PM: South Waziristan Offensive Not Over After All Gilani Retracts Previous Claims, Hints at Orakzai Invasion
Tuesday Drone Attack Part of ‘Stepped Up Campaign’ Against Pakistan Official: 'Possible' a Senior al-Qaeda Figure Was Killed
Inability to Recruit Afghan Locals Imperils US ‘Pullout’ No One Wants to Be Police in Helmand Province
Troops Struggle to Reassure Afghan Allies of Continued Presence Commander Promises Commitment 'For a Long Time'
Israeli Minister: Settlements Will Continue to Grow Despite ‘Freeze’ 10,000 More Settlers Expected During 10 Month Moratorium
Amid Mounting Criticism, Kai Eide Steps Down as UN Afghan Envoy Statement Insists Move Isn't Technically 'Resignation'
Officials: Blackwater Participated in CIA ‘Snatch and Grab’ Operations Line Between Military, CIA, and Blackwater 'Blurred'
Houses Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill The New Wartime Economy: Massive Spending Bills Every Few Months