A new statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is demanding that the rest of the world impose conditions on a possible freely elected government in Egypt, demanding that they accept, in its entirety, the 1979 Egypt-Israeli peace deal.
Israel’s government has vigorously defended the Mubarak government, and officials have chastized other Western nations for even luke-warm approval of the notion of free elections in Egypt.
Officials have expressed serious concern that any non-dictatorial regime in Egypt might mean a revision of the peace deal, though Netanyahu has backed off that somewhat and now seems to grudingly accept the notion of a conditional democracy next door.
Some Egyptian protesters are calling for the abandonment of the 1979 deal, not because they want a war with Israel (or even believe one would break out without the deal) but because they object to some of the more onerous requirements regarding travel in the Sinai Peninsula, saying the checkpoints Egyptians are required to navigate make it feel like an Israeli territory.
"officials have chastized other Western nations for even luke-warm approval of the notion of free elections in Egypt."
It's absolutely marvelous that Israel is finally throwing off the pretense of having any "democratic" ideals. One more nail in the coffin of this abhorrent terrorist state.
Sounds like the "chosen" ones want to become new colonial masters of Egypt.
With financial and military backing of zombies slaving in the Empire of Terror.
Israeli politics is based on hatred and injustice around the world as they dominate america and dictate the terms to america and the world and will change for better future.
Israelis have lossed their chance to be correct and their past is very bad.
There will be no chnge in isrealis mind set kill and kill the Arabs through america but how long.
Who in blazes,are they (Israel) to dictate another nations affairs. Whats that matter Israel ? Afraid your going to lose out on you 3 Billion a year welfare check is Egypt turns radical?
We all know You & Egypt get hefty sums from the US to "keep the peace" between you two.
But THAT too shall pass….
Shall we let Israel rewrite the Egyptian constitution then to suit them ? What about the American constitution, why not amend ' that to suit Israel ? By giving them veto power over the entire Middle East, and that is in fact what America has done by supporting, arming, and privileging (new form of that word) them over all others, we have ended by giving them veto power over our own democracy. How many of our heroic elected officials will dare stand up against this new transgression ? Most of them will say something stupid like they are the Chosen people, God gave them this land, the endtimes are just around the corner etc. all the old stupid superstitious cliches.
I suppose when a nation thinks it is 'chosen', it then thinks it has a devine right to meddle in other people's affairs and tell them what kind of democracy they should be allowed. I wonder if the Israelis ever play back their comment to themselves to hear what they sound like.
It is amazing that the nation who took using USA provided military equipment so much of Egypt and declared that the stolen land is now part of Israel now wants to have a say in who rules Egypt. There are thousands of people of Egypt who grew up without a father because Israel attacked Egypt in 1955 and 1967. I am sure they can consider what they gave up by not having a father and their needs for security knowing that they could be the next killed in a war that Israel might state for israeli benefit.
I am sure if anyone entered into Israel politics to get rid of the radical brain dead like lieberman or bib they would be quickly told to mind their own business.
Israel mind your own business. You refused to make peace so live with the world that you worked so hard to create.
The Egyptians are about to dispose of Mubarak. The Egyptian military will want the support($$$$) they receive from the US to continue, and the US political class will want to continue its influence in Egypt (lest they displease the Israel lobby, and lose their campaign financing). So, when the protests continue, and get bloody, as Mubarak tries to regain control with violence, eventually the top brass in Egypt's military, at the US behest, will step in and tell Mubarak that it's time to go. So far so good.
The people of Egypt, however, will then get their democracy, one unquestionable feature of which will be an expression of the Egyptian people's hostility toward Israel. Hostility that will then have teeth, in the form of a substantial Egyptian military capability, courtesy of the US taxpayer and the US armaments industry. There's the rub.
Short of the sudden disappearance — not gonna happen — of the Palestinians, the Israelis are in a bind. Every Muslim from Kuala Lampur to Morocco hates them. The rest of the world is disgusted and out of patience with them. And the Turks, Egyptians, Iraqis, Iranians, and Saudis either have serious military capabilities, buckets of money, or both. Now, none of those Arab folks are really anxious to go to war with Israel, because Israel is militarily formidable and of course has those nukes. If history is any indication however, the Israelis will go all psycho paranoid, and start the war themselves. This 'worked' in '67, but Israel's adversaries may have learned enough since then to not get caught flatfooted, and there are so many more of them now. So then, nukes or no nukes, Israel's survival is,… well who can really say?
