A new piece in the Washington Post looks into the grim but increasingly prevelant attitude within the US government that wars aren’t something to be won or lost but rather are part of the new normal. With a military that sees no prospect for victory and will brook no talk of failure, is foreign policy becoming about making perpetual war more affordable?
Click here to read the article by Greg Jaffe at the Washington Post
lol wow, ten years later they finally got around to asking that question. The American media-on the cutting edge of journalism, as always.
Now why is it that everyone is so quick to blame wars for our National Debt, when our defense economy is the greatest money maker known to man, when our debt is due only to not taxing the corporate rich.
For we give Israel $3 billion a year plus A-bombs, and they in turn so terrorize the Middle-East that trading war materials for oil becomes the main engine of our economy.
For after we finish bombing Afghanistan back to the stone age, a contract with the Taliban will be entered into for them to protect our Caspian Sea to India pipeline, so that a million barrows of black gold can flow into and fuel the rapidly expanding India economy.
Its money for the military industrial complex and they can care less about winning they want as much cash as possible no matter how many Americvans die and innocent familys in the countrys they illegaly fight.Its sickning how rich do you haver to be.Money is the root of all evil.
God will never come down and tell what to do but will not tolerate killings indefinitely.
I am sure america will be destroed itself with illegal wars around the world and mind set will not change, this is history.
God bless america for killings around the world.
And the conclusion one must finally draw is that if the average American wants peace, he will be forced to replace his government from top to bottom. His "leaders" are no longer his but have become an occupying force as hostile to his interests as any foreign enemy.
War is peace.
War is great business. And we're all about supporting business. Who cares if a bunch of poor dark skinned non-Christians die in some far away lands? The surprise is how they managed to convince the American people to foot the bill. How about this, let's just keep giving money to the war merchants and not fight wars. Would that make them happy?
Sooner or later the financial cost will prove too great. Wars and intervention mean $$$ for military contractors and a select number of businesses but at a greater expense to the rest of the country.
When it's too expensive to pay people to make things, turn them into canon fodder.
If you don't think it is the new norm you must have been asleep since WW2 before I was born.
Yes, on its current path, the USA is adicted to making war for the sake of the economy. The miliitary-industrial complex is dispersed so well around the nation that any attempt to divert dollars from their coffers will result in violent objections from local representatives. Now making war cannot go on forever since the USA is borrowing much of its money to finance these businesses with loans from China, Japan and the Middle East. They have bown all their SS and Medicare funds to keep these business's going and it will grind to a painful halt when those with money in the bank refuse to by US bonds. The US and yes the Western democracies have been built on borrowed money that should be paid back by future generations. But if they all declare bankruptsy at the same time, they would be able to start over with a clean slate while making several sectors of the world economy extremely angry.
"War Is A Racket", 1935 by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.
The American people are paying the price which will in the end lead to their own demise. 'God Less America'.