At Least 67 Civilians Killed in Shelling of Sri Lanka’s “Safe Zone” Military Shelled a Makeshift Hospital, Health Officials Insist
The Guantánamo Challenge World Welcomes Obama's Order, But the Route From Order to Closure Could be a Rocky One
Two Days After Inauguration: Is Obama’s Iraq Timetable Already Dead? Obama Is the Decider, But Pullout Pledge Likely to Be Replaced by "Responsible Drawdown"
UN Expert: Compelling Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza Independent Investigation Urged Over 'Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions'
Thousands of Others Waiting for Israeli Explanations on Gaza Attacks Thousands of Others Waiting for Israeli Explanations on Gaza Attacks
Gitmo: The Facility Will (Eventually) Close, But the Detentions Will Continue Obama's Push to Close Detention Center at Guantanamo a Largely Symbolic Break From Bush Policy
Karzai Presses NATO for More Control Over Operations Report Says Foreign Forces Killed About 1,100 Civilians in 2008