The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Iran report featured a totally unsourced allegation that Iran had conducted work on “nuclear triggering technology” that could only be used for nuclear weapons.
The report claims that the IAEA has “evidence” but did not provide any details of what this evidence is and whether it is distinct from the already debunked document which was the source of the claim in years past.
That document, leaked by the Times of London, included absolutely no security markings nor any identification about the issuing organization. It was further called a “retyped” version of an original by the Times. Reports from the US intelligence community said it was believed to be almost certainly a forgery.
Dubious documents alleging Iranian activities are fairly common, including the infamous “smoking laptop” which was released by the Mujahiden e-Khalq, a US-designed terrorist organization at odds with the Iranian government.
Did US or EU for that matter had any hard evidence invading Iraq.., they could pick a 50c trigger- switch at a hardware store and show it to the US and or EU media and they would do the job printing that this is it… NY times gladly would do that so is LA Times and other biased media groups in New Zealand or Australia or even Austria where Arnold Schwarzenegger is from.
The new version of the IAEA doesn't let facts get in the way of politics. The Neocons are desperate to get the US involved in another war.
I'm putting my money on 6 wars at the same time. They only need two more: Iran and Syria. How about you?
Well, maybe they should be looking for the evidence in…ahem…Israel. Just yesterday, the Ha'aretz were reporting that a couple of greedy warmongers inside Israel had been selling ships to Iran. Maybe they've been selling nukes to them too. Oops! After all, we know that when it comes to "security" and shekels, the Shekel is god with them.
Think you meant "a US-designated terrorist organization", although "a US-designed terrorist organization" is not far from the mark.
I and most civalized humans are sick of the same lies about Iran that were used and proven to be lies that got us into war in Iraq.Now it would not suprize me if they went into Iran and have it planed out to a T to plant nukes that were never there so they don't look like the lieing Neocons they are.Everyone nows Israel has nuckes aqnd if you what proff how the biggest threat in the middel east is look at Israels Sampson option.How can you tell them not to build nuckes when Israel has them illegaly.Not saying they are maqking them but given the fact of what happened in Iraq and Afganistan they would be considered inteligent to have nuckes the only deterennt to stop other illegal wars that will kill millions of men women and children.Its sad when the only way to protect your sovernty is with weapons of mass desruction.Don't think smart citizens of the world don't see you will lie through your teath to get more wars happening fror the Neocons the Zionists witch love the military industrial complex more than millions off civilians that will die from your lies.You are Santan worshipers have fun this year at the bohimian grove.
In the article, Sanger says this:
"Tuesday’s report also gave fresh charges on the design of missile warheads. Documentary evidence, it said, suggested that Iran had conducted 'studies involving the removal of the conventional high explosive payload from the warhead of the Shahab-3 missile and replace it with a spherical nuclear payload.'"
Sanger has known for 6 years that the "spherical nuclear payload" is actually a "elemtry unit for sending back signals on test flights". Sanger is a filthy liar. See pages 89-153 here:…
(Quote is from paeg 123)
I don't actually think they want to go to war with Iran, but they do want to keep sanctions going to cripple them economically, and secret ops (American terrorism) so they can inflict damage and incite them to react and thus depict them as 'the mad dog' of the ME which helps Israel play the hero while they perform acts of sabotage and war crimes against all the nations around it.
Without real hard evidence not the lies like we were told about Iraq they should stop saying things about Iran because after Iraq we no how easy it was for you to lie the citizens into agreeing with the war by scaring them with nothing but lies.If Iran is considerd dangerous what what is Israel tell them to get rid of there nukes ya right IO have a better chance of getting pregnate and I'm a male.No one can have nuckes in the mid east but Israel witch is the only country everyone nows has them but never a word mentioned about the dandgers they may pose to the world.They have nucks pointed at Urope and Russia and probably the entire mid east.
Sorry for all of my spelling mistakes must have been daydreaming keep sp[elling nukes wrong try not to continue to make repeated mistakes.
The NY Times is a Pravda mouthpiece, as has been proven with all the Iraq War lies.
Israel will not be satisfied until it has the US at war with all major Arab/Muslim countries, with varying degrees of invasion/bombing/occupation or a combo of the 3.
Are they using DU munitions in Libya? I hope not. Might get inhaled by the Libyans NATO is trying to save, as well as the Libyans they are trying to kill.
If they go to war with Iran, how will they then justify the new missiles on ships in the Black Sea and in Romania and Poland ? A nuclear missile threat from North Korea ?