In early February the US ruled out ever recognizing the Muslim Brotherhood, a political party in Egypt which seems to be destined for a significant showing in the post-junta free elections. With US officials constantly downplaying the group’s influence, there was a growing possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood could find itself a key portion of an Egyptian government and having no US ties.
But the US has backtracked once again, saying it will formally recognize the organization. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton added that the US would welcome a serious dialogue with them, though such a dialogue has not yet happened.
US officials termed the change a recognition of the “changing” political landscape in Egypt, and said the US was determined to maintain ties with all parties competing for parliament in the promised elections.
The Muslim Brotherhood apparnetly was the last to learn of this decision, with their spokesman saying they had only heard about the US “interest” in ties because they were reported in the media. They added that they would welcome a dialogue so long as the US was serious in respecting the Egyptian voters’ choices in the vote.
Nothing new, really. Not so long ago USG was loudly certain it would never ever negotiate with Taliban. No more something for free. Even if you have the most expensive military behind you, the circumstances may render you impotent the moment you have lost the ability to create or control these circumstances. This is the true essence of the Middle East Spring.
US has no choice in Egypt but to deal with Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has an overwhelming support among Egyptians and no democratic government can be formed without their
direct involvement.This recognition is not necessarily good news, I suspect that US will work overtime to infiltrate the leadership of this organization in order to control events in the Mideast.
I just hope the musslem brother hood is not corrupt.The Ameriocan government would love more puppets.If they are good I need to look into it and see how they arewith my own eyes to deside.Lots of puppet regims are in the mid east and sell there people out for the US.The US government buys them or as we have seen if that don't work illegaly go to war with the ones that can't be bought.These people are normal they have just seen America murder and bomb in there countrys.You can';t call people terrorists that are deffending there land and famillys from unprovoked attacks a muders.Most Humans good ones are willing to die to protect there loved ones.People that don't are not normal as far as I think.Also you should care for all life witch is why I hate war to mant innocent good people die.Sad.GOD bless.
I can't help but feel that at the end of the day, this is first and foremost about trying to convince the Brotherhood to play as nicely as possible with Israel.
Any country that agress with these illegal wars including the genicide of the Palistinians is just as evil they are supporting it by not speaking and doing what they can to have it all stoped.If the musslem brotherhood plays friend with Israel it shows they are American puppets and don't care about all the illegal killings of innocent people.Even Israely soldier have refused to fight in Palistine because they now its wrong.People that think otherwise are evil or have a fauls outloke of the Bible.To get the one real English bible that is from GOD I belive is the 1611 KJB.Around 1920 they were changed do people really belive GOD would agree with the evil tht Israely government does.The Talmad is Antichrist the new bibles say salvation is for the Jews but salvation is from Jesus Christ and he is the way to heaven.How nows I like to belive for people that thought different get a chance if they tryed to be caring in this life because G0D is love and will be fair.They talk about Islam but the Talmad not the one they try to say is the Talmad to outsiders the real Talmad is much more evil.Islam if not from extremists is a peasfull religion.But the Talmad is clear every none Jew is a beast they also say the same about Jesus Christ.You look into it and tell whats evil.
If the brotherhood was smart, it would distance itself from America as much as possible.