In some of his most specific comments yet, Barack Obama insisted that the deployment of a growing number of US forces around the Libyan border was to allow the US to ‘act rapidly’ if he decided to launch an attack.
Obama also said that the military aircraft deployed to the region would be used to move refugees around, with the US forces being used to transfer Egyptian refugees who fled into Tunisia back to Egypt.
Though the early threats to invade have been somewhat backed off of, the continued deployment of US military forces to the area has increased concerns that a full on invasion is in the offing.
And while Gadhafi has made some vague threats around a possible US invasion, the real concern is coming from opposition figures, who are concerned that their rebellion, which has netted nearly the entire country, would be hijacked by a US military occupation.
America just can't mind its own business.
When one hears the hypocritical comments about civilian deaths echoing from the mouths of Obama and her highness Clintoon you just KNOW they're itching to jump in. If I were a Libyan seeking to overthrow my oppressor I too would want some foreign power to get the hell off my back and out of sight until we'd taken care of things ourselves. This is where Herr Barak wants the glory for "doing something" even though he isn't wanted. And I suppose some numb nuts would then act surprised were the Libyans to start shooting at us out of "spite". You figure?
OK uncle SAM.., bring it on and have another war on you hand let see what would be the result.., another million or so hunger people in US, another million or so homeless people in US.., another billion dollars or so education budget cut.., another billion or so dollars healthcare cut.., another million or so elderly people on the street.., another billion dollars or so cut from social security.., another billion dollars or so giveaway to rich and bomb making factories…
And another million murdered Libyans.
A landing by US forces would accomplish nothing except opening up yet another killing ground for American sons and daughters. The Libyans have stated time and time again they DO NOT WANT OUR HELP- why is it so hard for the USG to understand that? I know Obama is anxious to get some points on the board in his run-up to the '12 elections, but you'd think he'd have learned his lesson by now in the Middle East: they don't want our meddling any more.
Why aren't we building up in South and Central America, going after Venezuela or someplace like that- Chavez has huge oil reserves I'm sure the USG is itching to get their mitts on. If the Venezuelans are so downtrodden, I'm sure they would welcome our troops with donuts and flowers, right? OR could it be we're not going after Central America in order for Obama to keep the Hispanic vote for '12? One has to wonder.
Can you see the similarities between all of these psychopaths whether they be called Mubarak, Qaddafi or Obama? They are told by their people the same thing over and over again, still, they insist it's the complete opposite and go ahead and do whatever it is that they want. Till they find themselves on the wrong side of a rope because they have left people no option. This jackass apparently doesn't realize that, unlike Iraq, these guys are armed. The last thing in the world I want to see is the mercenaries land in another Arab country, whoever, they will deserve everything they get. I hope it's quick and swift. Maybe the Empire will die in Libya after all, not Afghanistan.
Real text of US government:
It is absolutely vital for US interests that a safe pair of hands be established to safeguard access to Libyan oil.
Here we go again ,The US and The UK headed by Obama and our prime minister are acting like big brother putting their noses in other countries affairs, they did not bother to attack yamen as two demonstrators were kiled today , it is Gaddafi they are after , within a couple of weeks they had the whole world against him and his regime which was there for almost 42 years , I never supported dictators but Lybia and most of the Arab Leaders are somehow Dictators in their own subtle way .__of course this is to do with the unfair distribution of wealth in Lybia and the rest of the region. The demonstration staterd peacefully by attacking the police station in Benghazi.which makes you wonder.
Few month,s ago most world leaders were shaking hands with Gaddafi who was giving the west valuable information about Alkeida and were supporting Bush on his war against terror.
Max Griffin
Why not mediate and solve the problem which could have prevented the exodus of those migrant workers some half a million of them who were making a living in Lybia and now the west and media are blamming Gaddafi for this huminitarian my opinion the intent of the the demonstration in lybia was never 100% peacefull and I blame the UK and the US for this crisis by believing the media and taking one side of the story what will Obama do if a pecefull demonstration in the staterd peacefully and suddenly a police station was attacked, we saw what the police did to student in the UK peacefull demonstration which turned ugly due to few trouble makers.
Obama needs to go in 2012 – he and Clinton are INSANE!
Is their 'plan' to destroy America via endless wars?
Dear President Obama:
You haven't commented on the nine Afghan children your troops murdered the other day while they were gathering wood. None of them was even 12 years old. How is your NATO mission any better than Gadaffi?
"The Libyans have stated time and time again they DO NOT WANT OUR HELP- why is it so hard for the USG to understand that?"
Same reason the US govt. doesn't care when the American people state time and time again they are against foreign aid, or against the continuing occupations..the US govt. doesn't care what it's own people think, why should they care about what people in other countries think. The US govt. is out of control and totally unaccountable.
bascially america want to invade libya for thier oil like gadhafi had said. If america want to help so much they would be concerned to help africa but they dont wish to because they are not worthy. They dont hae oil and all the value settlements they had, the americans and Great Britain robbed them off (gold, dimonds etc). So this is just an exuse for them to come running into their country and take their oil, hopefully Gadhafi will rise and like he said "fight till death of everyman".
What a great way to get all those African mercenary's Gadhafi was using out before the fall so the CIA and MOSSAD can use them later.
Me thinks the US is all hot and bothered to "intervene" in Libya because the ol' Colonel has a nice little treasure chest just chock full of goodies that would expose certain acts of US evil and perfidy that would change the game entirely.
would it have the effect of uniting the indigenous tribes against the foreign invader / occupier?
“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.” ~ Mark Twain
Or "History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme"~Mark Twain
Why is it that the US hasn't rushed in (like 40 years ago) to rescue the Palestinians from being slaughters by the Israelis? Why is it that when the democratically elected government of the Palestinian People are systematically targeted and murdered by the Israelis we do nothing. Why is it that when Israel murders American citizens in cold blood we do nothing? And yet within days
the president has warships at the ready to invade virtually the entire Middle East-except Isreal. Amazing how we had so many naval assets right there on the spot exactly where they needed to be bye the way.
How very noble of Obama! He sounds just like Bush now.
The rest of the world's either a sleep or cowering to the US. To explain. America's facing devaluation of the dollar. The government stole the peoples gold and Nixon changed Silver certificates to Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's). Money certificates have to have a commodity backing them. When the government exhausted gold and silver and then the commodlty called FRN's the situation got very bad. They turned to making Mid East oil being used to back the dollar. This creates value to the dollar.The only way you can buy mid east oil is pay with it with dollars. That goes for the EU as well. Saddam in Iraq switched his payments and look what happened. Gadaffi is playing the same game. He'll be going down the same path Saddam. Count on it.
"Obama also said that the military aircraft deployed to the region would be used to move refugees around"—-would that the same way a drone moves people around in Afghanistan? Better yet, use B-52s. You can move them around real fast. . "…act rapidly if he decided to attack"? Oh how I long for the good 'ol days when it literally took an "act of congress" to declare war. BTW, the last time was WWII. How butch for a guy who never fired a bb gun..
The US is desperate to show the world that they are still relevant.
Qaddafi has been able to kill several thousand of the revolutionaries with his Air Force. As best I can tell its something like twenty 2nd gen fighter bombers. The USAF could destroy most if not all of them on the ground with B-2s. Any that took flight could be shot down by the F-22. No troops on the ground, just destroy his offensive Air Force. We might have removed Qaddafi in 1986 when Reagan had Libya bombed, except that the Italian Premier at that time warned Qaddafi that an attack was coming in a day or two. If we'd had the advantage of surprise we might not have lost the one F-111 to a SAM.