Speaking Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) declared himself “deeply concerned” at the notion that the Iraq War might theoretically end at the end of December, as is required by the Status of Forces Agreement.
“If we’re not smart enough to work with the Iraqis, to have 10-15,000 American troops in Iraq in 2012, Iraq could go to hell,” Graham insisted. The US has been occupying Iraq since March 2003.
Of course the Obama Administration has made it repeatedly clear they hope to continue the occupation in 2012 and beyond, and few believe that the US troops will actually leave in December. Though the interview mentioned President Obama’s professed desire to end the war, it seems more likely it will set the stage for a “bipartisan” initiative to continue it.
And with massive public protests against the US-backed regime and the death toll on the rise once again, officials will probably find any number of excuses to continue the war. Sen. Graham has been one of the most outspoken supporters of the Iraq War, and indeedwar real in general.
American troops PUT Iraq in hell in the first place.
So right, US f…ed it up US MUST fix it!
Problem is US government cannot fix it, and all the attempts the US government makes to fix it only make the situation in Iraq worse. The best the United States government could do for Iraq right now is to get the hell out, and let the Iraqis solve thier own problems
exactly! same with hte rest of the world. Of course the US govt. won't let go until we're broke and the troops have to sell weapons to pay for their own way back home.
Total truth; fascist amerika put Iraq en Hell since the gigantic terrorist act of slaughter, torture, occupation began; and an end will only be so, when every amerikan is gone from Iraq, and stolen oil resources returned to Iraqi control; and all fascist amerikan bases closed forever !
Earth to Senator Graham: Iraq has already gone to hell, and it is you who deserve a large measure of the blame, It is you who was and still is one of the biggest cheerleaders of this war. You have taken ownership of this war. You own the deaths of all the innocent Iraqis who have died as a direct result of this war. Think of all the children who will never see thier parents again because of your war. Think of all the parents that will never see thier children again because of your war. Think of the wounded, the maimed, and the people whose lives were destroyed by depleted uranium. Think of all of this, and think about your own role in bringing about this catastrophe. Think about it and think about how you can live with your conscience (if you have one) for being such active supporter for such an unneeded and unjust war.
meanwhile. 2 US soldiers killed today.
gotta cry over that
And how many civilians?
But they weren't killed in America, defending America. They were killed overseas in a war of aggression where they shouldn't have even been in the first place.
If our Washington's impending bankruptcy would come as fast as their moral bankruptcy we'd be out by now. Keep spending billions Senator Graham, it makes it that much closer to the day when Washington doesn't control our desinties anymore.
Earth to Senator Graham: what do you mean by: “If we’re not smart enough to work with the Iraqis, to have 10-15,000 American troops in Iraq in 2012, Iraq could go to hell,” Senator Graham.., when your boss ordered and falsified the argument about Iraq having WMD that was when you and your Boss opened the gates to Hell for Iraq and Middle East.., here I just wonder if your saying is a political one or a religious based concept in using the word "Hell". So.., if your militarism regime going to continue its occupation in Iraq with 10-15000 solders then the heaven doors will open and free the Iraqis kept in heel by your militarism regime for last 10 years if not more. If you and people like you who running the show in senate were so smart then they wouldn’t vote for Bush and his warmongers to start the war to begin with. The irony here is that your argument still not based on intelligence but rather words that are empty as your hell and ecstasy is. Perhaps you referring to Quran burning in south wanting that for real to happen.., nonetheless you and your regime of war mongers have done enough damage to people in Middle East.., know is Obama turn to do his.., starting in Libya.
Building dependency one nation at a time…
What Senator Graham says is true. It was true from the moment we began that debacle. Iraq will go to hell WHENEVER we leave, 6 months, 6 years or 20 years. That’s the excuse you want to use to keep us there? To spend hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars, not to mention the lives and limbs of our young men and women. While we cut the services to our aged, our youngsters, our sick and injured and dying at home? While our infrastructure crumbles and our local, state and federal governments go broke? How do you square this senator? Ask the folks in your state for a big tax increase to pay for this nonsense first, then we’ll debate the rationality of your idea. Unbelievable!
