out to the world that their reaction will be to arm terrorists when they can attack Turkey´s ships, thereby attacking NATO?
Turkey has the respect of the entire world.
Are you implying that the rest of the Israeli government are not morons or a national disgrace? As for Israel's image as a nation–well, Lieberman can hardly make it any worse. Israel is the most hated nation on earth, along with the US. And aas for the Israeli-firsters in Congress, there are no "final straws."
This is a GREAT story! Turkey was one of the few countries friendly to Israel. Not any more. This ought to really convince the Turks that the Israeli leaders are murderous sociopaths that can't be trusted.
ISRAEL: “Hello Turkey, say, we need a distraction as our impoverished lower half has a protest going for better wages and this has our voting majority, the 51% most aggressive and wealthy, most upset. How about we pretend to be enemies about to war?”
TURKEY: “Sure thing Israel, always a fun time fooling the gullible public.”
I won’t be surprised if it’s revealed that Israel is already arming PKK. What about Turkey arm Hamas and Hizbollah with state of art weapons, I’m sure Dobermann and Co wouldn’t be amused.
Iran claims it's the US doing it. It's either one or the other or both.
There is no evidence of Turkey providing arms to Hamas or Hizbollah. Iran is providing the material and Turkey would rather not get involved in this action. Israel is providing military equipment to anyone with a buck. They just got another traitor working for the US government who claimed he was doing it for his religion but took a lot of money. It is amazing how many traitors working for israel tryt o claim the moral high ground because being a traitor to the foreign nation of israel is something to be proud of.
Further proof that israHell is and always will be a terrorist kitty litter box of epic proportions.
The poor Kurds have been fighting Turkish oppression for longer than the Palestinians. Not only are their language rights forbidden, they also suffer from racism and economic discrimination.
I think it would be GREAT if the Kurds finally acheive recognition and that the Turkish leaders are exposed as murderous sociopaths that can't be trusted. Let us never forget the Armenian Genocide!
In that case, Palidor, you can go liberate them instead of coming here to pay lip service to terrorist Israel.
Read your history. Most Kurds are opposed to the PKK and have voted for Turkish candidates. If the PKK is subsidized by Israel, well, judge the group by its friends.
Let's not forget the Hittite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite genocides!
actually, since the AKP came in to power, they have made a great deal of reforms for turkish kurds. The turkish governments which oppress the kurdish minority were the ones funded and kept in power by the US to ally with Israel against other muslims. THis Turkish government is the first turk government to last more than 2 years, has the highest approval rating ever since Mr Attaturk, has turned Turkey;s economy completely around AND is islamic….
Well done for Turkey
Say what you want about the israeli FM he is a govt minister and pleases the PM for him to do his dirty work for him.The PM is a j-ckass of monumental proportions and they fit well together.Regarding Palestine bid Mr Abass should not be sidetracked by netananyahu/obama they were never honest brokers,and doing this at this late stage is to save their asses.
(Edited for profanity.)
I like the use of "aid workers" in the article, because we all know that is not true. Some were peaceful protests, and some were violent provocateurs.
Arm terrorists? Whatever does he mean? I thought the terrorists were already armed and on the job. They're called the IDF and the US armed forces.
And the real 'terrorists'/ – Israel!
Israel may want to think twice about screwing around with Turkey – they are NOT the Arabs – they do NOT fear Israel.
Soooooooo…. a member of the Israeli government is publicly advocating terrorism against a NATO member state? Oh that's an awful big can of military and political worms he's playing with.
I alread posted but it didn't show.What more do we need to see Isreal is the terrorists all their actions show this without a dought.They are breaking every law possible and now are saying they will help terorists fight a NATO member.I've said this many times but look at there Sampson Option and you will see how the real terrorists are in the Mid East and the world.
You can always count on Vig to write checks his ass can't cash. In some ways, Vig Lieberman reminds me of Dark Cheney. However, Cheney is just sociopathic while the Vig is psychotic to the maximum.
Behold one of Gods chosen people.
Created in the very image of God himself.
Avigdor Lieberman may be a living breathing example of why anti-Semitism has existed throughout history.
But he is one of Gods chosen.
And you cant argue with that.
This is why the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Spanish,Portuguese,Ottomans, English, French, Germans, Russians, Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Iranians, Iraqis ,Libyans, Etc, etc, etc… And all the other lesser peoples and races of the Earth thru-out history are just wrong on the issue of Israel.
The Turkish-Israeli rift could've ben solved with the magic word to tone down escalation
Both contries politicians will be issuing statement that could further damage the issue to new heights.
the benefit of restoring full relation outweight the arrogant stance.
Apologize and look forward for the better
Avigdor wasn't even born in Palestine or his grand grand parent.
You ally yourself with Israel you are bound to get the short end of the stick! Shades of the Irgun & Stern Gang Jewish terrorist groups of the 1930s-40s
What the Taliban did to reinforce negative stereotypes of Muslims – you know the rest.
One would think Lieberman's proposal (arm terrorists to attack a NATO member) would merit some coverage in the American media. I don't know what is more remarkable, Lieberman's statement or the American press ignoring it.
The "soft underbelly" of Kurdistan is the best way to preoccupy the Turks in internal military action, but in the greater scheme of things, it is small beer. The entire region is slowly but surely headed for a really big war. You can see the signs everywhere. I predict that when the shooting starts, Israel will be attacked from all sides by at least 6 opponents. Israel will use nuclear weapons. Lots of nuclear weapons.