Israel's misbehavior — its brazen barbarity — over the last forty years has left it friendless in the world. This isn't 1967. Holocaust sympathy is exhausted, and world power is shifting eastward to nations with no influential Jewish lobbies. When Israel steps in it the next time, there will be bulked-up Muslim (Arab AND Persian) forces, and no one to come to Israel's rescue. Oddly, this was ALWAYS the way it was going to end, unless the Israelis committed themselves to treating the Palestinians fairly. But for five thousand years their arrogance and stubbornness — to the point of suicide — has never allowed them to treat anyone fairly, has always lured them to destruction. For instance, the response to this by the Juvanyas of the world will be to shriek "Antisemitism!" rather than look in the mirror and SOLVE THE PROBLEM!
By the way, I'm an American and a Jew.
"By the way, I'm an American and a Jew"
You desperately need to let people know this so you can wear it as a badge of honor. "Look at me, everyone! I'm not like those evil juden! I'm different!"
Your habit of pointing out "five thousand years" of "arrogance and stubbornness" is a cowardly attempt to ingratiate yourself with the pitchfork wielders, completely at the expense of the truth. By condemning the character of an entire people, you not only reinforce mindless bigotry, but you heap scorn on the very victims of history's arrogant. One example: the Pope in 1205 declared that juden are to be forever tormented and blamed for killing Jesus. Had you been around I suppose you would have agreed and blamed your own relatives, who would have been living a precarious life in a little shtetl somewhere, ever so "arroogantly".
And you're kidding yourself if you think ever-radicalizing Muslims would accept an Israel with ANY borders. The problem is Islamist ideology, not Israel's borders. But you say NOTHING of the intolerance and barbarity of Israel's enemies. Nothing.
Excellent comment, mate. I am sure there are many Jewish people who agree with you. There are quite a few very brave Jewish hisorians for whom I have great admiration. (Ilan Pappe, Arthur Koetsler, Shlomo Sand to mention a few.) It's political Zionism which is the greatest enemy of the Jewish people.
Koestler and Sand are idiots with no evidence for their idiotic theories whatsoever. Koestler wrote his book on a conjecture, trying to end antisemitism. Ironically, he just made it worse. Then theres Sand, the French film historian. If you ask him about his book, he doesnt even realize he wrote it.
Ilan Pappe is a grade A idiot that no one takes seriously and just fabricates all his selective research to pursue an agenda. All these self-hating Jews either want publicity or they think they can escape antisemitism by condemning Israel.
Wow, so of course they are all idiots. Very convincing argument !!
Egypt can be a "democracy" just so long as it does what Israel tells it to.
This goes to show how concerned Israel is for the present upsurge in the Arab world to rid itself of US/Israeli dictators suppressing their own people and serving western US/Israeli interest. It is therefore extremely likely that the present fake demonstrations taking place in Egypt are being orchestrated and financed by the US and Israel.
Your entire post is so full of FAIL I don't know where to begin. Give me one good reason the US or Israel would upset the status quo in such a visible way. If they wanted Mubarak gone, for whatever reason, he would have been gone a long time ago and with much less media attention.
This is definitely not a US or Israeli venture- right now the US is just trying to play catch-up to figure out what it needs to do, and the Israeli government is presently occupied cleaning its backside from a collective bowel movement when things went south in Egypt right next door.
I, for one, intend to stock up on drinks and popcorn for the weekend because it's going to be a heck of a show when the Egyptian street marches on the Presidential Palace- give me goose bumps just thinking about it. Take note, all you other regimes out there double-dealing your public… it can happen in your back yard, too. Oh yes it can.
Apparently you didn't grasp the essence of my comment, mate. The US and Israel did NOT want to upset the status quo. They want Mubarak to stay in power for obvious reasons and they will do anything possible to achieve it. The awakening of the Arab people is of great concern to them BECAUSE IT UPSETS THE STATUS QUO !
" It is therefore extremely likely that the present fake demonstrations taking place in Egypt are being orchestrated and financed by the US and Israel. "
That's the comment that sparked my reply – in light of your follow-up, I now understand you meant to write " the present fake demonstrations taking place in Egypt <ARE NOT> being orchestrated and financed by the US and Israel". A small verbal difference but it gives the entire passage a completely different meaning. I agree that the US and Israel did NOT want to upset the status quo, and therefore are not behind the current Egyptian revolution that is so obviously not in Israel's favor.
In light of this, I retract my harsh 'full of fail' comment and offer my apology for being so quick to reply as such. Done and done- handshakes all around!
Thanks John, I think we are on the same wave length anway. 'brothers in arms'