Colin Powell's Pottery Barn Doctrine: You Break It, You Buy It.
Too bad that in our haste to give Democracy ™ to the Iraqis, we forgot to ask if they wanted it before we went in with guns blazing and contracts ready to be signed. Now that we've run over our own hellish creation- nearly fatally- we're obligated to maintain it on life support for the duration.
As for the armchair warriors in Washington: what happened to the days when generals and kings actually led their troops into battle from the front? I guess the days of real leaders are long gone. If a politician is willing to vote the nation into a war, they should be the first in line to grab a rifle and head to the field of battle. If they don't feel that strongly about it, maybe they need to rethink their motives.
John, I've said the same for years. If it ain't worth dying for by leading the charge or sending your own flesh and blood to the front lines then it isn't worth anyone else to make that sacrifice. See any of our "nimrods" who bellow from DC doing this? Nuff said…. Lying hypocritical cowards the lot of them.
The problem is not Senator Graham, its the stupid people in South Carolina that keep sending him up there. Garbage in garbage out! It could be these Military Industrial Complex companies in SC that are egging him on. Some people will do anything for money, even have people killed and Senator Graham is one of them. He has no children to swap for a flag.
and could be no means to produce children
So nice of him to worry cause up till now Iraq is like heaven, right?
Does Graham NOT understand that the 'plan' by the Zionist-Neocons who LIED the US into a war of destruction of Iraq are very pleased that their plan has worked – we have indeed destroyed the country and it indeed has gone to Hell – just as planned – they are celebrating in Israel!
To the senators and givernments.., If you truly want to stop the atorcity comitted by US-NATO in Middle East and Central Asia (Afghanistan) then you need to stop the US-NATO militarism expending its occupations, then you need to stop helping France and Germany, Sweden, Norwegian royal Dutch Oil companys and Israel apartheid regime to expend their teritorial occupation where the real Hell is located.., in the other hand you can go on for another 60 years and talk about a falsified democracy with no result.., they have done so for last 60 years.., they have comitted war crimes for last 60 years and they still talking to.., expending their falsified democracy in Africa.
Graham, Bush & Cheney should be on trial with Khalid S. Mohammed for the 911 attack. If they would show the CITGO surveillance camera data from 911, it would be proven the Government's story is a myth. There is far more evidence that Bush/Cheney crowd did 911 than there is that KS Mohammed did the dirty deed.. Graham is an idiot and is no longer taken seriously by the American people.
Jhon Muhammad is 100 persent right if people in power think it's worth all the lives on both sides and to civilians that suffer the most they should be willing to risk there lives like real men not money hungry corprit slaves.I don't no how people like Graham and others even remotly like him live with themselfs.If all people like him were killed the world would be a much better place but to wrongs don't make things right plus suffering in jail like many much better people are would be more of a punishment.At least untill GOD judges him and he realy gets what he deserves but GOD has mercy so he will still get of easy.Not just him all people like him and like the other comments said the US started the hell they talk about.All for power but they will never win because you can't be wrong and strong one day and better now than later it will come back and bite you in the but.Money is needed to live but life is much more valuble.
Earth to Graham… "Word up. You clueless ass hat.!!!… Hell was brought down upon Iraq due to YOU you miserable lying shyte!."
So, is Graham finally admitting that Iraq was better off with Saddam than without? The Iranians don't think so! If fact there is not a day that goes by that Ahmajinedad does not thank Bush for expanding Iranian influence and prestige as it continues it nuclear work and the U.S squanders American blood and treasure for oil contracts that ended up going to Western European oil corporations.
So, how much more blood and treasure needs to go into Iraq as the U.S. crumbles and teachers and police are laid off?
Day of Rage in Washington D.C. on 6/30/11 http://beforeitsnews.com/story/462/358/Day_of_Rag…
The American Revolution Has Begun http://beforeitsnews.com/story/499/546/The_Americ…
Increasingly, Lindsey is like that sleeping drunk in a bar who, startled awake, yells "Killer bees, killer bees, . . they'll be here by midnight ! ! ! We've got to rotate our tires."