A statement released yesterday by the Obama Administration has made public America’s long-standing support for the Israeli government’s large, undeclared nuclear arsenal, and insists that Israel has an inherent “right” to possess such an arsenal for “deterrence purposes.”
Officials have also reportedly acknowledged that the Obama Administration has labeled its previous support for a “nuclear-free Middle East,” including a vote in favor of this at a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) conference, had been “a mistake.”
The Obama Administration complained at the time of the vote that it unfairly “singled out” Israel, apparently oblivious to the fact that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, as well as the only nation which is not a signatory of the NPT.
Israel has ruled out ever signing the NPT, though it has called for the treaty to be strengthened to punish signatories like Syria and Iran for what it perceives as “violations.” Israel has likewise never publicly acknowledged the size of its nuclear arsenal, though the fact that it exists is not generally considered a secret.
Hear the one about Obama breaking his nose? Bibi stopped suddenly!
Then every Arab country and Iran have the same right for the same reason.
I used to call George W. Bush "Boy George Bush" because he was so adolescent in his demeanor. Obama is more of a boy than GWB was–and that has nothing to do with his skin color and everything to do with his character. He is a puppet and a coward.
Bibi must have popped his can pretty hard and without any grease.
Dont worry , Pakistan and India both have nukes , and pakistan has made no secret of it's hatred of India and Hindus . In fact the Taliban , a creation of Pakistan ,were formed specifically for the purpose of taking Kashmir . Unfortuinaterly their "frankenstein morphed and headed west instead of East .
Israel has an inherent “right” to possess such an arsenal for “deterrence purposes.” So does Iran!! The only problem is Iran doesn’t want nuclear weapons. But if I were Iran I would get them fast. Israel is so evil, it is beyond the pale.
Actually they do have an export trade…to the US….our trading deficit with Israel is 9 billion.
We are their largest trading partner.
You can thank the jewish Lobby and their agents in the US congress for this.