Israeli Rivals Share Hawkish Views on Iran, Hamas With Every Major Israeli Party Running Pro-War Campaign, Prospects for Peace Seem Dim
Netanyahu Leading ‘Winner’ Livni to Head Govt Kadima Head to Press on Though Odds of Forming Govt Seem Poor
26 Dead in Afghan Assaults; Pakistan Group Blamed Coordinated Attacks on Govt Building Tied to Commanders in Pakistan
The Long Road to an Israeli Coalition Goes Through Lieberman Shas Embraces Likud, Yisrael Beiteinu to Hold More Talks
Ahmadinejad: Iran Ready for US Talks Iranian President Uses Anniversary Rally to Show Openness to US Talks
No Party Breaks 23 Percent in Israeli Election Narrow Gap Suggests Coalition Wrangling Could Take Awhile
Lieberman’s Condition for Joining a Coalition: Destroy Hamas Forming a Government May Mean Starting a New Gaza Invasion
Gates: Obama to Decide Within Days on Afghan Surge New Administration Moves Slow on Afghanistan, Slower on Iraq
Tensions Remain High in South Ossetia After Reports of Tskhinvali Shelling Georgian Govt Accuses Separatists of Detaining Monitors