The Hamas and Fatah parties signed an agreement today in Cairo finalizing the reconciliation between the two factions after a four year split. The signing deal was attended by figures from the Arab League, EU and United Nations. Israeli Arab MPs were also present.
The deal spawned angry condemnation from the Israeli ruling coalition, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeling it a “victory for terrorism” and comparing the new coalition to al-Qaeda. Israeli officials ruled out restarting peace talks again with the Palestinian Authority.
It also spawned angry condemnation for some Israeli MPs against the other MPs who attended the ceremony, saying that they were “traitors and collaborators” and should be barred from ever returning to Israel.
The threats not to resume the peace talks is likely a meaningless one, as Israel ended the talks in September. Officials had repeatedly ruled out restarting the talks before the deal was even announced, and the reconciliation has just become the latest excuse for it.
Netanyahu is also touring Europe to drum up rejection for the deal. He is said to be planning a series of stop-offs across the continent, demanding that EU nations oppose Palestinian statehood as well as the reconciled government.
Israel wants a divided Palestine so it can maintain the fiction that there's "no one to talk to".
What Israel wants is no meaningful dialogue if requires any kind of Israeli compromise regarding land, privilege or power. Therefore a divided and chaotic Palestinian leadership is vital to the Zionist entity. A Hamas-Fatah unity government spells trouble for Israeli obstructionism and Israeli rejectionism. Worse still, transparent negotiations are anathema to Zionist aspirations. International standards of ethics and law interferes with Israeli 'exceptionalism'. Is the modern, secular world now closing in on the Jewish State?
Israel's final trump card is America. If the Zionist stranglehold on NY-LA-Washington is broken, justice and peace may be brought to bear. Institutionalized double-standards could fall. That would be a disaster for organized Jewry.
For this to sea change to occur, there will surely be blood. Israel has nukes, considers itself unique among all of humankind, and is addicted to its privileged treatment by the West.
Yes, there will be blood.
Sadly, if blood is shed, in this case it's likely to be Arab blood shed by Israel- and at that point all bets are off when the whole of the Middle East comes down on them. Tel Aviv has been conjuring up the ghost of another Holocaust for the last few decades, and their dreams may be about to come true.
Even I, as a Muslim, don't want to see this happen as I know it will mean the meaningless deaths of thousands of innocent Israelis who are simply caught up in the whirlwind their government is creating. Add the deaths of thousands of innocent Muslims, and you have nothing but a huge tragedy for everyone. I pray that all the governments can find a way to resolve this without further senseless loss of life on either side.
The signing deal was attended by figures from the Arab League, EU and United Nations. Israeli Arab MPs were also present.
When was the last time when Israel respected any wording by the EU, US and or UN.., this time they all ready have announced that they disagree…, what dose this tells EU, US and UN is that: the only language that Israel ever will understand is for Israel to be isolated internationally.., boycotted in all front.. PERIOD.
lol this is becoming embarrasing watching israels downward spiral
Oh what a shock. All that work to divid the Palestinian people then they go and understand that as one they might get the homeland promised almost 100 years ago if they fight as one. The zionist had not left their homes in Poland and Russian and they knew they had to get rid of the existing population from the land they intended to steal. They cry that it is a homeland for the jews and it was given to them by God. When given a change to pick a new place to live 2.5 million picked the United states in the start of the 1900 and in 1990 when two million additional jews were allowed to leave the former soviet union most elected to move to the United States and only those who could not get into the United States moved to Israel. Facts show that a majority of the jews do not want to live in Israel. It is long overdue for the people of Israel to actually make peace because I do not think time is on their side this time.
With everything the Israelis have done to exterminate the Palestinians over the years seemingly going down the drain with the reconciliation, and the probability that Bibby is not going to be able to browbeat many EU countries to their point of view, it must be time for a false flag event to swing world sentiment in their favor. If that should happen I think the world is more cognizant of how the Israelis work and I think the world is tired of being beat over the head with the over 65 year old Holocaust victim issue. I wish the US would grow a pair and cut Israel off from the US-taxpayer tit. Time to survive on your own – we've got our own problems that require the funds going overseas. And if they don't survive, well, consider it God's will.
The ONLY 'negotiation' by Israel is – what is theirs is theirs; what is the Palestinians Israel will eventually steal.
Grrrrrrrrrr a dog with a muzzle in a cage Grrrrrrrrrrr