The FBI’s determination to find some sort of link between domestic antiwar organizations in the Midwest and foreign terrorist organizations seems to be picking up again in recent days, as attorneys say a number of additional subpoenas have been issued for the grand jury invetigation.
The investigation began three months ago when the FBI began conducting raids of the homes of a number of antiwar activists in Chicago and Minneapolis, claiming they were seeking evidence that the activists were providing “material support” for terrorism.
The investigations centered largely, but not exclusively, around Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), and centered around people critical of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, as well as the US role in Colombia’s clashes with FARC.
Lawyers involved in the cases have condemned them as a fishing expedition, and a number of the subpoenaed activists have insisted that they don’t intend to actually turn up before the grand jury.
Interesting that in yesterday's New York Times edition it was revealed that the U.S. government approved allowing corporations to deal with alleged terrorist nations for monetary gain. And yet the government is mega-wasting tax-payers' dollars to pursue these peaceful folks for giving humanitarian aid?
Here's the NYT link:…
S#&t. I guess tipping that Iranian cab driver in '02 will finally do me in… …hey, when did Columbia get a lobby or a role in Homely Security? Couldn't possibly be a red herring… …I mean, those dastardly anti-Columbites are the worst…
"Claiming they were seeking evidence that the activists were providing “material support” for terrorism".. I knew it.. Some of antiwar supporters’ been helping Bush and Cheney bombing Iraq and occupying Afghanistan and having some killings done by Ex or Blackwater mercenaries’ companies in Africa.
The actions of the Fascist government of the US is increasing in scope against its own population. This had to happen. When the American public cheered on Bush's illegal and unconstitutional deeds, they were really condemning themselves. It may also be a punishment for all the crimes its government has committed.
how exzactly du ya get a application form for a tOOl like that,cuz i gotta a couple things i'd like to investergarate,must be form sheet telafunkin U-47,need they/them say more