Republicans Laud Obama’s Iraq Plan, Dems Unhappy McCain: Obama Plan 'Significantly Different' From His Campaign Plan
US Envoy Says Obama Will End Iran’s Nuclear ‘Ambition’ Iranian Envoy Slams 'Unwarranted and Groundless Accusations'
Obama to Leave 50,000 Troops in Iraq Indefinitely President Tells Lawmakers Troops Will Stay to "Protect US Interests"
US Prepares to Shoot Down North Korea Test Missile If Long-Range Missile Test Was Going to Raise Tensions, What Would Destroying It Mid-Flight Do?
Panetta: Drone Attacks in Pakistan Will Continue New CIA Director Declares Nothing Has Changed, Nothing Will Change
Pakistan in Turmoil Over Sharif Bans Protests in Pakistan, Stock Market Tumbles Over Political Confrontation
Likud, Rightist Parties Clash Over Civil Agenda Netanyahu Tries to Court Right-Wing, But Can Secularists and Religious Parties Bridge Their Gaps?
Karzai Expected to Call Snap Elections on Friday Afghan President Hopes to Avoid Constitutional Crisis With Election
Pakistani Taliban Remove Checkpoints in Swat Valley Witnesses Report No Armed Taliban Seen in the Area