Israel Outraged as Palestinian Peace Deal Signed

Netanyahu Tours Europe to Rally Opposition to Deal

The Hamas and Fatah parties signed an agreement today in Cairo finalizing the reconciliation between the two factions after a four year split. The signing deal was attended by figures from the Arab League, EU and United Nations. Israeli Arab MPs were also present.

The deal spawned angry condemnation from the Israeli ruling coalition, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeling it a “victory for terrorism” and comparing the new coalition to al-Qaeda. Israeli officials ruled out restarting peace talks again with the Palestinian Authority.

It also spawned angry condemnation for some Israeli MPs against the other MPs who attended the ceremony, saying that they were “traitors and collaborators” and should be barred from ever returning to Israel.

The threats not to resume the peace talks is likely a meaningless one, as Israel ended the talks in September. Officials had repeatedly ruled out restarting the talks before the deal was even announced, and the reconciliation has just become the latest excuse for it.

Netanyahu is also touring Europe to drum up rejection for the deal. He is said to be planning a series of stop-offs across the continent, demanding that EU nations oppose Palestinian statehood as well as the reconciled government.

Author: Jason Ditz

Jason Ditz is Senior Editor for He has 20 years of experience in foreign policy research and his work has appeared in The American Conservative, Responsible Statecraft, Forbes, Toronto Star, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Providence Journal, Washington Times, and the Detroit Free Press.