Reports coming out of the Associated Press claim that the Palestinian Authority is ready to abandon its demand for a settlement expansion freeze by Israel, and would start peace talks if Israel is simply willing to accept President Obama’s recent mention of the 1967 borders as the start of negotiations.
The last round of direct peace talks ended in September when Israel restarted its settlement expansions in earnest. At the time Palestinian officials said it was impossible to negotiate the creation of an independent state while Israeli officials were carving more and more land out of that potential state.
But while Israelis have ruled out ever freezing settlement expansion again, they don’t seem any more likely to embrace peace talks along the 1967 borders. President Obama’s mention of the borders was condemned by Israel, and immediately abandoned by Obama.
Indeed Israel’s escalated demolitions of Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley suggests that the nation is getting more aggressive in carving out portions of the West Bank it intends to annex outright. Even if the talks do restart, the current Israeli government is unlikely to make any concessions in that regard.
And the world continues to watch this ethnic cleansing, land stealing unfold, and the PA continues to participate in its own people's detruction, like every quisling colonial government.
This is heading for a showdown in the streets, and the blame rests squarely on Israel. If the only thing Israel understands is brute force and bloodshed, so be it. Just don't come crying to the world when Israeli soldiers and citizens start dying in record numbers in retaliation by groups sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Don't come crying when the world turns its back on you- you've had decades to fix the situation and you haven't done anything positive to resolve the matter.
Go ahead and bulldoze more Palestinian houses, Israel- you know the saying: payback is a medevac. However, I think the stakes are a bit higher now: payback is a bodybag.
Stock up, Israel- you're going to need those bags, and lots of them before you come to your senses and remove the den of jackals in your government leading your nation to its destruction.
That's like abandoning the demand that Israel stop tightening the noose around their necks. Well, Israel may be the executioner but the US is the judge that ordered the verdict and AIPAC is the briber of the judge. American style justice.
Abbas sells the Palestinians down the river once again, eh?
Getting the "peace process" going is a means to say that things can remain the same, simply say "they're talking". It's a fraud. example
A vendor sells anchioves to a second vendor who sells them to a third. The third vendor tastes the anchioves, finds them terrible and calls the second vendor.
third vendor: "those anchioves are terrible"
second vendor: "what, you tried to eat them, those anchioves are not for eating, they are for buying and selling"
Are they mad? How can they expect to go back to the 1967 borders when the settlements and wall and 500000 "settlers" have already taken most of the remaining Palestinian land? All the Israeli leaders have constantly kept expanding-where will their borders eventually be to "greater Israel"? Get together, get some media-savvy people to explain to the world, especially Mercans, thet your minimum demands MUST be met. Israel takes, never gives a centimetre. It also lies, destroys, humiliates. DO NOT GIVE IN. They only want more, like a blackmailer.